Until three years ago, Slater was the sole shareholder and director of Lockley Quarries Ltd., a...

Until three years ago, Slater was the sole shareholder and director of Lockley Quarries Ltd., a small corporation that owned a quarry and produced trimmed limestone blocks. Then an opportunity arose to purchase a second quarry at a very good price. Slater did not have sufficient funds and persuaded Mason to come into business with him and to help finance the purchase of the new quarry. As a result, Mason became a 40 percent shareholder and a director of Lockley Quarries. Slater and Mason got on well together and the business prospered.

A few months ago, Slater was approached by an old friend, Chalker, who proposed

that they – Chalker and Slater – purchase and operate a gravel pit that had come

onto the market. Slater agreed, and a new corporation was formed to acquire the

gravel pit, with Chalker and Slater as equal shareholders and directors. Mason has learned of the dealings between Slater and Chalker. He considers that he should have been given the opportunity to participate in the new gravel pit venture.

Do you agree? Does Mason have any remedy against Slater?

In: Operations Management

500 WORDS PLEASE Explain what are: (1) Reference prices (2) Internal Reference Prices (3) External Reference...


Explain what are: (1) Reference prices (2) Internal Reference Prices (3) External Reference Prices –Please give examples of internal and external reference prices.

In: Operations Management

D4/MIS: Please make sure the answer should be in your won words. I would appreciate if...

D4/MIS: Please make sure the answer should be in your won words. I would appreciate if you provide the articles Read four (4) academically reviewed articles on Net Neutrality and Summarize all four (4) articles in at least 30 sentences words or more.

In: Operations Management

Company ‘A’ has used Performance Benchmarking to compare its product ‘X’ with the competitor’s product ‘Y’...

Company ‘A’ has used Performance Benchmarking to compare its product ‘X’ with the competitor’s product ‘Y’ and found out that the product ‘X’ is priced slightly lower, but it also has fewer features than product ‘Y’. The company recognized that in order to win a larger market share and establish itself in the market, it has to increase the number of features in its product while keeping the price at the same level or even decreasing it. To achieve this, the company ’A’ has set up a team that investigated product ‘X’ value chain analysis. Use the following benchmarking tool step by step and apply to the above situation.

Balanced Scorecard Framework


Operating profit margin

In: Operations Management

What would be the advantages and disadvantages of each hr model ? How might your approach...

What would be the advantages and disadvantages of each hr model ? How might your approach better enable your job or wor to deliver on its objectives?

In: Operations Management

What do you expect from a company that implement a combination Lean management and Six Sigma?

  1. What do you expect from a company that implement a combination Lean management and Six Sigma?

In: Operations Management

How does quasi-experimental research differ from experimental research?

How does quasi-experimental research differ from experimental research?

In: Operations Management

Explain why monitoring is important, and suggest why the measure of performance can be problematic. Suggest...

Explain why monitoring is important, and suggest why the measure of performance can be problematic. Suggest alternative measures of performance.

In: Operations Management

Gareth Morgan uses the example of a spider plant as a metaphor (Morgan, 1997) for the...

Gareth Morgan uses the example of a spider plant as a metaphor (Morgan, 1997) for the following exercise.

  1. Select an organisational unit such as a team, department, project or company.
  2. Write down all the characteristics of a spider plant. For example, they grow new shoots when they are too big for their pots. As the plant reaches out to find new ground it gets nourishment from the mother plant. When the new plant has roots and can sustain itself, the linking shoot is not needed.
  3. Identify which characteristics have parallels to the organisational unit you selected, and which don’t. For example, “Unlike a real spider plant, the only thing growing in this team happens in the original pot. The offshoots have nowhere to go.”
  4. Consider how well the metaphor fits the organisational unit. Does it create any new insights? For example, “If the offshoots continue like this they will die. If the offshoots represent our team’s knowledge and skills, this could mean that other units in the company will be missing out on useful input from our team.”
  5. Extend the metaphor of the spider plant to think about how your organisational unit could be. In other words, use the metaphor as the basis for a new organisational design. For example, “The offshoots need to be strong and healthy so that skills and knowledge can flow both ways. This will encourage more offshoots and help with cross-departmental initiatives.”
  6. What are the differences between the newly-designed and the existing organisation? What new insights for shaping management processes emerge? For example, “We’ve been so focused on what’s in the pot that we’ve neglected the offshoots. We need to develop these offshoots and use them to benefit our team and others.”

Have a go at this exercise yourself and share any insights you gain with your group in the forum. You can use the spider plant too, or feel free to select another metaphor that you think fits better for you. This exercise may seem a little tricky at first but give it a go and you might be surprised with what you come up with.

In: Operations Management

21) What is the benefit of having subordinates evaluate supervisors? A) increasing the opportunity to expand...

21) What is the benefit of having subordinates evaluate supervisors?

