In capacity planning in healthcare, there exists a nonlinear relationship between average delay, utilization, system variability...

In capacity planning in healthcare, there exists a nonlinear relationship between average delay, utilization, system variability and system size.

(a) Explain those relations clearly.

(b) Prove the following relation by using queuing theory.

If the size of the system increases, the average delay decreases for a given utilization level. In other words, queueing systems have economies of scale.

In: Operations Management

Describe positive strategy is a better way to manage employee issues than the traditional negative discipline...

Describe positive strategy is a better way to manage employee issues than the traditional negative discipline model

In: Operations Management

Question 2 (10 marks) Like other higher education institutions, York University is intensely preparing for the...

Question 2

Like other higher education institutions, York University is intensely preparing for the start of the new academic year in September, when a large new cohort of students will enter York for their first year of higher education. For the purpose of this question, we will assume that this preparation includes a contingency plan to deal with the a situation where limits will still be in place on in-person gatherings during the start of the fall 2020 term. Considering our course content on socialization and organizational culture, describe your own socialization process to York. Use your own socialization experiences when you came to York U as examples when you apply relevant concepts. Then, identify challenges and opportunities for the socialization process of newly admitted students that are expected to start their studies at York in September 2020. Explain why it is important for organizations such as York U to get the socialization process right in September. Ensure to articulate your arguments clearly and provide support for your claims, using and applying relevant concepts.

In: Operations Management

Company Name: Air Arabia Airline UAE Please write on the below point related to Air Arabia...

Company Name: Air Arabia Airline UAE

Please write on the below point related to Air Arabia Airline UAE

5)    The government has incorporated some “intolerance Laws” which of these are most important to your workplace or the organization, give five examples

6)    Since you have been working in your the workplace you notice some “Unethical Issues “which you do not report to the higher management. You are afraid for your job but if one employee sees and notices and experiences some ethical issues, do you think he /she must report this to the top management. Do you agree or you do not agree, why or why not.

7)    The UAE government has passed a law requiring housemaids and domestic servants to be given 12 hours’ rest with weekend offs and a minimum of 36 days leave in one year’s work. Why was this law enacted? Was there any Unethical issues do you think with the working hours of these housemaids.

8)    How will you incorporate a strong sense of Best Corporate Business Ethics in your Organization in case continuous intensive training development is given in your company for more than twenty years is not working at all. What steps will you undertake as a corporate Business Ethics Manager other than training and development which has not worked.


Note: Plagiarism is strictly prohibited please do not copy paste from internet

In: Operations Management

What is the loyalty program and how CRM works from two perspectives? 1. The first perspective...

  • What is the loyalty program and how CRM works from two perspectives?

1. The first perspective is that of the cashier explaining how the ABC Convenience store loyalty program benefits customers. Be persuasive this customer signs up as you get compensation for each customer you sign up!

2. What are the three reasons from the business side? Three reasons why businesses offer loyalty programs to customers. Please include both cross-selling and up-selling as two of the tree required reasons.

  • What are the two specific ways that business has helped or could help the business(Grocery store, convenience store, restaurant, clothing boutique, banking, and financial services) during the COVID19 weeks in the past and undoubtedly, in the future. Suing elements of eBusiness.

What are the type of business continuing with eBusiness after "normalcy" returns?

In: Operations Management

We are expanding as clothing sport company with stylish sport outfits to austrailia Please outline a...

We are expanding as clothing sport company with stylish sport outfits to austrailia

Please outline a marketing campaign for launching your product or services. Also, what media does your team recommend for marketing and why?

In: Operations Management

1. Kanban is a tool used to find root cause in process improvement. True False 2....

1. Kanban is a tool used to find root cause in process improvement.



2. Every dollar of savings in logistics or SCM improvements adds a dollar to margin in the income statement


. 1.

. true


. 2.

. false

3. A master black belt is mostly engaged as a project manager.



4. A whitebelt was not included in the original GE model of Six Sigma.



In: Operations Management

Assuming that you are IT manger in your organization and your president asked you to illustrate...

