Which of the following is an example of adverse possession? B. Sally owned a one-acre lot...

Which of the following is an example of adverse possession?

B. Sally owned a one-acre lot next to a state park. She decided to donate the lot to the state in order to expand the park. Sally’s children claimed they had a right to the land, not the state.

C. In 2005, Megan fenced off a field belonging to Farmer Giles, put a new lock on the gate leading to the field, built a wooden shed, and grew vegetables on the land. After 10 years, Megan gained title to the land without paying Farmer Giles.

D. Bob needed a place to stay so he broke into an empty house and stayed there for nearly a month until the house owner asked the police to make Bob leave.

A. Years ago, your grandmother bought 10 acres of land, paid the property taxes, and left you the property in her will.

A landowner builds a nine-foot fence topped with barbed wire around his property to keep people out, and posts warning signs on the fence saying “DANGER: Barbed Wire.” A group of graduate students decides to go cow tipping on the landowner’s property. The students climb the fence in the night, and one student suffers injuries from the barbed wire. What duty of care does the landowner owe to the students?

D. No duty because the student trespassed onto the owner’s land

B. A duty not to intentionally injure and to warn about known defects on the property

A. A duty not to intentionally injure the student

C. A duty to inspect the property for defects, correct defects, and warn about defects

Marta places a large, pre-assembled plastic greenhouse in her backyard, with the steel frame bolted into concrete that she poured specially for that purpose. She attaches gas-heating ducts and builds a brick walkway around the greenhouse. Now the town wants to raise her real property taxes, claiming that her property has been improved. Marta argues that the greenhouse is not real property. Is it?

E. The greenhouse is an easement and is part of the real property.

C. The greenhouse cannot be part of the real property if Marta does not own the land.

B. The greenhouse is not part of the real property because it could be removed.

D. The greenhouse is a fixture and is part of the real property.

A. The greenhouse is not part of the real property because it was pre-assembled.

In: Operations Management

This passage below require analysis and breakdown The above article discusses the importance of cost managing...

This passage below require analysis and breakdown

The above article discusses the importance of cost managing when it comes to hiring employees and dividing the cost between the actual hourly pay in addition to other costs added per employee. cost management is very important to help maintain profitable business and help pay employees for the duties they are hired for and the hours they are to complete without creating a cap or loss. One-way companies help collect such data and manage their cost systems is by setting up clock in and out procedures to help obtain the hours each employee has worked and compare them to productivity and average out the final cost for the position listed for hire. the higher the pay, the higher the expectations of a position and the better it profits the company. Having such data also benefits the management team in figuring out the outliers and react to them immediately to verify if the employees are overly paid, or maybe sometimes underpaid.


I do believe this system is a useful tool to help set up not only the company's future in competing with other companies within the same business line, but also to help being selective in the type of employees to be hired for the right position. being part of a management team myself, metrics is an example used to value how the employee is doing in a job. However, watching tardiness, time clocking and the productivity hours compared to the standards is a successful tool to help placing the data and the actual needs together and verify if there is a requirement for changes. an example would be recently we had to re-evaluate one of our metrics due to a change in one of our main used systems that resulted in a longer talk times over the phones and it was companywide not specific to certain employees. this tool helped making immediate changes.

critically analyse the passage or summarise

critically summarise the passage

In: Operations Management

Think of a recent instance where you were influenced by a pricing tactic. This could be...

  • Think of a recent instance where you were influenced by a pricing tactic. This could be seeing a "2 for 1" offer, a special coupon discount, a time when something was advertised at a particular price but then not available, and the like
  • Consider how you came to learn about the pricing tactic and your initial reaction.

Step 2 post to the discussion board addressing the following:

  • In your post, describe the instance you considered for step 1, analyzing your emotions and feelings.
  • Were you happy with the offer? Did you feel misled or cheated? Did you experience mixed emotions?
  • Speculate on what the company was trying to achieve with the pricing tactic.
  • Do you think that it benefited or hurt the company overall?
  • How did this instance affect your view of the company? Of the company's competitors?
  • As part of your post, discuss price adjustment considerations that the company may or may not have acted upon. Include legal and ethical issues that may have resulted from—or been avoided—by company's pricing such as predatory pricing, bait and switch, loss leader, and other such tactics.

