What mitigation preparedness role does the private sector have in terms of Homeland Security? Do you...

What mitigation preparedness role does the private sector have in terms of Homeland Security? Do you believe that the private sector learn lessons from the 9/11 terrorist attack?

In: Operations Management

Try to find examples for Hilton of A. Strategic Philanthropy 1. What are the core competencies...

Try to find examples for Hilton of

A. Strategic Philanthropy

1. What are the core competencies and resources used to address key stakeholders’ interests to achieve both organisational and social benefit?

2. What are the social benefits and drawbacks associated with this philanthropy? To what extent do they benefits outweigh the risks

B. Causal Marketing

3. What are the links to the organisations products and the social concern? To what extent do you believe this to be a good marketing program?

In: Operations Management

Question: A TV manufacturer has currently two factories in the US; Iowa and Kansas; and serves...


A TV manufacturer has currently two factories in the US; Iowa and Kansas; and serves to 5 markets: Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, South and West

Iowa has a capacity of 1M, and Kansas has 1.5M.

Each TV sells for $750. It’s expected that the demand will grow within the nextfew years.

Thus, the firm plans to open a new factory in ONE of the two possible locations: Texas OR Indiana, each has a capacity of 1.5M for production

Annual variable cost (i.e. production and shipping) per TV, fixed cost at each location and the demand are given in the Excel provided.

The manufacturer wants to maximize its profit. Which new factory location, Texas OR Indiana, should the firm consider? Explain why?

Input Data Sale price => $750
Variable Cost (Production and Shipping) ($/unit) Annual Fixed Cost (million $) Capacity '000s units
Northeast Southeast Midwest South West
Iowa 185 180 175 175 200 150 1000
Kansas 170 190 180 200 220 200 1500
Texas 180 180 185 185 215 200 1500
Indiana 220 220 195 195 175 200 1500
Demand ('000 units) 1050 600 600 450 900
Decision Variables and Constraints
Quantity Shipped
Northeast Southeast Midwest South West Open/Close (1/0) Capacity Constraints           Profit
Demand constraints=>
Answer=> Objective Function =>

In: Operations Management

2. What ethical considerations do you have when in a contractual relationship? (Hint: There are two...

2. What ethical considerations do you have when in a contractual relationship? (Hint: There are two factors in making business decisions. Law. Statutes and Court decisions, and ethics. Discuss how ethics should be a consideration in making business decisions.).

In: Operations Management

Outline the purpose of the Labour Market Information Portal and give two examples of information included...

Outline the purpose of the Labour Market Information Portal and give two examples of information included in the Portal that can assist with workforce planning.

In: Operations Management

In quality control, statistical process control (SPC ) is often employed to analyze the process capability...

In quality control, statistical process control (SPC ) is often employed to analyze the process capability in manufacturing or service operations. Explain the following with an example each :

  • What is a p chart  ?
  • What is a c chart ?

There are 3 machines in your factory which can produce a ruler. The rulers as produced has a spread in length between 12.5 thru 12.4 inch.

The standard deviation of the 3 machines are

* 0.15

* 0.09

* 0.13

Please calculate the respective process capabilities

Given the standard deviation of the 3 machines are as follows, calculate the process capability of each machine. Which of the 3 machines has the best process capability index ?

In: Operations Management

Analyze how you should adjust to present yourself in the most excellent way to your employer...

Analyze how you should adjust to present yourself in the most excellent way to your employer in a job interview (the company you researched in Unit 4: EY)

Write about the different characteristics to adjust for in

  1. A situational analysis
  2. A listener analysis

In: Operations Management

For years, Coca-Cola Corporation did not enter India since the government wanted some kind of disclosure...

For years, Coca-Cola Corporation did not enter India since the government wanted some kind of disclosure of their trade secrets. Why are trade secrets so important and what happens if a licensee or a government gains access to the licensor's trade secret?For years, Coca-Cola Corporation did not enter India since the government wanted some kind of disclosure of their trade secrets. Why are trade secrets so important and what happens if a licensee or a government gains access to the licensor's trade secret?

In: Operations Management

"Many high-tech measures are being. Industry insiders believe that embracing big data and AI will become...

"Many high-tech measures are being. Industry insiders believe that embracing big data and AI will become an important direction for the future development of the catering industry applied in our restaurants," said Hou Mingjing, marketing director of Shandong Camry Commercial Group. "Our staff has been cut from over a dozen to just four after the robot chefs were introduced, and we also have food delivery robots in more than 20 of our restaurants."

The robot chefs can automatically add oil and seasonings, take good control of the heat and fried rice can be ready in less than three minutes. The robots can cook over 30 dishes, including the most popular black pepper and garlic flavored beef fried rice, tomato fried Japanese noodles and spicy noodles. The whole dining process is touchless. Customers order food on their mobile phones or on in-store tablet computers and then take their own meals.

