Do you agree/disagree with the following statement: "The two best signs of good strategy execution are...

Do you agree/disagree with the following statement: "The two best signs of good strategy execution are that a company is meeting or beating its performance targets and is performing value chain activities in a manner that is conducive to company wide operating excellence." Please be sure to support your stance. (min 200 words)

In: Operations Management

Who might participate in the buying process, How can The PlantWeb and the associated marketing campaign...

Who might participate in the buying process, How can The PlantWeb and the associated marketing campaign impact each of the buying-decision participants?

In: Operations Management

Using lyrics from a Taylor Swift song, identify 3 self leadership concepts we have studied this...

Using lyrics from a Taylor Swift song, identify 3 self leadership concepts we have studied this semester that she addresses in her songs. Analyze the lyrics and explain the message of self leadership that they convey. Identify two characteristics that identify her as a self leader. Support your choices. What two lessons can you learn from Taylor Swift that you can employ in your own life and/or career?

write about 350 words

In: Operations Management

Examine the dark side of entrepreneurship by explaining how issues impact entrepreneurs Family and social risk?

Examine the dark side of entrepreneurship by explaining how issues impact entrepreneurs Family and social risk?

In: Operations Management

Their is a reflection of the leadership at Snapchat. Thinking about Evan Speigel, CEO of Snap...

Their is a reflection of the leadership at Snapchat. Thinking about Evan Speigel, CEO of Snap Inc., and using concepts of leadership, how would you describe his leadership style? Identify one benefit of this type of leadership, and one possible limitation. Do you think his leadership has been effective? Why or why not?

In: Operations Management

If Foxconn’s management hired you to offer advice on improving its ethical decision making and corporate...

If Foxconn’s management hired you to offer advice on improving its ethical decision making and corporate social responsibility, what measures would you suggest? Why?

In: Operations Management

Do you think that thenew feature of secrecy described at Snapchat would allow teams to be...

Do you think that thenew feature of secrecy described at Snapchat would allow teams to be optimally successful? Why or why not? What two recommendations would you make to for Snapchat to either maintain their success or improve the way they engage in teamwork?

In: Operations Management

What difficulties might you anticipate when using the rational problem-solving process?  Why? What additional difficulties might arise...

What difficulties might you anticipate when using the rational problem-solving process?  Why? What additional difficulties might arise because of personal attributes? Which of these have you experienced? Explain. What were the consequences? How can these difficulties be avoided?

In: Operations Management

The defendants, Colin & Shields, were London hide merchants. Mr Louis-LevieHartog was a Dutch furrier, living...