Assuming that you are IT manger in your organization and your president asked you to illustrate and discuss the importance of systems integration that will be achieved by adopting ERP systems. Your answer should include the necessary steps involved, expected benefits, as well as the roles of both ERP system and management in system integration.

In: Operations Management

Please read case and answer the question thank you. In recent years, cyberwar has left the...

Please read case and answer the question thank you.

In recent years, cyberwar has left the realm of science fiction and has become the cold, hard reality of the modernage. Every statistic having to do with the increase in frequency and size of cyberattacks is on the rise. In 2015,hackers targeted eBay, Home Depot, JPMorgan Chase, Anthem Health, and even the White House, exposingpersonal information belonging to thousands of customers of these companies. But unlike past examples ofwarfare, the online battlefield doesn’t just belong to the strongest nations,although the U.S., China, and Russia are all actively engaged in both offensiveand defensive cyberwar efforts.The battlefield of the Internet has reduced differences between the strongest and weakest nations to a significant degree, and even one of the poorestcountries on earth, North Korea, was alleged to have executed a successful attack on Sony’s U.S. division, stealing, releasing, and destroying terabytes of private data. The reason behind the attack was the pending release of the movie The Interview, a comedy starring James Franco and Seth Rogen which depicts the assassination of Korean leader Kim Jong-un. An anonymous group calling themselves the “Guardians of Peace” orchestrated the attack, wreakinghavoc on Sony’s entire organization and insisting that The Interview be canceled. Sony eventually canceled the New York City premiere of the film andother major theater chains balked at screening the film.Although the film was eventually released across a very low number of theatersand featured major revisions to the plot, the attackers were largely successful intheir goals.Between bot networks, DDoS attacks, Trojans, phishing, ransomware, data theft, identity theft, credit card fraud, and spyware, there’s no shortage of waysfor cybercriminals to make an impact online. However, as cybersecurity expert Amy Zertag explains in this video, the difference between these types ofattacks, which can be extremely annoying to the victims and have major implications for e-commerce, and the next wave of cyberattacks, which havethe potential to damage or destroy important components of nationalinfrastructure, issignificant. Restoring a stolen identity is annoying, as anybody who’s had to do itunderstands. Canceling or interfering with a movie release has dire implications forcreative expression. But attacks to systems such as self-driving car guidance systems, airplanes, or municipal power and water supplies, all of which are increasingly becoming computerized and automated, could have much more serious consequences.The Stuxnet worm, which destroyed thousands of Iranian nuclear centrifugesin an effort by the U.S. and Israel to cripple Iran’s nuclear program, was an example of this type of attack in action. While it was successful in this regard,it was also a proof of concept of this type of attack, and similar attacks havebeen made against industrial control modules,computer systems, and networks. The world is moving towards the Internet ofThings, where everyday objects such as TVs, thermostats, appliances, cars, and other equipment gain the ability to connect to the Internet and shareinformation. The potential applications of these technologies to improve our livesare limitless, but the Internet of Things also creates a whole new area of attack forpotential cybercriminals.

1. What are the three classes of cyberattacks and their effects, according to Zertag?

2. What metaphor does Zertag use to describe the idea that online, there are “no safe neighborhoods?” What doesshe mean?

3. What does Zertag mean when she says that the Internet has a “huge attack surface”? How will the “Internet ofThings” exacerbate this issue?

4. What are the five differences between cyberwarfare and traditional warfare, according to Zertag?

In: Operations Management

Assume you recently attended a webinar during which the speaker stated knowledge management systems and expert...

Assume you recently attended a webinar during which the speaker stated knowledge management systems and expert systems are essentially the same thing. Drawing on your learning from the second half of this course, agree or disagree with the speaker’s statement and sufficiently justify your answer.

In: Operations Management

Q1Using the novel corona virus as a measure of adopting change, discuss how telecommunication companies would...

