
In: Operations Management

Their is a reflection of the leadership at Snapchat. Thinking about Evan Speigel, CEO of Snap...

Their is a reflection of the leadership at Snapchat. Thinking about Evan Speigel, CEO of Snap Inc., and using concepts of leadership, how would you describe his leadership style? Identify one benefit of this type of leadership, and one possible limitation. Do you think his leadership has been effective? Why or why not?


Expert Solution

Evan Speigel the young CEO of Snapchat Inc. has used a responsible and thoughtful leadership style

First of all, you can be a good mentor. They are always ready to share their wisdom of knowledge with everyone, they can lead the people according to their footsteps

Besides they have the tremendous capability of being creative, attractive and unique

A great leader always provide uniqueness and creativity with the ability to attract the people

The benefit of responsible and thoughtful leadership style


As per the company, profit is a critical dimension to be achieved. The company should overcome all the elements affecting the profit, a responsible and thoughtful leader can foster internal efficiency along with work quality, may companies lose because of their inefficiency and errors. A leader can resolve this problem



While a supervisor might be involved in these issues, it’s unlikely that they are entirely responsible for them. The reality is that that bar for performance is set so low in most organizations and teams that it only takes a little more effort, research, and work to rise quickly within the group. And it starts with understanding exactly whose responsibility it is to make that rise happen

Do you think his leadership has been effective?

Yes, it is effective, this type of leaders are always looking forward to fostering and obtaining their goals at longtime

The reasons are as follows

  • Honesty.
  • Integrity.
  • Long-term perspective.
  • Open-minded.
  • Empathy.
  • Respectful of others.
  • Serves others.

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