Why are some customers willing to pay a premium price for national brands over private labels?

Why are some customers willing to pay a premium price for national brands over private labels?

In: Operations Management

QUESTION 1 (60) Much debate exists within the literature about leadership and management. Kotter (1990:103) argues...

QUESTION 1 (60) Much debate exists within the literature about leadership and management. Kotter (1990:103) argues that management and leadership are “two distinctive and complementary systems of action” and that the former involves coping with complexity, while the latter involves coping with change.

1.1 Discuss in detail, with the use of examples, the fundamental differences between the concept of leadership versus management. (20)

1.2 Evaluate in detail, with the use of practical examples, the advantages and disadvantages of a transformational leader. (20)

1.3 Discuss in detail, with the use of practical examples, FOUR (4) management styles and the potential impact each style may have on a business. (20)

In: Operations Management

The Hangover Part II has been a hotbed of intellectual property issues. Warner Brothers recently settled...

The Hangover Part II has been a hotbed of intellectual property issues. Warner Brothers recently settled a lawsuit brought by the tattoo artist who did Mike Tyson’s facial tattoo that was then replicated on a character in the movie. Please read Problem 4 on page 549 of the book (Chapter 15) and answer the following questions:

What is the issue in the use of trademarked products in artistic works?

Why is Louis Vuitton so concerned about the use of its products in a film such as the Hangover Part II?

please answer with introduction and conclusion

In: Operations Management

discuss the compensation policy at Emirates NBD bank

discuss the compensation policy at Emirates NBD bank

In: Operations Management

1- Give a definition of the term entity and give an original example. 2- Give a...

1- Give a definition of the term entity and give an original example.

2- Give a definition of term attribute and give three examples for the entity in question ( 1 ).

3- Give a definition of term relationship and give an original example for the entity in question ( 1 ).

In: Operations Management

Why are first-line managers considered the initial line of defense in efforts to keep an organization...

Why are first-line managers considered the initial line of defense in efforts to keep an organization union-free?

Why might some first-line managers be of the opinion that working under a union contract is easier than working without a union’s presence?

In: Operations Management

Discuss the IT auditing processes related to achieving maturity level 3 in a department. Can a...

Discuss the IT auditing processes related to achieving maturity level 3 in a department. Can a continuous audit, similar to a formal IT audit, accomplish the self-assessment goals of ISO 9004:2000? In 300 words or less...

In: Operations Management

Discuss why some companies view training as an important, ongoing and valuable activity. Choose an activity...

  1. Discuss why some companies view training as an important, ongoing and valuable activity.
  2. Choose an activity you are good at doing. This can be anything from sports to dealing with small children to writing college-level papers. Prepare a plan for teaching someone how to do your selected activity. Remember all plans consist of who, what, where, when, why and how...

a)       What type of assessment will you use to prepare for the training?

b)      What type of training will you use?

c)       How will you determine if the training was successful?

In: Operations Management

POLICY: In this section, describe, in detail, why this policy is needed for your organization. Policies...


In this section, describe, in detail, why this policy is needed for your organization. Policies consist of high-level statements of intent about the things a business either wants to do or plans to avoid doing. Policies focus on the intentions of an organization, not on the functions its staff members carry out.

**If you need to state the scope of this P&P to all applicable employees, please create a section heading labeled “SCOPE.”

**If you need to define some terms that you will utilize in your P&P, please create a section heading labeled “DEFINITION.”

**If you need to clarify the policy and/or the purpose of your P&P, please create a section heading labeled “INTERPRETATION.”


In this section, you will provide specific procedures in the manner [your topic] should be handled, as well as the consequences of violating the policy. The “Procedure” section includes detailed descriptions of the tasks that are part of an organization's business. These may be in the form of step-by-step instructions, flow charts or another descriptive form. They should be detailed enough for new staff to follow and standardized enough to prevent waste and errors.

**If you need to clarify the policy and/or the purpose of your P&P, please create a section heading labeled “DISCIPLINARY ACTION.” Please use step-by-step instructions, flow charts, or another descriptive form.

