How do one calculate severance pay and when are they due?

  1. How do one calculate severance pay and when are they due?

In: Operations Management

Target marketing of home craft business. the targets are business people, generation x and more. what...

Target marketing of home craft business. the targets are business people, generation x and more.

what is the target market for home craft ? List and describe 3-4 targets of home craft business .

In: Operations Management

MANAGE RISK A.8.1 The organisation for which you work is planning an extension to the premises...



The organisation for which you work is planning an extension to the premises and an increase in staff numbers with a view to expanding into new markets. You have been asked to conduct research that will identify any risks or contingency requirements for the department that you head. What stakeholders or parties might be invited to assist with the risk identification and what contribution could they make? (150 words)

Answer in your words

In: Operations Management

MANAGE RISK Question 3 Each organisation should have policies and procedures, grounded in the relevant legislation,...


Question 3

  • Each organisation should have policies and procedures, grounded in the relevant legislation, in place to support their operations and the various functions/ activities of the business. Risk management plans will relate to the overall operation of the organisation.

    Outline the reasons why business organisations should develop risk management policies, risk registers and processes for managing risk. (250 words)

Answer in your own words.

In: Operations Management

MANAGE RISK Question 2 Legislation and regulations from all levels of government will affect various aspects...


Question 2

  • Legislation and regulations from all levels of government will affect various aspects of business operations and the risk management aspect of business. The impact of legislation and regulations will depend on business operations/ type of business, the number of staff employed, industry sector and the structure of the business.

    Explain in 100 - 150 words:

    • why it is necessary to have a working knowledge of the legislation involved in business
    • what legislation or regulations apply to the industry area in which you work or intend to work—list and give a brief description of eight forms of relevant legislation
    • how and from where you sourced this information

    Make a list of 10 forms of legislation or regulation that could have an impact on risk and that you might have to outline when communicating with employees.

Answer in your own words.

In: Operations Management

The legal or regulatory frameworks affecting marketing are at different stages around the world; different priorities...

The legal or regulatory frameworks affecting marketing are at different stages around the world; different priorities and influences are at work. Explain their impact on marketing in KSA or your region, and how companies are reacting to the laws or regulations.

In: Operations Management

Question 3 (10 marks) For your answer to Question 3, consider two examples of decisions that...

Question 3

For your answer to Question 3, consider two examples of decisions that you have made in the past month. You may use examples from different settings such as from your academic studies, from work, from your personal life. Choose examples that allow you to apply both basic/individual and team decision making concepts covered in our course materials. Are there methods of decision making that you find are more common during the current period when our lives are affected by the developing COVID-19 situation? Ensure to articulate your arguments clearly and provide support for your claims, using and applying relevant concepts.

In: Operations Management

What is your sense of others’ willingness to support change efforts for improvement in your organization?...

What is your sense of others’ willingness to support change efforts for improvement in your organization? Why do you believe as you do? (Please include in-text citation and a reference page)

In: Operations Management

Question 1 (10 marks) As part of the fight to slow the progression of the COVID-19...

Question 1

As part of the fight to slow the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic, many jurisdictions have introduced policies to promote and enforce physical distancing, isolation/quarantine, limit social gatherings, and limit in-person business to essential services only, and other practices such as encouraging the use of face masks while in public. Similarly, universities and many businesses have migrated the bulk of their operations to online and remote operations and services. We’ve all experienced that at York University, work and non-work aspects of our lives. For your answer to Question 1, use your recent personal experiences to explore how these changes have impacted communication effectiveness. You may use examples from your recent York University experiences, recent work-related examples, or other recent personal examples that help you illustrate any changes that have happened. Consider a wide range of content from our course materials on communication. Ensure to articulate your arguments clearly and provide support for your claims, using and applying relevant concepts.

In: Operations Management

On our text book (Ghillyer) you will find the phrase “Sustainable ethics is a culture are...

On our text book (Ghillyer) you will find the phrase “Sustainable ethics is a culture are those that persist within the operational policies of the organization long after the latest public scandal or the latest management buzzword”.
Please explain, what does this phrase mean? Give examples to emphasis your argument.

In: Operations Management

What are the differences between an introduction and the background of the research? What is a...

  1. What are the differences between an introduction and the background of the research?
  2. What is a problem statement?
  3. Outline the purposes of the research questions
  4. what similarities are there between research questions and objectives?

In: Operations Management

Question: Strawberry Internationalwishes to conduct a research study using their employees as key participa... Edit question...

Question: Strawberry Internationalwishes to conduct a research study using their employees as key participa...

Edit question

Strawberry Internationalwishes to conduct a research study using their employees as key participants. The organization maintains a global footprint and employs over 25 000 employees at several branches worldwide.

1. Discuss why sampling such a population is necessary. (10)

2. Describe four types of non-profitability sampling. (8)

3. Critically analyze the principles of simple random sampling (12)

**NB: Please respond to the above questions in point form as asked above

In: Operations Management

In capacity planning in healthcare, there exists a nonlinear relationship between average delay, utilization, system variability...

In capacity planning in healthcare, there exists a nonlinear relationship between average delay, utilization, system variability and system size.

(a) Explain those relations clearly.

(b) Prove the following relation by using queuing theory.

If the size of the system increases, the average delay decreases for a given utilization level. In other words, queueing systems have economies of scale.

In: Operations Management

Describe positive strategy is a better way to manage employee issues than the traditional negative discipline...

Describe positive strategy is a better way to manage employee issues than the traditional negative discipline model

In: Operations Management

Question 2 (10 marks) Like other higher education institutions, York University is intensely preparing for the...

Question 2

Like other higher education institutions, York University is intensely preparing for the start of the new academic year in September, when a large new cohort of students will enter York for their first year of higher education. For the purpose of this question, we will assume that this preparation includes a contingency plan to deal with the a situation where limits will still be in place on in-person gatherings during the start of the fall 2020 term. Considering our course content on socialization and organizational culture, describe your own socialization process to York. Use your own socialization experiences when you came to York U as examples when you apply relevant concepts. Then, identify challenges and opportunities for the socialization process of newly admitted students that are expected to start their studies at York in September 2020. Explain why it is important for organizations such as York U to get the socialization process right in September. Ensure to articulate your arguments clearly and provide support for your claims, using and applying relevant concepts.

In: Operations Management