The Dept. of Transportation is comparing two alternative pavement designs with the following cost characteristics. Determine...

The Dept. of Transportation is comparing two alternative pavement designs with the following cost characteristics. Determine the least expensive alternative with a method of your choice. i=5% per year compounded annually.  

Construction Cost at year 0

Maintenance Cost from years 1-20

Year A B
0 $450,000 $700,000
3 $40,000
5 $50,000
6 $40,000
9 $40,000
10 $50,000
12 End of Service
15 $500,000
20 End of Service

In: Civil Engineering

The planning for the community building session is almost complete. The last details are how to...

The planning for the community building session is almost complete. The last details are how to conduct the plenary sessions for sharing information across groups to develop key priorities and themes that will need to be addressed.

There are 2 sessions that need to be planned. One is to review the work done by intact work teams. In this larger session, the goal is to spot patterns and identify themes that can be used to plan actions. These patterns or themes will come from the stop–continue–start charts developed by each functional group. In this way, not only will the changes that need to happen be identified, but aspects of effective work (those things that work well and should be continued) can also be reinforced.

The external consulting team strongly recommended a "cross-functional, by-level grouping" for the first step. Their aim is to promote understanding of priorities and show how different issues at different levels of the organization can be aligned. The internal consulting team is excited about being the primary facilitators for these sessions. Everyone recognizes that a structured approach will be critical (for timing and to control decision–making inputs). The approach called Nominal Group Technique (NGT) seems to be ideally suited to this task.

You want to prepare yourself for conducting the session. Use the library, Internet, or other resources to research NGT. Because each grouping will be of a differing size, you want to tailor the overall steps of NGT to the situation you will facilitate. To do this, you must create a meeting session plan (a document of 4–5 pages) that will answer the following questions:

  • What is the goal of the session?
  • How will the nominal group technique be used to achieve this goal?
  • How will the members of the team work together (guidelines for effective participation)?
  • What specific steps and tasks will be involved in achieving the goal?
  • How much time will be allocated to each step or task? What voting mechanism is most appropriate for the size of the group and the specific stage of the process?

In: Civil Engineering

A pipe of diameter 350mm at one end and the diameter at the other end is...

A pipe of diameter 350mm at one end and the diameter at the other end is 200mm. The datum head is same for both ends. Calculate
(i) Intensity of pressure at the smaller end if the pressure at the bigger end is 40.5 N/cm2. (ii) Determine the head loss between smaller end
and bigger end. Take discharge through the pipe as 40 litres/sec. (iii) Scope for this obtained results of head loss between both ends

the like that only!

In: Civil Engineering

List & briefly explain any four parameters affecting coefficient of the permeability of soil.

List & briefly explain any four parameters affecting coefficient of the permeability of soil.

In: Civil Engineering

A research about construction buildings in UK before and now both advantages and disadvantages of production...

A research about construction buildings in UK before and now

both advantages and disadvantages of production theory in construction

offsite standardized manufacturing vs unique in situ manufacturing

In: Civil Engineering

This is Environmental Engineering: What is acid rain and how is it formed? (10pts) What is...

This is Environmental Engineering:

What is acid rain and how is it formed? (10pts)

What is the difference between Mineral Acidity and Carbon Dioxide Acidity? (10pts)

What is the difference between Phenolphthalein Alkalinity and Total Alkalinity? (10pts)

In: Civil Engineering

Analyze the Control mechanisms used in a (Water and diesel transportation projects) : How do (if...

Analyze the Control mechanisms used in a (Water and diesel transportation projects) :

How do (if any) the control system works (design)?

In: Civil Engineering

Explain the purification measures for groundwater pollution. Cadmium groundwater contamination was found in wells of multiple...

Explain the purification measures for groundwater pollution. Cadmium groundwater contamination was found in wells of multiple houses distributed in the plains. What kind of investigation plan do you make to elucidate this pollution mechanism? Explain the outline of your plan.

In: Civil Engineering

As part of the development of the one district, one factory programme, a catchment of size...

As part of the development of the one district, one factory programme, a catchment of size 100 km2 has been marked for vegetation. In its original condition, the average annual total runoff from the catchment is 1.1 m3/s. The average annual rainfall is 800 mm/a. In an average year, 50% of the rainfall infiltrates and 12.5% of the rainfall reaches the groundwater. Tests have turned out that the average annual evapotranspiration from the unsaturated zone (being the sum of the transpiration and the bare soil evaporation) amounts to 340 mm/a. In all water balance computations over the year, one may assume that the storage effects are small (dS/dt = +0).
a. How much water, in mm/a, reaches the root zone through capillary rise in an average year?
b. How much water, in cm/a, seeps out from the groundwater to the surface water in an average year?
c. How much water, in l/a, evaporates directly from interception in an average year?
d. How much, in m/a, is the total evapotranspiration in the catchment in an average year?
A well field is planned to withdraw 0.16 m3/s from the catchment for drinking water consumption elsewhere. As a result, the groundwater level is expected to go down and capillary rise into the root zone will no longer be possible. The percolation, however is expected to remain the same.
e. What will be the effect of the withdrawal on the different components of the hydrological cycle: the groundwater seepage, the total runoff, the evapotranspiration from the unsaturated zone and the total evapotranspiration? Please quantify in mm/a.

In: Civil Engineering

A. Calculate the price of pit-run gravel delivered to the site per cubic yard (bank measure)...

A. Calculate the price of pit-run gravel delivered to the site per cubic yard (bank measure) based on the following data: The pit is located 10 miles from the site. Trucks cost $43.75 per hour including fuel and maintenance; they have 12 cubic yards (loose material) capacity and travel at an average speed of 30 miles per hour. The swell factor for this material is 15%. Trucks take 5 minutes to unload at the site. The loader costs $82.50 per hour and loads material at the pit at the rate of 40 cubic yards per hour. The truck driver’s wage is $45.00 per hour, and the equipment operator’s wage is $54.00 per hour.

In: Civil Engineering

I need answer for Ati Teas reading on White House solar panel

I need answer for Ati Teas reading on White House solar panel

In: Civil Engineering

A democracy is a government by the people. If you do not engage in the political...

A democracy is a government by the people. If you do not engage in the political process, are you a good citizen? If the majority of citizens do not participate in the political process, is it still a democracy?

In: Civil Engineering

1) What are folds? Draw two types of folds or insert pictures of real folds. 2)...

1) What are folds? Draw two types of folds or insert pictures of real folds. 2) Define a joint and what are some properties of joints? 3) What is a joint set? Insert a picture of a joint set in an area 4) How is fault different from a joint? Draw types of faults. 5) What is an earthquake? Briefly define Elastic Rebound Theory 6) Energy is released during an earthquake. In what types of waves the energy travels? 7) What are differences between the two types of waves? 8) What is the difference between epicenter and hypocenter? 9) What are two main differences that you will note in a seismogram recorded at two stations located at different epicentral distances? 10) Which two main scales can represent the size of earthquake? What is the main difference between the two?

In: Civil Engineering

Pleas write me a perfect report for the following sentence : 1. What are the procedure...

Pleas write me a perfect report for the following sentence :

1. What are the procedure for an investigation in police station.

and including:
Summary , List of content, Instroduction, Main Body, Discussion, Conlusion, Refrence

In: Civil Engineering

once a project is under construction, what level of inspections are required during the various phases...

once a project is under construction, what level of inspections are required during the various phases of construction?

In: Civil Engineering