In 1976 a research study by Hedberg, Nystrom & Starbuck showed that there is a "...tendency...

In 1976 a research study by Hedberg, Nystrom & Starbuck showed that there is a "...tendency for successful firms to stagnate over time...".

Explain (1) how this can happen, and (2) what steps can be taken to prevent this from happening.

In 1976 a research study by Hedberg, Nystrom & Starbuck showed that there is a "...tendency for successful firms to stagnate over time...".

1) Explain how this can happen
2) what steps can be taken to prevent this from happening.

In: Operations Management

How would you characterize the potential default of Argentina on the rest of the world?

How would you characterize the potential default of Argentina on the rest of the world?

In: Operations Management

Communication at workplace: Analyze different communication types (formal/informal/verbal, nonverbal) and channels (e-mail vs meeting) used at...

Communication at workplace:

Analyze different communication types (formal/informal/verbal, nonverbal) and channels (e-mail vs meeting) used at workplaces to maintain their operations. Explain which communication types and channels are more frequents and popular with different roles (manager/subordinate/peers/supervisors) and which are more effective? Program should be designed for new employees on how they should communicate with their supervisors/peer/sub-ordinates.

In: Operations Management

What is Apple's global strategy, was it different when they entered the China market? Explain.

What is Apple's global strategy, was it different when they entered the China market? Explain.

In: Operations Management

Make a report about: The effects of COVID-19 pandemic on Globalization ?

Make a report about:

The effects of COVID-19 pandemic on Globalization ?

In: Operations Management

Explain how you would go about establishing a clear plan of communication with suppliers at the...

Explain how you would go about establishing a clear plan of communication with suppliers at the beginning of a new relationship.

In: Operations Management

Energy markets are flashing a warning: The world is swimming in crude oil, and the glut...

Energy markets are flashing a warning: The world is swimming in crude oil, and the glut won't drain away any time soon.

Twin shocks -- the coronavirus pandemic and the breakdown of Russia's partnership with the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries -- threaten to flood the market with cheap oil at a time when demand is falling.

That has caused the relationship between oil prices at different dates, a closely watched barometer of the balance between supply and demand, to indicate a severe surplus of oil is imminent. On Thursday it cost around $31 to buy a barrel of Brent crude for next month, $8 less than it cost to buy a barrel for April 2021.

This gauge was last as extreme in early 2015, when oil production was soaring in the U.S.

"This is a once-in-history demand shock being met by a once-in-a-generation supply shock going the other way," said Saad Rahim, chief economist at commodities trader Trafigura. "This virus is directly affecting travel and movement in a way we've not really seen before."

Global oil inventories will expand by nearly 1.4 billion barrels between March 2020 and August 2021, analysts at Standard Chartered estimate. This number of barrels contains enough oil to fill 88,000 Olympic swimming pools, which would stretch from New York to San Francisco if they were lined up in a row.

Oil prices took another hammering Thursday, after President Trump Wednesday announced a 30-day ban on some travel from Europe into the U.S. Brent-crude oil, the global benchmark, dropped 6.7% to $33.37 a barrel, while U.S. crude futures fell 6.1% to $30.98 a barrel. Both benchmarks have lost almost half their value in 2020.

"Markets are screaming for OPEC not to flood the markets," said Hakan Kaya, who manages commodity investments for Neuberger Bermann. "The signal is loud and clear to OPEC and U.S. producers: just don't bring the additional barrels of crude oil -- it's not needed."

The change in pricing of oil in futures markets represents a major shift into what traders call contango, in which traders can buy cheap oil today and lock in a higher price for selling at a later date. Buyers and sellers of oil use futures, a type of contract, to lock in prices, protecting them against swings that take place between signing a deal and exchanging the crude.

"The textbook reason for why you get this steep contango is that you have to incentivize people producing oil to store the oil now, as opposed to sending it out into the market," said Michael Haigh, head of commodities strategy at Société Générale.

The shifting structure of the oil market is likely to create new winners and losers.

Shipowners are one possible beneficiary. The cost of chartering vessels used to transport crude has surged, pushing the Baltic Dirty Tanker index up 38% this week.

"What we have started to see is owners pricing in the risk of freight rates moving up and the potential for floating storage too," said Claire Grierson, head of tanker research at shipping brokers Simpson Spence Young.

If the gap between near-term and long-term prices remains as wide as it was this week, companies with large physical trading operations such as Trafigura Group and Vitol Group could also make easy money.

The oil market has been struggling with excess supply since long before the outbreak of the coronavirus. OPEC cut its forecast for demand growth in a monthly report this week, the seventh time it has done so in the space of 10 months.

"Even in December, we knew that this year's supply was going to overrun demand," said Marwan Younes, chief investment officer at Massar Capital Management, a New York-based hedge fund. "It's gone from bad, to very bad, to extraordinarily bad." he said.

Saudi Arabia and Russia have both said they would open their spigots when the agreement to cut production expires on April 1. Investors say the gap between oil prices at different dates could continue to widen when the consequences of those decisions become more apparent in the actual physical movement of oil around the world, according to Richard Fullarton, chief investment officer at Matilda Capital Management, a London-based hedge fund.

