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Question 2 (10 marks) Like other higher education institutions, York University is intensely preparing for the...

Question 2

Like other higher education institutions, York University is intensely preparing for the start of the new academic year in September, when a large new cohort of students will enter York for their first year of higher education. For the purpose of this question, we will assume that this preparation includes a contingency plan to deal with the a situation where limits will still be in place on in-person gatherings during the start of the fall 2020 term. Considering our course content on socialization and organizational culture, describe your own socialization process to York. Use your own socialization experiences when you came to York U as examples when you apply relevant concepts. Then, identify challenges and opportunities for the socialization process of newly admitted students that are expected to start their studies at York in September 2020. Explain why it is important for organizations such as York U to get the socialization process right in September. Ensure to articulate your arguments clearly and provide support for your claims, using and applying relevant concepts.


Expert Solution

My own socialization process:

I think the better socialization is making of awareness in students for their duties to society. There are simple question I am asking to my every student every time (These are apart from the policies of my organization).

Why you are here? This is important to realize the students for their purpose of study. What they need to achieve in their life. This question usually motivate them for their own responsibility to themselves.

What are your values for society? I usually take one on one interview with each one and understand their own nature and thinking. I mentor them explaining the common good values of human to society.

How society will be benefited with you study and specialization? So, if student is belonging to science subject, I used to explain them how your subject is important for society as well as country.

What should be your behavior and attitude while dealing with numerous kind of people? I used to explain th presentation skills, communication skills, behavior to understand more persons.

Challenges and Opportunities for the socialization process of newly admitted students that are expected to start their studies at York in September 2020

· Students on values: The main challenge is to understand the mind of each one and influence them with the written and explicit values of organization as well as society. So, need different kind of technique to explain them as both may come contradictory at many instances.

· Faculties own values: The personal preference of faculties. People have different thinking and their values apart from the written policies. So, it is difficult for student to follow the standard behavior as they are coming in influence of many faculties at different time. Best example is some faculty do not wants any formalities students and some are very strict to the formalities. Other example, one may be oriented to innovation and other in invention.

· Organization’s own value: Many times Faculties are not agreeing with organization values and they act virtually to explain these value to students. This approach fails to deliver the true massage to students.

· Students own interactions with each other: The student having negative thinking may influence to others.

· Culture of University: Open culture with some limitation is always better. Having more open culture like hook-up-culture and romance in campuses may lead them away from their basic duties for social life.

· Groups of students: It is difficult to deal with large group of student (more then 10) at a time.

Why it is important for organizations such as York U to get the socialization process right in September.

It is important to spread the awareness in students for their social responsibility as well as accountability to society. My basic argument is “3 months may not be very important for student’s core academic subject but very essential to create a base for purpose of education”.

Articulation of arguments:

Socialization is learning all about the best social values, good ethics, best policies, integrity, and good behavior. If university is able to influence students will all of this, the university is directly contributing for the society and country. With the influenced mind, students can perform better and will be more practical. Example, the science student may think in innovation to reduce the energy consumption and the social art students may think how they can understand people better.

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