In: Operations Management

Identify how Amazon is affected by the global supply chain and how it provides value to...

Identify how Amazon is affected by the global supply chain and how it provides value to their customer base and employees. Must be at least 250 words.

In: Operations Management

6.  The Civil Rights Act addresses discrimination in the workplace. a) What classes of workers does the...

6.  The Civil Rights Act addresses discrimination in the workplace.

a) What classes of workers does the Federal Act protect?

b) Some states have added additional protected classes of workers. Identify additional protected classes in New Jersey.

In: Operations Management

What is the difference between knowledge management systems and expert systems? Are they the same thing?

What is the difference between knowledge management systems and expert systems? Are they the same thing?

In: Operations Management

Write a research paper that seeks to establish the roles that Hospitality and Tourism Management plays...

Write a research paper that seeks to establish the roles that Hospitality and Tourism Management plays in addressing any environmental issues of 2020

In: Operations Management

The owner of a fabric store hires a moving company to move his inventory to a...

The owner of a fabric store hires a moving company to move his inventory to a new location. The movers put the bolts of fabric into their truck, but instead of driving them to the new store as promised, the movers take them to a local dressmaker and have a new wardrobe made out of them. Here, the movers may be liable for:

A. Conversion

C. Tortious interference

E. Contributory negligence

D. Strict liability

B. Trespass to personal property

Yasmin’s co-worker sits uncomfortably close to her in meetings and has made suggestive comments. He waits for her outside the women's bathroom and in the parking lot outside of work, and blocks her passage in the hallway. He also repeatedly sends personal e-mails and has shown up outside her apartment building at night. She reports these incidents to management and complains that she feels unsafe and afraid working nearby him. She files a complaint with her employer's human resources department. In response, her manager reassigns her to less favorable projects, stops including her in meetings, and tells co-workers not to speak with her. The manager’s actions are an example of:

C. Disparate impact

D. Reasonable accommodation

E. Retaliation

B. Harassment

A. Quid pro quo

Each of the following are examples where a company may use bona fide occupational qualifications as a reason for only hiring certain people EXCEPT:

B. Only hiring people who practice the religion of a religious organization

D. Hiring an employee of the same gender to staff a single gender corrections facility

C. Customer preference for female flight attendants

E. Age limits for airplane pilots

A. Hiring female models for a women’s clothing store

In: Operations Management

3. A) Explain the following statement from the text. "A franchise should be thought of as...

3. A) Explain the following statement from the text. "A franchise should be thought of as a method of conducting business... rather than a business entity". (The Legal Environment of Business A MANAGERIAL APPROACH: Theory to Practice) Third Edition

B) Name 5 of the usual terms and conditions that a typical franchise agreement would address.

In: Operations Management

A bicyclist filed suit against a truck driver, the trucking company, and the truck owner after...

A bicyclist filed suit against a truck driver, the trucking company, and the truck owner after being struck while riding with a group of bicyclists along the shoulder of a highway.

The driver who struck the bicyclist on the highway admits he “took his eyes off the road for a very short period of time,” but he denies driving in a careless or negligent manner that breached a duty of care. The driver says the bicyclist was also negligent and assumed risk when he rode his bike on the highway.

According to a police accident report, both the truck driver and the bicyclist were riding eastbound. The driver reached down to get a drink from his cooler. When he looked up, his truck had crossed onto the highway’s shoulder.

“The driver tried to avoid a collision but hit the bicyclist,” according to the accident report. The bicyclist, age 60, was transported to the hospital by helicopter and suffered serious injuries.

The bicyclist seeks damages for loss of income and future income, as well as damages for his injuries. The driver has asked a judge to dismiss the lawsuit and award him his legal costs.

Analyze negligence in this case by answering the following questions:

  1. What duties do the parties have in this situation?
  2. How did the parties breach their duties?
  3. Explain actual and proximate cause in this case.
  4. What damages might be awarded in this case?
  5. Discuss any defenses that might be available to both parties.
  6. Who do you think will win this case?

In: Operations Management

Operation management approach of Best Buy?

Operation management approach of Best Buy?

In: Operations Management

Three spectators attending an Arizona Diamondbacks baseball game are hit by a flying bat and sue...

