Below are the data for a Time-Cost CPM Scheduling model analysis. The time is in days...

Below are the data for a Time-Cost CPM Scheduling model analysis. The time is in days and the costs include both direct and indirect costs. If you crash this project to reduce the total time by two days what is the total time of the project and total cost? Explain. (Note: Cut and paste your Precedence diagram.)




Normal Time

Crash Time

Normal Cost

Crash Cost




















B and C





























In: Operations Management

PLEASE BE DETAILED & CITE all SOURCES : Write on the key aspects of corporate governance....

PLEASE BE DETAILED & CITE all SOURCES : Write on the key aspects of corporate governance. Be sure to address in DETAIL the following:

  • ethical considerations
  • why corporate governance models so often fail

In: Operations Management

The Pat-A-Cake Pastry Shop makes chocolate cake in three sizes – Small, Medium, and Large. For...

The Pat-A-Cake Pastry Shop makes chocolate cake in three sizes – Small, Medium, and Large. For each size, the number of cakes made is an integer (i.e. the shop does not bake only half of a cake). The shop has the following amounts of the three main ingredients on hand – 400 ounces of cake flour, 550 ounces of caster sugar, and 150 ounces of cocoa powder. The table below provides details on the amount of each ingredient required for each cake size as well as the profit contributions. The shop wants to make the appropriate amount of each cake size in order to maximize profit. Cake Small Medium Large Available Plain flour (Ounce) 8 16 21 400 Caster sugar (Ounce) 18 22 25 550 Cocoa powder (Ounce) 3 5 11 150 Profit/Unit $18 $25 $32

Develop a spreadsheet model and find the optimal solution using Excel Solver. What is the optimal total profit? Enter your answer without a dollar sign.

Question 2 Based on your answer to Question 1, what quantity of large cakes should be produced to maximize profit contribution? Remember that the number of cakes made should be an integer.

Question 3 Based on your answer to Question 1, what quantity of medium cakes should be produced to maximize profit contribution? Remember that the number of cakes should be an integer.

Question 4 Based on your answer to Question 1, what quantity of small cakes should be produced to maximize profit contribution? Remember that the number of cakes should be an integer.

In: Operations Management

Case 4: Flip Factory (Product Number 9B16M071) (This Case Study will be over Units 9 &...

Case 4: Flip Factory (Product Number 9B16M071) (This Case Study will be over Units 9 & 10) 1. What is Flip Factory’s competitive strategy? 2. Assess Flip Factory’s financial performance. Does the current strategy and growth pattern seem sound? 3. What are Flip Factory’s strengths and weaknesses? 4. Analyze Flip Factory’s external environment. What factors are critical to consider f future strategic positioning of Flip Factory? 5. What are Flip Factory’s options for moving forward and what strategy would you recommend to Traviss? What metrics would you include to monitor the strategy?

In: Operations Management

the canadian government has been cracking down for small entrepreneur at tax time, looking for more...

the canadian government has been cracking down for small entrepreneur at tax time, looking for more receipts and documentation? What are the pros and cons of such a strategy?

In: Operations Management

Two advertising media are being considered for promotion of a product. Radio ads cost $400 each,...

Two advertising media are being considered for promotion of a product. Radio ads cost $400 each, while Newspaper ads cost $600 each. The total budget is $7,200 per week. The total number of ads should be at least 15, with at least 2 of each type. Each newspaper ad reaches 6,000 people, while each radio ad reaches 2,000 people. The company wishes to maximize the number of people that are reached while meeting all the constraints stated. Write the LP formulation to determine the optimal number of ads of each type to be used.

In: Operations Management

My son goes to a really nice school. The counselor and the teacher calls once a...

My son goes to a really nice school. The counselor and the teacher calls once a week. Work is sent home, and work is posted online How do I share with the school where I work of services continuing for students and IEP are being met as the IEP meeting is set for a phone conference iep. How do I share what other schools are doing recommending we stay on top of our new school as our principle is new 1 week on the job?

In: Operations Management

What is an ethical issue? Describe four categories of ethical issues and provide examples of specific...

  1. What is an ethical issue? Describe four categories of ethical issues and provide examples of specific situations that may occur within each category.

In: Operations Management

Fashion Marketers can obtain a wealth of information from their own market customer databases. True False...

