
In: Operations Management

Describe at least three unique ways in which you can celebrate project successes. What are some...

Describe at least three unique ways in which you can celebrate project successes. What are some team characteristics that would make each one meaningful?


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Describe at least three unique ways in which you can celebrate project successes.

Give Bragging Rights — Often the greatest force in a competitive sales community is simply the desire to be the best. So why don't you give your sales people a chance to fight for those bragging rights: begin by building a leaderboard, then set them an goal. Whoever first achieves the goal claims his position as "Q1's True Sales Guru." Or, well — you get that. Gamifying your office like that doesn't just support the winner — it empowers all the employees to aspire to be at the top, and in real-time. So when someone gets the month they've always wanted to have, they're going to get their rightful place on top of the list.

Hand Out A Reward — So why not make it a real prize, if you want the champion to have more than the usual recognition? They may not be able to sing, but you may very well hire the Beyonce of Account Executives, and it is about time they had a golden statue as hard evidence on their desk. Whether it's a fake Oscar trophy or a stunning glass masterpiece for the mantel, it can make a sales person feel unique after a big win. And every month afterwards, you will pass it on to whoever is highest in the stacks — or whoever has just sealed off the next best deal. It's another honor to work for your squad folks.

A Little Acknowledgment Goes A Long Way — And don't underestimate the importance of a quick call-out, of course. And it doesn't just have to be through those classic email wires. Try to throw the name of the high achiever and imagine it up on the screens around the office, or sound off an air horn after a big closing. The simple truth is sometimes that your people just want to be acknowledged for their hard work and their investment in your business. And no matter how you celebrate those victories, there should be some tried and tested reference of your baseline. Remember: You build a winning community when you create an environment that consistently rewards hard work, commitment, and dedication.

What are some team characteristics that would make each one meaningful?

Clear path — Often companies are so rushed to start through their projects that they bring groups of people together without first agreeing on the priorities and the expected outcomes. In his book, Team Renaissance: The Art, Science and Politics of Great Teams, Richard Spoon describes that it's difficult to assemble the right group of people to get there without a clear idea of what the team wants to do and how a positive result would be determined. Thus agree first on team goals and target outcomes. For the team you pick using it for specific guidance.

Open and frank contact — Chemistry is the nearest brother to contact. Communication is key in every team to create a sense of camaraderie among the members. Communication manner — how openly and regularly team members communicate — determines the team's performance. Simply put, the freer you communicate with your fellow members of your squad, the more confident you become in exchanging thoughts and ideas. This is only one big reason why modern companies are stressing the methods of communication and collaboration.

Responsible collectively — Teams take responsibility as individuals and as a team. They are not blaming each other for team faults and failures. No-one should waste some time on personal justifications, wasted time. We will collectively celebrate their achievements and appreciate the special accomplishments and contributions that each team member makes to the team's overall work.

Freely connect — Chemistry is chemistry's relative. Communication is key in every team to create a sense of camaraderie among the participants. As the researchers at MIT's Human Dynamics Laboratory have shown, the quality of the communication is somewhat irrelevant.

Common Objectives — A crucial characteristic of any effective team is that participants put the collective objective above individual interests. Although scaling individual goals is great for personal morale, teams thrive with a shared objective when they understand, respect and work.

Encourage differences of opinion — It is important that we agree on a common objective. But at the expense of eliminating competing thoughts and viewpoints shouldn't come it. Having divergent viewpoints within a team increases team performance; the competitive advantage is a diverse team.

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