Q1Using the novel corona virus as a measure of adopting change, discuss how telecommunication companies would adopt technology that would focus on virtual work instead of office type of work

In: Operations Management

Employees and Entrepreneurs share many skills, mindsets and values. Even if you are employed by an...

Employees and Entrepreneurs share many skills, mindsets and values. Even if you are employed by an organization, you may have an entrepreneurial mindset and entrepreneurial traits. How do you envision yourself within an organization, as an employee or as an entrepreneur? Discuss the traits and values that support your response and the similarities and differences in your choices with your classmates.

In: Operations Management

ETHICS 301 - Business ethics What are the benefits of ethics program? Discuss at least four...

ETHICS 301 - Business ethics

  1. What are the benefits of ethics program? Discuss at least four distinct benefits.
  1. Define code of ethics and code of conduct, and discuss the difference between the two.

In: Operations Management

Maybank: Meeting Customer Needs in a Changing Environment Menara Maybank, the Head Office of Malaysia's largest...

Maybank: Meeting Customer Needs in a Changing Environment

Menara Maybank, the Head Office of Malaysia's largest financial services group, Maybank, may stand 58 storeys in central Kuala Lumpur, but the corporation's activities are by no means restricted to its home city, or even home country. Of the 14 countries over which more than 450 offices are spread, eight (Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Singapore, Philippines, Vietnam, Myanmar, and Cambodia) are part of the Association of South East Asian Nat ions (ASEAN). Maybank also works closely with 700 foreign banks around the globe.
Now almost 50 years old, Maybank has matured into a corporation offering an extensive range of financial products and services. Its businesses include commercial banking, insurance, finance, asset management, investment banking, and Islamic banking. This Malaysian bank has been able to develop into the success that it is today by analyzing and reacting to various relevant macro-environmental forces that influence its business. The social, economical, regulatory, and technological forces in Asia appear to have directed much of May bank's actions in recent years.

The social forces that influence Maybank can be categorized into changes in demographics and changes in values. One of the most obvious recent demographic changes in Asia is the increase in the median age of the general population. This indication of an aging population has brought about substantial growth in savings and retirement plans. Other factors that have caused a surge in savings include increasing number s of both smaller household s and double- income families. The resulting higher gross house­ hold incomes mean higher discretionary incomes that can be saved or invested. Maybank offers a number of savings and investment account options such as the Gold Savings Passbook Account and Flexi Plan 2. The variety of choices makes it possible for customers to select the most appropriate plan, which can be personalized to best suit themselves. Another noteworthy change in Asian demographics is the increasing level of education and academic qualification of the average person. This leads to a better aware­ ness and understanding of the importance of saving and investing among the younger generation. To further educate the youth and encourage financial management, Maybank pioneered on line savings accounts for the teen­ age market by developing the "imteen" account. Teenagers with an imteen account can access banking services over the Internet; they can track their savings balances and pay their bills on line. Additional features include a range of downloadable product s and cash awards.
Large proportions of Asian populations have relocated, from urban to more rural regions, as well as from home to foreign countries. Maybank has responded to the urbanization of previously rural areas by establishing branches throughout the Asian region as well as the world. This helps to support and serve customers regardless of their location.
In general, the reshaping of Asian values stems from changes in the demographics of the people who hold these values. For instance, people with higher educational qualifications place great importance on efficiency and staying up-to-date with current events and situations. To support the busy lifestyles of these customers, Maybank developed the low-maintenance Premier Club account for "individuals who are constantly on the go” Another important demographic change is the increase in the number of double-income couples, resulting in a growing emphasis on the togetherness of a family. As more parents have less time to spend with their children. they have come to place higher value on leisure time spent as a family. In China, an increasingly more educated population , who are more aware and open toward foreign practices, has brought about the implementation of the Jive-day working week. Emphasis on family unity and longer weekends has contributed to increased tourism at home and abroad, while a more open attitude toward foreign influences has resulted in a growth in foreign investments and multinational businesses. The consequent increase in foreign currency use in Asia, propelled by the overall globalization of the world, led Maybank to offer its customers its range of foreign currency accounts.
The most significant advantage of Maybank's foreign currency accounts is the minimized risk of foreign exchange rate fluctuations. Available in over 10 currencies, each account is a comprehensive package with a list of additional features, one of which is discounts on traveler's checks. The targeted segments include Malaysian residents who have an overseas source of regular income because they are employed in foreign countries, and non -Malaysians who are employed in Malaysia.