A) increasing the opportunity to expand a department

B) decreasing the reliance on traditional performance appraisals

C) increasing a supervisor's awareness of the work group's needs

D) decreasing a supervisor's authority over subordinates in a work group

22) In the current business climate, firms may want to consider evaluating performance more often because ________.

A) the law requires that companies conduct performance appraisals often

B) changes in the business climate occur rapidly

C) companies wish to avoid negligent retention

D) companies use performance appraisal as a labor cost savings tool

23) Dixon Manufacturing is a large firm that produces automotive parts for sports cars. Employees at Dixon receive annual performance appraisals from their supervisors. However, top executives at Dixon have decided that performance appraisals should be conducted more frequently and that a new method of appraisal should be implemented. Which of the following, if true, best supports the argument that the BARS method is the most appropriate performance appraisal tool for Dixon to use?

A) Dixon recently invested in an applicant tracking system to help HR manage recruiting and selection tasks.

B) Dixon supervisors want to provide subordinates with upward feedback to illustrate employee ratings.

C) Dixon has provided HR with a small budget for implementing a new performance appraisal system.

D) Dixon supervisors want specific examples of good and poor behavior in order to facilitate rating discussions.

24) Dixon Manufacturing is a large firm that produces automotive parts for sports cars. Employees at Dixon receive annual performance appraisals from their supervisors. However, top executives at Dixon have decided that performance appraisals should be conducted more frequently and that a new method of appraisal should be implemented. Which of the following, if true, best supports the argument that the forced distribution method is the most appropriate performance appraisal tool for Dixon to use?

A) Employees at Dixon are provided training opportunities based on performance appraisal results.

B) Dixon executives want the firm to become a high performing work system within five years.

C) Dixon will be reducing its workforce and eliminating the lowest performing employees.

D) Supervisors at Dixon work with HR to hire, fire, and train all employees.

In: Operations Management

A local restaurant would like to put its business online, and you are in charge of...

A local restaurant would like to put its business online, and you are in charge of this project.

Discuss how you should you approach developing the scope of this Web-based project.

Share how your personal experiences with online business interfaces can influence how you approach this project.

In: Operations Management

Vega, an employee of Beacon Fun Stuff Pty Ltd knows that her employees Algol and Altair...

Vega, an employee of Beacon Fun Stuff Pty Ltd knows that her employees Algol and Altair Rigel are looking to purchase a new transit van. On her way home one day she spots one parked on the side of the road. The owner, Charon is with the vehicle and he chats with Vega. Vega explains that her work Beacon Fun Stuff Pty Ltd is looking for a new van. The owner Charon agrees with Vega to sell the vehicle to Beacon Fun Stuff Pty Ltd for $28 000. He agrees to have it professionally cleaned and new tyres put on and that he will deliver it to Beacon Fun Stuff Pty Ltd.’s business premises in three days’ time. Charon does as he said he would and arrives at 9am on the appointed day. When he approaches Algol, she tells him she knows nothing about the agreement to purchase a vehicle form him. She confirms that Vega is an employee but not an agent for the company and that therefore there is no contract. Charon has spent $1500 on new tyres and lost a day’s work to deliver the vehicle. He claims that Vega is an agent and that therefore Altair and Algol are obligated to complete the purchase.


Advise the parties.

In: Operations Management

"Business Practises in saudi Arabia are likely to differ from business practises in the United states...

"Business Practises in saudi Arabia are likely to differ from business practises in the United states differences in culture??

In: Operations Management

A company has three factories in Chicago, Kansas City, and Houston where it produces its products...

A company has three factories in Chicago, Kansas City, and Houston where it produces its products and from where it can weekly supply its three distribution centers located in New York, Los Angeles, and Atlanta. The supply capacities at the three factories, the demand requirements at each of the three distribution centers, and the transportation costs in $ per ton from each factory to each distribution center are shown in the table below. Formulate a linear programming (LP) model of this transportation problem with the objective of minimizing total shipping cost. I am asking for the LP model formulation only in question

1. Factories Distribution Centers Total Supply New York Los Angeles Atlanta Chicago $8 $5 $6 120 tons Kansas City $15 $10 $12 80 tons Houston $3 $9 $10 80 tons Total Demand 150 tons 70 tons 60 tons

2. Solve the LP model you formulated in question 1, using Excel Solver. Information and steps for Excel Solver are provided in one the attached document on Blackboard in this module. You are to submit your answer for question 2 of this Assignment, as in the solution summary shown in the attached document on Blackboard containing information and steps for Excel Solver, as well as submit the Excel file containing both the Answer Report and Sheet1 spreadsheet.

In: Operations Management

Give a brief example of an employee performance review you have experienced. Using Brock's description of...

Give a brief example of an employee performance review you have experienced. Using Brock's description of how employee performance reviews should be conducted explain what was different about your review or the reviews of other people you work with or know.

In: Operations Management