
In: Operations Management

Describe positive strategy is a better way to manage employee issues than the traditional negative discipline...

Describe positive strategy is a better way to manage employee issues than the traditional negative discipline model


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Human Resources Management is one of the crucial and complex tasks in the organization. Managing employees and motivate them to do better in jobs and working towards organizational goals is very important and HR managers use different strategies to manage employees and their workforce issues.

Human Resource Management uses two different strategies to manage employee issues in the organization. First, we will discuss what are those strategies all about.

Positive Strategy: Positive Strategy or positive reinforcement refers to reinforcement techniques that motivate the employee to follow organizational policies and protocol during working his job role and duties. Positive discipline consists of being soft with employees, rewards, bonus, promotion, and increment that help the employee to motivate in a positive way so that employee can give his better performance in future to solve organizational issues. This is a modern approach to manage employees and their issues during work hours.

Traditional negative discipline model: Negative discipline refers to techniques and strategies that are used by the manager in which the manager force employee to obey their orders and finish their work and projects according to rules and regulations suggested by the organization, if the employee fails to follow these guidelines, they will be punished with fine and penalties. Some of the negative discipline technique consists of pay cuts, suspensions, warnings (written or oral), Demotion, Termination, removed from specific project or retraining.

By discussing these two terms, we can understand that a positive strategy is better than the traditional negative discipline model when it comes to managing employee issues. There are so many reasons for that, we will discuss the same in the below points,

a. One of the great things about positive strategy is that it creates cooperation feeling between employees and employers. The employee feels safe in this kind of organizational environment where the manager is there to support him if he finds any issue.

b. Positive Reinforcement is helpful in motivating and encouraging employees for the work he has done. This also helps other employees in the organization because they will work better in the future to get positive reinforcement and rewards. A positive strategy to motivate employees creates a positive environment in the organization that is useful for both employees and the organization.

c. Positive strategies create self-discipline in the employee and research suggests that a self-disciplined employee is more effective for the organization. A self-disciplined employee finds solutions for the problem himself rather than asking from seniors and managers, in this way he may come up with new innovative ideas for the organization.

d. Negative discipline is not a useful strategy in today's time where the employee is forcing to follow rules and guidelines proposed by the organization that reduces the innovation and creation in the employee. In this kind of organization, employees are not feeling happy and self-motivated, and they will not able to perform better when compared with the self-motivated employees in positive discipline culture.

e. In a positive discipline culture, the relationship between employee and employer is so strong that both parties can discuss in a friendly manner for any issues. Managers can provide help if they understand the problems employees are facing. On the other side, in negative discipline culture, employees feel hesitant in discussing with seniors or managers and this will increase issues and problems for both organization and employee.

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