Are individual odors recognized by a labeled line strategy or by computing the acticiry from ensembles...

Are individual odors recognized by a labeled line strategy or by computing the acticiry from ensembles of neurons? Which system is involved in recognition of tastes?

In: Biology

nutriton We know already that protein should make up approximately 10-35% of the total dietary intake...


We know already that protein should make up approximately 10-35% of the total dietary intake for most people. We also know that protein serves MANY functions inside of the body.

My question to you: Even though proteins are so important and necessary in the body, why is it that we only require 10-35% ingested each day?

It is a diet for the cell . the protein we take goes straight towards the muscle and it helps increase the muscle

Protein & Special Diets (6 pts)

How might the protein recommendations be different from “normal” in the following situations:

Following surgery

In an elderly person

Someone living in a 3rd world country

In: Biology

Discuss the changes in morphology that have evolved to adapt plants to live on land. Include...

Discuss the changes in morphology that have evolved to adapt plants to live on land. Include the changes that have reduced the loss of water, permit gaseous exchange on land, and are responsible for transport.

In: Biology

Serum cystatin C as a marker of kidney function, its role in diagnosis, prognosis, and detection...

Serum cystatin C as a marker of kidney function, its role in diagnosis, prognosis, and detection of renal impairments, in addition include in you reports the pros and cons of cystatin C as a marker of kidney function.

please i need a Complete , not brief answer (detailed)

In: Biology

Interconnection between the Respiratory system and Cardiovascular system? Explain how changes in one system can affect...

Interconnection between the Respiratory system and Cardiovascular system? Explain how changes in one system can affect the other and give two specific examples.

In: Biology

Which of the following must stop to get speciation? Why? A) gene flow, because otherwise independent...

Which of the following must stop to get speciation? Why?
A) gene flow, because otherwise independent differences cannot accumulate
B) natural selection, because otherwise populations will adapt to new environments
C) mutation, because otherwise populations would get different alleles
D) sexual selection, because otherwise not every organism could find a mate

In: Biology

Please respond in your own words, interpreting the concept, and answering the prompt utilizing the language...

Please respond in your own words, interpreting the concept, and answering the prompt utilizing the language your learned in Epidemiology 101 this semester. I conducted an RCT, where I placed 125 people in treatment A, 125 people in treatment B, and 125 people in the placebo group. The Principal Investigator (PI) for my research project just called me to tell me that I violated the ethics code in the assignment of treatment options. What may I have done wrong? (Must use Epi terms for full credit.) _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

In: Biology

What are the components of stored heat?

What are the components of stored heat?

In: Biology

How are genes analyzed? What bioinformatics tools could you use? How is a comparison between genes...

How are genes analyzed? What bioinformatics tools could you use? How is a comparison between genes (sequences) made? How is the molecular weight of genes estimated? Isoforms how do you evaluate if there are any? How can genes be identified with bioinformatic tools?

In: Biology

The first true leaves appear in the seedless vascular plants. Explain what key steps might have...

The first true leaves appear in the seedless vascular plants.

Explain what key steps might have lead to the evolution of leaves and describe what advantage it provided to this group compared to Bryophytes.please use the mechanism of evolution.

In: Biology

One question that I've thought about recently has to do with clouds. We've learned about the...

One question that I've thought about recently has to do with clouds. We've learned about the formation of clouds but haven't really gotten that much deeper in the topic. I remember reading an article a while ago about bacteria existing in clouds but I wan't to completely sure on the accuracy of the source so my question then is, can living organisms exist in clouds? If operating under the idea that yes, specific organisms can in fact exist inside clouds, then secondly I would want to know what properties do clouds have that allow for this phenomena to happen.

In: Biology

What does the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics have to do with how the sun generates the...

What does the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics have to do with how the sun generates the earth’s weather patterns (wind patterns and current patterns)? 4pts

In: Biology

d) RESEARCH ON THE APPLICATION OF PHYLOGENY in Medicine. Write a 2-3 page research paper using...

d) RESEARCH ON THE APPLICATION OF PHYLOGENY in Medicine. Write a 2-3 page research paper using at least 3 scientific papers/articles on the application of phylogeny in developing medical treatment for a named virus or parasite that has impacted populations.

Paper should also include:

a) Name of the virus/parasite and disease or infection caused.

b) Source of the disease or infection eg vectors

c) Explain the symptoms of the disease/infection caused by the virus/parasite

d) Diagnosis and Prognosis

e) Example(s) of how phylogeny is utilized in treating the disease/infection.

In: Biology

12. You have isolated two different mutations in squash plants. The first mutation causes fruit to...

12. You have isolated two different mutations in squash plants. The first mutation causes fruit to be white instead of green. The second mutation causes fruit to be yellow instead of green. The two mutations affect different genes, w(hite) and g(reen) respectively. The allele symbols for w are w+ (wildtype) and w (mutant). The allele symbols for g are g+ (wildtype) and g (mutant). When you conduct a dihybrid cross (w+/w;g+/g x w+/w;g+/g) you obtain the following phenotypic ratio: White fruit (12) : Yellow fruit (3) : Green fruit (1)

a) Which allele(s) are dominant? (2 points) __ w+ _√_ w __ g+ __ g

b) Which gene is epistatic? (2 points) _√_ w(hite) __ g(reen) __ neither white nor green

(the check marks are my answers, wanted to confirm that my answers were correct, if not, why)

In: Biology

A corn breeder has a plant that is dominant for 4 traits that are known to...

A corn breeder has a plant that is dominant for 4 traits that are known to assort independently (i.e. it’s phenotype is A_ B_ C_ D_). This plant has desirable properties, so the breeder wishes to determine its exact genotype. The breeder performs a test cross and obtains the following results in the F1 generation.

Phenotype Observed # Phenotype Observed #
A_ B_ C_ D_ 61 A_ bb cc D_ 0
aa B_C_D_ 79 A_ bb C_ dd 0
A_bb C_D_ 0 A_ B_ cc dd 73
A_ B_ cc D_ 59 aa bb cc D_ 0
A_ B_ C_ dd 76 aa bb C_ dd 0
aa bb C_ D_ 0 aa B_ cc dd 81
aa B_ cc D_ 97 A_ bb cc dd 0
aa B_ C_ dd 74 aa bb cc dd 0

Based on these results, the breeder is confident that they know the original plant’s genotype. Make a hypothesis about the genotype, and test it with a χ2 test. Show this test on a separate page. Please be detailed, thanks!

In: Biology