A visiting American executive finds that a foreign subsidiary that produces cigarettes in a less-developed country...

A visiting American executive finds that a foreign subsidiary that produces cigarettes in a less-developed country has hired a 12-year-old girl to work on a factory floor making cigarettes, in violation of the company’s prohibition of child labor. He tells the local manager to replace the child and send her back to school. The local manager tells the American executive that the child is an orphan with no other means of support, and she will probably become a street child if she is denied work. What should the American executive do?

In: Operations Management

Write a short research proposal on the below topic Research Topic: Impact of Teamwork on Organizational...

Write a short research proposal on the below topic

Research Topic: Impact of Teamwork on Organizational Productivity


1. Introduction
2. Problem Statement
3. Research Question
4. Literature review
5. Methodology and Sampling
6. Findings
7. Conclusion


Note: Plagiarism is strictly prohibited please do not copy from internet

Note: Please make a short proposal on the above point related to the research topic

In: Operations Management

Carry out a personal SWOT analysis against the current and future leadership requirements of a suitable...

  • Carry out a personal SWOT analysis against the current and future leadership requirements of a suitable job role. Within this analysis identify leadership and management standards that would be a useful benchmark.
  • Research at least two different learning styles e.g Kolb's learning cycle and provide a critical analysis of how people learn. This can be in the form of an inventory or questionnaire to identify your own preferred learning style. (2.2).

In: Operations Management

While Batman & Commissioner Gordon constantly involved themselves with local, state and federal regulations, let us...

While Batman & Commissioner Gordon constantly involved themselves with local, state and federal regulations, let us take a moment to reflect upon the regulations in your locality.

Bring one of these business regulations forward and discuss whether this regulation is ethical. Include your rationale as well as a discussion around whether the regulation is effective.

In: Operations Management

To assess your understanding for Virtual Organization Management. Q. Describe the function of Talent Solutions in...

To assess your understanding for Virtual Organization Management.

Q. Describe the function of Talent Solutions in LinkedIn?

(Min. 250) words.
No Plagiarism (copying) please.

In: Operations Management

It is Business Law, question no. 2 Case description You have just been hired by Widget...

It is Business Law, question no. 2

Case description

You have just been hired by Widget Corporation and, unfortunately, this company has just had a

suit filed against it in Texas. The President of Widget Corporation, your new boss, is going to

hire an attorney to litigate the case, but wants to first understand the potential issues of the

case. He has asked you to evaluate the situation and write a report identifying and discussing

both the procedural law and the substantive law issues the company will face. He also wants to

act in an ethical manner no matter what the legal results are, so he has also asked you to

include your own personal assessment of the ethical way to proceed in handling the case.

Widget Corporation, which manufactures and distributes widgets, is located in California and

incorporated in Delaware. Widget Corporation received an order for widgets from a customer in

Texas. Because it did not have any employees in Texas, Widget Corporation subcontracted a

local handyman, Lyle, to deliver and install widgets for the Texas customer. As part of the

contract for services, Widget Corporation provided Lyle with specific instructions as to how the

widgets needed to be installed. The contract was signed by Widget Corporation and by Lyle.

On the day of installation, the Texas customer inspected and accepted the delivery of the

widgets from Lyle. The Texas customer then instructed Lyle to proceed with the installation. Lyle

proceeded to install widgets. He installed nearly all of the widgets to spec, but then realized he

was running late for his son’s soccer game. He quickly installed the last widget, but could not

get the bolts to tighten to spec. Since he was in a rush, he did not realize the last widget was the

wrong widget. He gave up and rushed out the door to his son’s game. One week later, an

employee of the Texas customer was injured by the last widget Lyle installed. The Texas

customer has now filed a suit for $70,000 against Widget Corporation and the president of

Widget Corporation in Texas federal court for the injury sustained by its employee.

Course Project

Question no.:

Have four sheets memo on the ethical aspects of the case. What actions Widget Corporation should take to behave in an ethical manner and why you think this is the most ethical way to proceed. And other actions that Widget Corporation could take and but they are less ethical.

In: Operations Management

Please explain the following statement. Assume that a contract for the sale of goods is modified....

Please explain the following statement.

Assume that a contract for the sale of goods is modified. New consideration need not to present for the modification to be binding if the transaction is governed by the UCC.

In: Operations Management

Discuss leadership development trends and challenges in the twenty-first century

Discuss leadership development trends and challenges in the twenty-first century

In: Operations Management

Consider the seven management pioneers and their theories and approaches. Of these pioneers, whose approach do...

Consider the seven management pioneers and their theories and approaches. Of these pioneers, whose approach do you believe seems most lacking - and might be most needed - in business today, based on your experience in the workplace or dealing with businesses?

In: Operations Management

1.What is Information Governance? 2.What are a minimum of four best practices for Information Governance? 3.What...

1.What is Information Governance?

2.What are a minimum of four best practices for Information Governance?

3.What are the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) and their relationship with e-Discovery?

4.Identify the role of Information Governance on

: E-Mail

Social Media

Mobile Devices

Cloud Computing

In: Operations Management

Does the West Buffalo Charter School seem most focused on the economic, accounting, or shareholder perspective...

Does the West Buffalo Charter School seem most focused on the economic, accounting, or shareholder perspective of its competitive advantage? Give information to support your view.  

(Please choose one of these perspectives and explain why a charter school would be focused on this perspective. For example, the charter schools are focused on the _____ perspective because ________.)

In: Operations Management

To assess your understanding for Virtual Organization Management. Q. Which Business model is adopted in LinkedIn?...

To assess your understanding for Virtual Organization Management.

Q. Which Business model is adopted in LinkedIn?

(Min. 250) words.
No Plagiarism (copying) please.

In: Operations Management

Have you ever been misled into an agreement? Do you think there was any fraud or...

Have you ever been misled into an agreement? Do you think there was any fraud or misrepresentation or simply “puffing”? Please describe the situation and the outcome.

In: Operations Management

Explain the importance of project procurement management. Explain the activities associated with conducting and controlling procurements.

  1. Explain the importance of project procurement management.
  2. Explain the activities associated with conducting and controlling procurements.

In: Operations Management

Define and give examples of the four types of organizational culture found in MNC’s. Include advantages/disadvantages...

Define and give examples of the four types of organizational culture found in MNC’s. Include advantages/disadvantages of each.

In: Operations Management