  1. Draw and label a graph illustrating the demand for and the supply of oil. Indicate in the graph the location of the equilibrium point. Explain why it is a mistake to state that at this point: “the demand for oil is equal to the supply of oil.”
  2. Refer to the graph you drew for the previous problem. In the graph illustrate the impact of a decrease in demand and an increase in supply. Briefly explain why the net effect of these two changes on the equilibrium quantity of oil is uncertain.
  3. From the article: “The world is swimming in crude oil, and the glut won’t drain away any time soon.” Describe the relationship between quantity demanded and quantity supplied when there is a glut in the market for oil.
  4. In the article the chief investment officer of Massar Capital Management stated: “Even in December, we knew that this year’s supply was going to overrun demand…It’s gone from bad, to very bad, to extraordinarily bad.” For whom is this change “very bad”? For whom would this change be very good?

In: Operations Management

Discuss thoroughly the integration of OSCM strategy and at least 2 other management concepts from other...

Discuss thoroughly the integration of OSCM strategy and at least 2 other management concepts from other coursework.

In: Operations Management

Explain how entrepreneurs profit from freemium revenue models. What are some pitfalls to avoid when structuring...

Explain how entrepreneurs profit from freemium revenue models. What are some pitfalls to avoid when structuring freemium models, and how can they be avoided?

In: Operations Management

What policies are still followed by Argentina that is leading to credit crisis?

What policies are still followed by Argentina that is leading to credit crisis?

In: Operations Management

After WikiLeaks released thousands of confidential U.S. government diplomatic and military documents on the Web, hackers...

After WikiLeaks released thousands of confidential U.S. government diplomatic and military documents on the Web, hackers conducted a denial-of-service attack on the WikiLeaks website. On the other hand, when major credit card companies stopped processing donation to WikiLeaks, other hackers attacked the credit card companies.

Do you think that it is justifiable for each of the above action? Please justify your answer with arguments based on two workable ethical theories. i.e. Kantianism, Utilitarianism (Act and Rule), Social Contract, and Virtue

In: Operations Management

Please follow directions for thumbs up! Padgett-Beale's Chief Privacy Officer has invited you to "shadow" the...

Please follow directions for thumbs up!

Padgett-Beale's Chief Privacy Officer has invited you to "shadow" the company's internal investigators as they look into a privacy problem that was uncovered in the Resort Operations organization (see "Background Information" at the end of this message). Your recent experience working in that organization is viewed as a plus since you may have seen or heard something during your time in Resort Operations and Guest Relations.

The CPO has also asked you to assist with identifying a set of appropriate and relevant updates to the company's internal training program for staff members with access to guest information. The goal of these updates should be to strengthen the training provided to staff so that they understand (a) the importance of maintaining guest privacy and (b) the consequences that may be imposed upon staff who are found to have violated company rules and policies regarding guest privacy. Next, identify 3 to 5 specific recommendations for appropriate and relevant updates to the Guest Relations staff training program. Remember to focus your research and recommendations upon the hospitality industry (specifically hotels).

In: Operations Management

How do you think these relate to food trucks and why? As a customer, what dimensions...

How do you think these relate to food trucks and why? As a customer, what dimensions of design and quality would you use to assess the quality of a food truck? Involving: Product life cycle, differentiation, house of quality, value analysis, documents for production, TQM, leaders in quality, and benchmarking are justfew of the concepts you should be familiar with.

In: Operations Management

Question 1: Analytical Thinking Question                                 ______/8 marks Read th

Question 1: Analytical Thinking Question                                 ______/8 marks

Read the following narrative and construct a USE CASE DIAGRAM to model the City healthcare management system

In the City Healthcare Management System, to book an appointment, the patient can either call the receptionist at the Clinic or log in the website. The patient submits file number, telephone number, select the time, and select the doctor. The clinic receptionist prepares the patient file, and send it to the checkup room. Upon arrival to the clinic, the patient checks in, and proceed to the waiting area. The Nurse call the patient, checkup the patient, records the information, and sends the file to the doctor. The doctor investigates the patient, request tests, write prescription, or transfer to the hospital either inpatient or outpatient. In case of inpatient transfer, the receptionist book admission after the patient has a bed allotted in a ward. The patient pays the admission fees, the receptionist enters the payment in the database, and print payment invoice.

In: Operations Management

Before attacking this week's discussion forum, you will want to read, make notes from, and thoroughly...

Before attacking this week's discussion forum, you will want to read, make notes from, and thoroughly understand several key concepts:

  1. Aggregate Planning
  2. Supply Chain Management
  3. Master Scheduling
  4. Inventory Management
  5. Demand Forecasting and Lead Times
  6. Economic Order models
  7. Economic Production Quantities
  8. Strategies for managing uneven demand
  9. Tools and/or systems used to control inventory, establish EOQs, and forecast demand
  10. Day-to-day scheduling methods and systems

IMPORTANT: Once you have a good handle on each of these concepts and how they affect a business, pick any 4 concepts that you want to evaluate where you work. If you are not familiar with planning, supply chain management, inventory management, and order models within your business, find someone who is and gather information as to how your organization manages planning and inventories. If you are in a service related business, you will want to evaluate how the concepts you have selected relate to your business? If you are in the military and not familiar with these concepts, you may have to interview someone who is involved with logistics or planning.

In: Operations Management