The defendants, Colin & Shields, were London hide merchants. Mr Louis-LevieHartog was a Dutch furrier, living in Brussels. Colin & Shields discussed selling MrHartog 30,000 Argentinian hare skins at “10d per skin” (which would have come to £1,250). When they put the final offer in writing Colin & Shields mistakenly wrote “30,000 skins @ 10d per lb”. As hare skins weigh around 5oz, this was a third of the price previously discussed and orally agreed upon.
MrHartog tried to hold them to this very good offer. He claimed loss of profit, or, in the alternative, the difference between the contract price and the market price at the time of the breach. Colin & Shields pleaded that their offer was by mistake wrongly expressed. They alleged that they had intended to offer the goods sold at certain prices per piece, and not at those prices per pound, as their offer was expressed. They argued MrHartog was well aware of this mistake on their part, and fraudulently accepted an offer which he well knew that the defendants had never intended to make1. In the circumstances, the defendants denied that any binding contract was entered into, and, if there was, counterclaimed for its rescission.
The judge found in Colin & Shields’ favour on the grounds that the plaintiff must have realized the defendants’ error, which, as it concerned a term of the contract, rendered the contract void. Singleton J read the following judgment.
“ In this case, the plaintiff, a Belgian subject, claims damages against the defendants because he says they broke a contract into which they entered with him for the sale of Argentine hare skins. The defendants' answer to that claim is:
"There really was no contract, because you knew that the document which went forward to you, in the form of an offer, contained a material mistake. You realized that, and you sought to take advantage of it."
Counsel for the defendants took upon himself the onus of satisfying me that the plaintiff knew that there was a mistake and sought to take advantage of that mistake. In other words, realising that there was a mistake, the plaintiff did that which James LJ, in Tamplin v James, at p 221, described as "snapping up the offer." It is important, I think, to realise that in the verbal negotiations which took place in this country, and in all the discussions there had ever been, the prices of Argentine hare skins had been discussed per piece, and later, when correspondence took place, the matter was always discussed at the price per piece, and never at a price per pound2. Those witnesses who were called on behalf of the plaintiff have had comparatively little experience of dealing in Argentine hare skins. Even the expert witness who was called had had very little. I am satisfied that it was a mistake on the part of the defendants or their servants which caused the offer to go forward in that way, and I am satisfied that anyone with any knowledge of the trade must have realized that there was a mistake. I find it difficult to understand why, when MrCaytan bought in this way at 11d per lb, he could not tell me what the total purchase price was, and I cannot help thinking that there was an arrangement of some sort, amounting rather to a division of the spoil. That is the view I formed, having heard the witnesses.
This case has become a highly relevant precedent in the modern context of e-shopping on the internet, when online retailers sometimes get the published price wrong and receive hundreds of online orders (automatically accepted) before they discover their error 3- e.g. advertising a £299 television on the website for £2.99. Retailers can avoid having to supply at the mistakenly low price if the court finds that the would-be purchasers must have known that the advertised price was clearly a mistake.
Read the above Case carefully and answer the following questions-
Q.NO.- 1 What was the allegations of Colin & Shield against Mr. Hartog?
Q.NO.- 2 Is this an agreement or a valid contract ? Justify your answers ?
Q.NO.- 3 What is the significance of this case in the modern e-shopping context?

In: Operations Management

The following exercise pertains to the Control Quality process. a.   What does Control Quality monitor and...

The following exercise pertains to the Control Quality process.

a.   What does Control Quality monitor and what does it compare the results to?

b.   Describe inspection.

c.   How do inspection and prevention differ?

d.   What is attribute conformity? What is the resulting decision from attribute measurement results?

e.   Describe the purpose of control charts. What are they used for primarily?

f.    What are the common causes of variance?

In: Operations Management

What is the Family and Medical Leave Act and what does it require? Can your employer...

  • What is the Family and Medical Leave Act and what does it require?

  • Can your employer dock your pay if you are required to serve jury duty?

  • What is the benefit to the employer in having a written progressive discipline policy? What are the potential problems with this?

  • Under the employment-at-will doctrine, can your employer terminate you for your political beliefs? Do your First Amendment rights to free speech apply to a private employer?

In: Operations Management

The world's leading typewriter manufacturers in the 1970s included Olivetti, Underwood, IBM, Olympia, Remington, Smith Corona,...

The world's leading typewriter manufacturers in the 1970s included Olivetti, Underwood, IBM, Olympia, Remington, Smith Corona, and Brother Industries. While IBM and Brother adapted to the microelectronics revolution, most of the others failed. What strategies might these companies have pursued rather than entering the personal computer and electronic work processing market?

In: Operations Management

Who is a stakeholder and why are they, and their voices, important? As a stakeholder in...

Who is a stakeholder and why are they, and their voices, important?

As a stakeholder in Post University, next week in all your courses you are going to be asked to complete your student survey. Big deal… Why should your instructors care about what you have to say? Why should Post care about what you have to say?

1. What difference can you, or any stakeholder make by conveying your thoughts to the company you’re a stakeholder in?

2. Is there a better way to reach for a result or action from the company?

3. If you own the company, why should you listen to feedback regarding improvement for the company you have poured you heart, soul, and monies into?

Please number each response and provide one space between responses.

its about stockholders

In: Operations Management

Project Management question: Prior to creating Status Report, what should I "double check"?

Project Management question:

Prior to creating Status Report, what should I "double check"?

In: Operations Management

Think of good topics for writing a classification essay. Give us at least 5 different topics.

Think of good topics for writing a classification essay. Give us at least 5 different topics.

In: Operations Management