In: Operations Management
Identify and explain the three different types of formal controls used by managers. In your discussion, explain how each type of control affects marketing implementation.
Feed-forward control: It is also called as preliminary control. This type of control monitors any deviations before they occur. Feed-forward attempts to control the deviation before they occur. In the context of marketing feed-forward control is adopted to thwart the failure of new products. Organizations attempt to identify critical success factors through market research; test marketing; sample sales etc.
Con-current control: Con-current controls refer to checking the deviations from standard procedures in the ingoing process. Managers look for any deviations in the current processes when they adopt con-current controls. In the context of marketing con-current controls are used to identify the response of customers after the product launch. Managers carefully observe the patterns of purchase; consumer preferences; sales volume and compare them with planned standards.
Feed-back control: Feedback controls monitor the processes after they are attempted. Managers’ attempt feed-back controls when they check for deviations between planned and actual performance after the activity has been completed. In the context of marketing feed-back control is used to modify product based on customer preferences after reviewing the customer usage patterns.