Industry insiders believe that embracing big data and AI will become an important direction for the future development of the catering industry. It is also an effective method to save costs and improve service quality.

A fast food company in Jinan went online to serve customers via a WeChat program during the epidemic. The move received a surprising welcome from nearby white collars, who no longer need to wait for food inside the eatery.

"We were inspired and planned to set up thermal cabinets in some office buildings. Customers can order food in advance and we will deliver the food to the cabinets," said Song Yefei with the company.

Many restaurant chains in China have also expanded their service online and stepped up efforts to develop semi-cooked or ready-to-serve food, as well as promoted their products in shopping malls or via live streaming to lure cooped-up foodies.

"We suffered huge losses amid the epidemic. But we are gradually recovering with more restaurants open these days. We stay confident in the future as the consumption market in China is very big," said Hou.

As the epidemic recedes and work and production resumption gains momentum, Chinese consumers' buying appetite inhibited by the epidemic is rebounding.

research to understand customers' perception and attitude towards the application of AI and online communication in their restaurant services.


1.Specify the Management dilemma, management decision question(s) and the research questions of this research project.

In: Operations Management

Which approach among the Optimistic, Conservative, and Minimax Regret approach would you like to use while...

Which approach among the Optimistic, Conservative, and Minimax Regret approach would you like to use while you are making a business decision? Please describe the decision problem first with at least 2 decision alternatives and at least 2 states of nature.

In: Operations Management

AZRB is a road bridge construction company. The company plan to build a major road bridge...

AZRB is a road bridge construction company. The company plan to build a major road bridge for its new project. Table shows the process sequence and other related data for the major road bridge development.

Table :Activities to construct the bridge, estimated time and crashing cost.



Time Estimates (Days)

Cost (RM per day)
Crash cost (RM per day)


Most Likely


Maximum crash time (days)





























B, C
















D, E























  1. Develop a network diagram for the above project. Determine the critical path and minimum project completion time.
  2. Calculate the probability that the project can be completed in between 250 and 270 days.                                                                                                                        
  3. If the project has to be shortened by five (5) days, determine which activity needs to be crashed and the additional cost involved. Cost per day as well as crash cost per day were based on expected time.

In: Operations Management

Analyze the demographic and economic data of a country that Walmart is currently not operating in....

  • Analyze the demographic and economic data of a country that Walmart is currently not operating in.
  • Conduct an analysis for Walmart leadership about the country’s culture based upon the GLOBE’s nine dimensions of culture.
  • Explain how Walmart’s leadership skills and practices may lead to organizational success.
  • Formulate a model of cultural and ethical leadership as it applies to Walmart at a global level.

In: Operations Management

Assess Air National’s current strategy in relation to its external and competitive environment and how HRM...

Assess Air National’s current strategy in relation to its external and competitive environment and how HRM in the organization supports this.

In: Operations Management

How might changes in the net neutrality rules directly impact businesses? How might the proposed changes...

How might changes in the net neutrality rules directly impact businesses?

How might the proposed changes indirectly affect businesses through their customer base?

How, if at all, should the rules controlling “net neutrality” be modified? Explain fully.

In: Operations Management

"Many high-tech measures are being. Industry insiders believe that embracing big data and AI will become...

"Many high-tech measures are being. Industry insiders believe that embracing big data and AI will become an important direction for the future development of the catering industry applied in our restaurants," said Hou Mingjing, marketing director of Shandong Camry Commercial Group. "Our staff has been cut from over a dozen to just four after the robot chefs were introduced, and we also have food delivery robots in more than 20 of our restaurants."

The robot chefs can automatically add oil and seasonings, take good control of the heat and fried rice can be ready in less than three minutes. The robots can cook over 30 dishes, including the most popular black pepper and garlic flavored beef fried rice, tomato fried Japanese noodles and spicy noodles. The whole dining process is touchless. Customers order food on their mobile phones or on in-store tablet computers and then take their own meals.

Industry insiders believe that embracing big data and AI will become an important direction for the future development of the catering industry. It is also an effective method to save costs and improve service quality.

A fast food company in Jinan went online to serve customers via a WeChat program during the epidemic. The move received a surprising welcome from nearby white collars, who no longer need to wait for food inside the eatery.

"We were inspired and planned to set up thermal cabinets in some office buildings. Customers can order food in advance and we will deliver the food to the cabinets," said Song Yefei with the company.

Many restaurant chains in China have also expanded their service online and stepped up efforts to develop semi-cooked or ready-to-serve food, as well as promoted their products in shopping malls or via live streaming to lure cooped-up foodies.

"We suffered huge losses amid the epidemic. But we are gradually recovering with more restaurants open these days. We stay confident in the future as the consumption market in China is very big," said Hou.

As the epidemic recedes and work and production resumption gains momentum, Chinese consumers' buying appetite inhibited by the epidemic is rebounding.


1.Specify the Management dilemma, management decision question(s) and the research questions of this research project.

In: Operations Management