P&P Topics: (Choose your topic)

Infection Control/Personal Protective Equipment

Conflict of Interests

Sexual Harassment

Professional Appearance and Dress Code

In: Operations Management

What you can suggest the HR to do in "managing the impact of social media in...

What you can suggest the HR to do in "managing the impact of social media in organization: Handling the PROS and CONS"

In: Operations Management

Getting Medicine to Bosnia: Acceptable Bribery? As chief legal officer in a well-respected company making lifesaving...

Getting Medicine to Bosnia: Acceptable Bribery? As chief legal officer in a well-respected company making lifesaving drugs, Gordon Smith was asked by his board of directors to look into rumors of bribery with the firm’s Bosnia contract. The contract, he discovered, had been ordinary in almost every respect: A major relief organization had contracted with his company to supply a million inexpensive kits of medicine for delivery into the war-torn regions of Bosnia. Like most such contracts with charitable organizations, it contained hardly any profit for his firm. What he found strange, however, was the payment of an extraordinarily large commission to a Romanian distributor to deliver the kits deep into Bosnia. Seeking out the executive in his own firm who had negotiated the contract, he had one question in mind: Was this a bribe? Yes said the executive, it’s a bribe that we’re paying. According to the Romanian distributor, the backs of the delivery trucks were loaded with the kits — and the glove compartments were stuffed with cash. That way, when the drivers were stopped at roadblocks set up by local militia units operating all across Bosnia, they could pay whatever was demanded and continue their journey. In the past, he noted, drivers without cash had been taken from their trucks and shot. If the kits were to be delivered, this was a cost of doing business. Gordon felt sure that none of the money had flowed back to the executive, whose only motive was to get the kits delivered. Gordon faced a dilemma. Should he draft a report to the board on this most unorthodox contract? Or should he keep silent? Analysis Everything in Gordon's background with his company told him that this contract was not the way to do business. Bribery, he knew, was simply unacceptable to the board, who felt strongly that once that barrier was breached, there would be no stopping the shakedowns in the future. But everything in his makeup as a compassionate being told him that providing medicine for the wounded was of overriding importance, and that the normal ethic of commerce didn't apply in a war zone. Case from the Institute for Global Ethics. 1. Who are the stakeholders to Gordon’s decision as to whether to continue the bribe payments or not? Please list them with a brief explanation. 2. As the case says, “What should Gordon do?” Do you continue with the bribe payments (these clearly are bribes)? If so, why; if not, why not? Please indicate which ethical perspective(s) (i.e., profit maximization, utilitarianism, universalism) support your decision.

In: Operations Management

Turn the following into a structured informative abstract. Metalinguistic awareness contributes to effective writing at university....

Turn the following into a structured informative abstract.

Metalinguistic awareness contributes to effective writing at university. Writing is a meaning-making process where linguistic, cognitive, social and creative factors are at play. University students need to master the skills of academic writing not only for getting their degree but also for their future career. It is also significant for lecturers to know who our students are, how they think and how we can best assist them. This study examines first-year undergraduate Australian and international engineering students as writers of academic texts in a multicultural setting at the University of Adelaide. A questionnaire and interviews were used to collect data about students’ level of metalinguistic awareness, their attitudes toward, expectations for, assumptions about and motivation for writing. The preliminary results of the research show that students from different cultures initially have different concepts about the academic genres and handle writing with different learning and writing styles, but those with a more developed metalanguage are more confident and motivated. The conclusion can also be drawn that students’ level of motivation for academic writing positively correlates with their opinion about themselves as writers. Following an in-depth multi-dimensional analysis of preliminary research results, some recommendations for writing instruction will also be presented.

In: Operations Management

Utilize the data below to answer the following question: Ready-to-Drink (RTD) Coffee Market Overall RTD Market...