Three spectators attending an Arizona Diamondbacks baseball game are hit by a flying bat and sue the Diamondbacks. The Diamondbacks would use the ____________ defense to support why they are not liable for damages.

B. assumption of risk.

A. contributory negligence.

D. proximate cause.

C. comparative negligence.

E. actual cause.

Paul filed a lawsuit for false imprisonment against Dan’s Bookstore. During a visit to Dan’s Bookstore, Dan stopped Paul as he left the store. Dan accused Paul of stealing a book from the store. After briefly looking into Paul’s shopping bag, Dan determined that Paul did not shoplift. He apologized to Paul and released him. On these facts, Dan will likely:

A. win the case, because the shopkeepers’ privilege statute gives store merchants full and unconditional immunity (protection) from such lawsuits.

B. lose the case, because Paul did not shoplift.

D. lose the case, because Dan did not have a warrant.

C. win the case, but only if a court or trier of fact concludes that Dan had reasonable cause to believe Paul may have shoplifted, detained him for a reasonable time, and in a reasonable manner.

Marcus is a bartender at a local bar. He drops a glass bottle on the floor and does not clean it up right away because the bar is so busy, but he intends to clean it up as soon as he can. Marcus, as well as the bar owner, would likely be liable for:

C. no damages because Marcus intends to clean up the glass.

D. no damages because customers assume the risk of stepping on potentially dangerous things when they go to a bar.

A. the injuries caused to anyone who cut themselves on the glass.

B. damages from a fire caused by sunlight that is magnified through shards of the broken glass left on the floor.

In: Operations Management

Wrigley Company (Wrigley) recently sued Dreamcore Enterprises, a company that sells liquids for electronic cigarettes, over...

Wrigley Company (Wrigley) recently sued Dreamcore Enterprises, a company that sells liquids for electronic cigarettes, over the use of the ‘Juicy Fruit’ trademark on its e-liquid. Wrigley is suing Dreamcore for federal trademark infringement.

“Wrigley wants to ensure that the public is not confused into believing that it has somehow authorized, sponsored, licensed, or otherwise given its blessing to this use of the mark,” an attorney for Wrigley explained. “Moreover, it is concerned that the use of its family-friendly and familiar mark in connection with products that may be harmful will entice not only adults but also children to the infringing product, which would therefore tarnish the goodwill and reputation of its Juicy Fruit trademark.”

The Juicy Fruit mark is a core asset of Wrigley’s trademark portfolio. The mark was registered in 1915 and has been in use since 1894.

Answer the following questions:

  1. Is Dreamcore’s use of ‘Juicy Fruit’ an infringement on Wrigley’s trademark? Why or why not?
  2. Does Wrigley have a valid argument that association with this type of product will “tarnish the goodwill and reputation of its ‘Juicy Fruit’ trademark”? Why or why not?

In: Operations Management

Case Analysis: Susan and Sally decide to mow lawns during the summer for some extra money....

Case Analysis:

Susan and Sally decide to mow lawns during the summer for some extra money. In preparation, they sit down and talk to each other, but they do not create a contract, and they do not file any paperwork with any state or city department. Susan and Sally paint a sign with the following words: “Susan & Sally’s lawn-mowing service. Give us a summer contract, and the first service is free!” They are very successful in their endeavor, booking 45 yards during the first month. Unfortunately, as Sally was mowing Mr. Howard’s lawn, she accidentally ran over his foot while he slept in his lawn chair. As a result, Mr. Howard had to receive extensive medical care.

  1. Which form of business have Susan and Sally created? How do you know?
  2. Besides regular concern about another person, why else should Susan be concerned about the unfortunate incident with Mr. Howard?
  3. If Susan and Sally had come to you for guidance on the type of business organizational form they should have started, what would you have advised? Why?

In: Operations Management

Specifications for a DVD player says that it should weight between 24 and 25 ounces. The...

Specifications for a DVD player says that it should weight between 24 and 25 ounces. The process has a normal distribution with a mean of 24.5 ounces and a standard deviation of .25 ounces.

What percentage of parts will not meet the weight specifications? (The answer should be a percentage with two decimal places; no percentage sign).

In: Operations Management