
In: Operations Management

Topic is on NIKE Competitive Advantages List the competitive advantages of the product, service or organization...

Topic is on NIKE

Competitive Advantages

List the competitive advantages of the product, service or organization you’re focusing on: the things that make it different from competitors in positive ways.

Market Niche and Positioning Strategy

Describe the market niche you want to fill, along with the positioning strategy you recommend using. Why do you think this is the right approach?

Positioning Statement

Develop a positioning statement using this formula: “To [target audience], [product/service/organization name] is the only [category or frame of reference] that [points of differentiation/benefits delivered] because [reasons to believe].

Repositioning Considerations

Do you recommend a repositioning that improves on what the organization has been using up to this point? Why or why not?


Expert Solution


25 January 1964, Eugene, Oregon, United States

* customer loyality is a strong source of competitive advantage

* nike has employed more methods to increase customer loyality

competitive advantages of Nike :

* design

* quality

* brand

* customer service

* popularity of its products

* price  

* new styles


* A riche showcase is a little piece of a bigger market that has its own particular needs  which are unique in relation to the bigger market here and there

* An arranging system is where an association picks two or three huge key districts to concentrate on and surpasses desires in those areas.

An incredible arranging framework considers the characteristics and weaknesses of the affiliation, the necessities of the customers and publicize and the circumstance of contenders

* according to me feature claim to fame and position procedure oblige need of buyer and seller , both can grow their satisfaction level by selling and buying progressively more thing as vendor acknowledge thing is particularly demand in the little market and buyer acknowledge it can fabricate satisfaction by purchasing progressively more sum at little expense with incredible quality

postitoning statement :

An arranging enunciation is an announcement of how a given thing, organization or brand fills a particular purchaser need with the end goal that its opponents don't. Arranging is the path toward perceiving an appropriate market strength for a thing (or organization or brand) and getting it developed around there.

Nike have their arranging clarification which is "For certified contenders, Nike gives assurance that gives the perfect shoe to each game", the customers who expected to achieve the best for their action understanding or should have been accomplishment in their games employment will be affected to buy things from Nike

Build up a designing verbalization utilizing this condition: "To [target audience], [product/alliance/affiliation name] is the fundamental [category or edge of reference] that [points of pack/benefits delivered] considering the way that [reasons to believe].[1]

To Busy Moms, Wegmans is the standard Supermarket that deals with the filtering for sustenance, arranging and transport to your home since we think you have enough on your plate, so let us help you with filling yours!

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