Utilize the data below to answer the following question:

Ready-to-Drink (RTD) Coffee Market

Overall RTD Market

$ 2.5 billion

Starbucks Share

$875 million

35% share

Dunkin Doughnuts Share

$150 million

6% share

Current Cold Brew RTD Share

(multiple brands)

Predicted Market Size of RTD Cold Brew

$50 million (2%)

$200 million (8%)

Coca-Cola and Dunkin’ Doughnuts have a strategic alliance to distribute Dunkin branded coffee to consumers via convenience, discount and grocery stores. Both are highly interested in the growing cold brew market. Coke also is interested in testing expansion of its Peak Gold brand into the cold brew coffee market. Coke is testing ready-to-drink cold brew with both brand partners in US southern markets to determine what path to take in northern markets for a spring launch. They are testing Peak Gold and a Dunkin’ Doughnuts RTD cold brew, both in 3 flavors. (Black/Espresso Cold Brew, Café Mocha Cold Brew, and Vanilla Almond). Coke only wants to introduce cold brew coffee in one brand to optimize distribution capability, and they believe the market will only grow to a total of $200 million (4x current, 300% growth.) Therefore, at their estimated share, it would only justify one brand entry into the market.

Both Coke and Dunkin’ are concerned about cannibalization of the current 4-flavor lineup of Dunkin’ Iced Coffee distributed by Coke with this introduction.

Test results showed Dunkin’ to get an impressive 25% out of the predicted $200 million growing RTD cold brew market, but 75 % of that volume was cannibalization of the current Dunkin’ RTD line. In the Peak Gold test market, they got 10 % of the RTD cold brew market, but did not cannibalize any Dunkin’ Brand. Project test results and estimate the volume of “net new business” (revenue less cannibalization) that would be earned in the rollout of each brand. Which brand provides the greater “net new business” and how much volume is predicted?

Group of answer choices

a.Peak Gold at $20 million net new business.

b.Peak Gold, at $25 million net new business.

c.Information is inadequate to choose an optimal brand.

d.Dunkin’ Doughnuts Brand, with $50 million net new business.

e.Dunkin’ Doughnuts Brand, with $12.5 million net new business

In: Operations Management

Facts Most flights are scheduled during early morning or early evening. Based on their circumstances passengers...

Most flights are scheduled during early morning or early evening.
Based on their circumstances passengers can require drastically different amounts of time for check-in.
Attendants at the service counters must be able to serve passengers at a higher rate than the arrival rate of those passengers.
At some times there are many departing and arriving flights, while at other times there are few flights.
To determine how many service counters to keep open.
Busy Period 1 Busy Period 2
Early morning (6:30am to 9:00am) Early evening (6:00pm to 8:00pm)
Many departing domestic flights Many departing international flights
Average time between consecutive customer arrivals Average Service Time
4 minutes for both the morning and evening 8 minutes in the morning
6 minutes in the middle of the day 15 minutes in the evening
6 minutes in the middle of the day
With multiple service counters, customers can be routed through a single line or dedicated lines for each counter.
You must ensure that customers are not waiting very long and that you're not wasting resources on open counters.
During each period:
What is the number of counters that need to be open?
What is the average number of customers in queue and the average waiting time for a customer in the queue before being serviced for check in?
When you need multiple counters open: Do you have one queue for all counters? Do you have dedicated queues for each counter?
What else is being overlooked in the above scenario and your analysis?
How do you ensure that customers are not waiting in line too long before being checked in?
How do you ensure that you don't have too many counters open with no customers at these counters?

In: Operations Management

Eric has faced the lower sales from his laundry business and it business has gone to...

Eric has faced the lower sales from his laundry business and it business has gone to bankrupt. Eric get some ideas to revitalize his business. He suggest to provide new services such as drive thru laudry service ( customer will get a receipt after 3 hours come back to collect and they no need to get out from car especially the lock down of COVID 19), cooperate with GRAB to have a pick up service at cusmoter's house ( after 3 hours will deliever to customer ).

1-Since Eric got the ideas how to reorganize his business, but now he is lack of capital to reorganize. Discuss how personal fund (Bootstrapping, personal fund, family and friend) and Debt Financing (commercial bank, SBA Guaranted Loan Program, Crowdfunding) can raise Eric capital. (400words)

2-Do you think these new business concept will be sucessfull ? Why? (200Words)

Please teach me the strategics to raise capital so that can reorganize the business that faced this situation. Thank You

In: Operations Management