In: Operations Management
Answer 1 a
The type of business this is a health conscious bakery shop. This
is because people are getting more and more conscious towards their
health and hence they want to eat healthy food stuff. I think that
this service would be a great hit. People like to eat sweets like
chocolates cakes pastries but they also have concerns for their
health. hence an health conscious bakery shop could solve both of
these issues. It could be tasty and it could be healthy at the same
Answer 1B
The operation process would involve in house Bakery within the
store. Which will be dealing in manufacturing of bakery products
such as cake pastries chocolates biscuits Wafers etc. The sugar
will be used minimum and other healthy alternatives will be used.
White flour is very dangerous to health hence wheat flour could be
used which is is not processed or refined.
Answer 2.a
The maintenance process in the Bakery would include a regular clean
scheduling of all the important kitchen and Bakery equipments. The
Bakery equipment should be maintained and regular service should be
done. Equipment Failure is generally caused when the machine is not
regularly cleaned. Pieces of left flour and Dough and baking oil
causes damage to the the machine. The cleaning should involve with
desired products. There are some machines which are cleaned by
water and soap, other machines require proper oiling and greasing.
During the cleaning session in machine inspection should be done
and check all the visible parts. If any part is loose take
immediate action. Always have a stock of these spare parts. This is
because in case of sudden failure of parts the machine could stop
working and the production would be hampered. The instruction to
operate an machine should be strictly followed in guidance with the
machine manufacturer otherwise production could be hampered.
Answer 2b This type of regular maintenance is important for the the
Bakery because it will ensure smooth operation of the production
process. A good production process involves working of the Bakery
machines with great efficiency hence regular maintenance and
checkup of the Machines is necessary
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