Asia has recently experienced much liberalization in trade and investment, which can be categorized as both an economic and regulatory force. Maybank's range of foreign currency accounts was also a response to this macro-environmental change.
Liberalization in trade and investment is encouraged in Asia in order to facilitate international interactions in the economic and social arenas by diplomatic coordination of regulations and standards. Examples of changes in regulations concerning trade and investment include the reduction of import tariffs, and the abolition of subsidy payments and tax exempt ions granted to exporters. The ASEAN countries Free Trade Agreement (AFTA) is a typical example of regulatory changes that aim to change the economic environment of Asian regions. This trade bloc agreement was first signed in 1992, and today the ten ASEAN countries conform to it. In addition to reducing tariffs, AFTA also eliminates other trade barriers such as the formalities of verification and cross-notification. The result of such trade liberalization is improved economic efficiency, which in turn means increased attractiveness of the countries to foreign direct investment.

The ever-changing technological scene in Asia, a part of a global development, has prompted Maybank to implement various features and services to better satisfy customer need s and wants. One of the most evident recent technological developments is the declining cost of computers and other electronic devices. Complemented by the development and expansion of the Internet, this has led Maybank to not only create a corporate website, but also offer a comprehensive range of services that are accessible online. For example, customers can view and make transact ions, pay bill s, and send questions or feedback from the website. Such services create substantial value for customers, many of whom use the Internet on a daily basis. Maybank also offers a brief yet informative tour of services for those who are less confident about using the Internet-based tool. With the sophistication of the Internet has arisen the issue of cyber security, yet another technological change to which Maybank has had to respond. Its website provides information and advice on safe Internet banking habits, including choosing appropriate usernames and passwords, clearing browser cache, logging out securely, and updating security software. Moreover, Maybank implemented the Transaction Authorization Code (TAC) system in 2004 to create an even more secure Internet environment for its customers. Customers are required to provide a TAC in addition to their username and password; TAC provide s a second layer of security for customers performing online banking transactions. Furthermore, the Maybank website is constantly undergoing expansion and enhancement. Cell phones have become commonplace in Asia, as they have in other parts of the world. Dependence on cell phones is increasing, fueled by an expanding range and network of mobile services. Maybank offers many services accessible by cell phones. For example, customers can send text messages via Short Message Service (SMS) or call to request their TAC. Maybank's mobile financial services enable customers to use their currency via mobile phones. Maybank promotes it as a "secure and convenient" method of conducting electronic cash transfers, downloading and purchasing products and services, paying bill s, as well as topping up prepaid accounts.


What macro environmental forces affect the banking industry? What implications can be drawn as a result for marketing strategies in the banking industry?

How has Maybank responded to the macro environmental changes? Are the responses appropriate? What other responses would you suggest?

3a.   How do you see the similarities and the difference between managing a product vs managing a service?

3b.   What are the four characteristics for managing a service industry; and if apply into a banking industry, what are the proposed solutions for each of the unique characteristic. Please kindly elaborate each of the characteristic.

In: Operations Management

Consider the differences between management and leadership in the selected organisation. Evaluate how management and leadership...

Consider the differences between management and leadership in the selected organisation.

Evaluate how management and leadership styles are adapted to different situations within the organisation and analyse the impact of these styles on the organisation’s strategic decision making. You must reference your findings to relevant management and leadership theories.

In: Operations Management