  1. Fashion Marketers can obtain a wealth of information from their own market customer databases.


  1. One of the largest sources of secondary data is the federal government and its various agencies.

7 points   


  1. Marketing Research is used when a business needs to define the overall size and makeup of the customer base for a product.


  1. The type of research in which data is collected once from a random sampling of people, offering a snapshot of statistics or opinions at a particular point in time, is called.

Longitudinal study

Cohort study

Cross -sectional study

Trend study


  1. The most commonly used technique for gathering data is the focus group.

In: Operations Management

As a supervisor of a production department, you must decide the daily production totals of a...

As a supervisor of a production department, you must decide the daily production totals of a certain product that has two models, the Deluxe and the Special. The profit on the Deluxe model is $12 per unit and the Special's profit is $10. Each model goes through two phases in the production process, and there are only 100 hours available daily at the construction stage and only 80 hours available at the finishing and inspection stage. Each Deluxe model requires 20 minutes of construction time and 10 minutes of finishing and inspection time. Each Special model requires 15 minutes of construction time and 25 minutes of finishing and inspection time. The company has also decided that there must be at least 150 Special models produced. Write the LP formulation to determine the optimal production mix of Deluxe and Special models.

In: Operations Management

In a turnkey project, the turnkey contractor requested you as a consultant to put up irregular...

In a turnkey project, the turnkey contractor requested you as a consultant to put up irregular (i.e. non-conforming to current engineering practice) proposals to maximize profits from the project. Discuss the key points that you must address so as not to compromise on your professional ethics. Demonstrate your solution through a simple case study/example.

Answering Format for the question you had selected:

1. What are your personal belief and stand on this matter?

2. What is the ethical and/or legal issue to be considered? Please state this with reference to the correct Rules and Regulations on Engineering Ethics and Professionalism / standards / codes for engineers. You need to mention the code/standard in your essay.

3. Identify and describe potential stakeholders.

4. Identify alternative ways to resolve the issue, and discuss their potential effects on all stakeholders.

In: Operations Management

EcoWorld is a manufacturer of enclosed, decorative environments. They are composed of a hand-blown glass sphere...

EcoWorld is a manufacturer of enclosed, decorative environments. They are composed of a hand-blown glass sphere filled with water, one fish, and some aquatic plants. The fish and plants work together so that the system will continue as long as it has light. The spheres have become a popular holiday gift so sales skew towards November/December. EcoWorld, located in Seattle, Washington, wants to globalize its process. This year, the European country of Latervia, renowned for its cheap and expert glass blowing, has lifted its export tariff. EcoWorld has also identified another European country, Rombia, as a new market because it has no import fees. Raw materials will be transported via aircraft and the final product will be delivered by aircraft and then truck. You are hired by EcoWorld to assist them in developing a global manufacturing and distribution plan. Create a report that includes the following elements:

1. Identify and assess the risks and benefits to moving the supply chain to a global market. Be certain to analyze both the supplier and the consumer ends of the supply chain.

2. Discuss how globalization will affect the various modes of transportation. What are some strengths and weaknesses of each mode of transportation? How would a 10% increase in fuel prices affect EcoWorld's globalization plans?

3. Discuss how insurance costs will be affected by globalization and the use of multiple means of transportation across borders.

4. How should EcoWorld adjust its manufacturing and distribution to take into account the product's seasonality?

5. What inventory valuation / policy method should EcoWorld use? Identify some of the costs for creating and maintaining inventory of a final product. How will these costs be affected by globalization?

In: Operations Management

Provide an example of a recent service you received as a consumer. Did this service meet...

Provide an example of a recent service you received as a consumer. Did this service meet your expectations. Go through each of the gaps and evaluate this service according to those models. Was it within the zone of tolerance?

In: Operations Management

(please type the answers)(business turnaround management 5640) Research a company that has successfully or unsuccessfully underwent...

(please type the answers)(business turnaround management 5640)

Research a company that has successfully or unsuccessfully underwent a turnaround strategy and address the following: What causes forced the company to restructure? What restructuring options did the company consider? Briefly describe the restructuring plan and its outcome – be sure to address whether value was created and how (if the business failed please comment on the impact to shareholders) As a stakeholder how do you feel about the company’s restructuring plan and why

In: Operations Management

What are the compensation and employee benefits issues faced by contingent workers?

What are the compensation and employee benefits issues faced by contingent workers?

In: Operations Management