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Assignment of Summative Report of Learning Plan and Micro-Teaching Session create teaching session about smoking cessation...

Assignment of Summative Report of Learning Plan and Micro-Teaching Session

create teaching session about smoking cessation and writ Summative Report of Learning Plan and Micro-Teaching Session

1)      health-related topic is smoking cessation

2) Learning objectives

i.     Identify what information is most important to know/incorporate into clinical practice?


ii.     Consider the topic; what are the focused, critical learning components

What "clinical pearls" can teach that would benefit their patient populations?

3)Teaching strategies


i.     Consider students and available resources when designing teaching strategies. Look to the literature for ideas.

Think about the types of learners in classroom, are they visual, kinesthetic, or perhaps auditory learners, or are they a combination learner? Would the use of technology or simple lecture be most valuable for imparting information to this group?

b.      Evaluation method

          i.     How will evaluate learning outcomes? Think about the brief amount of time will have to present topic, this time must include a method of evaluation for assessing learning- what method could incorporate into lesson to ensure that your audience grasped the key concepts trying to impart?


Expert Solution

1. teaching session on cessation of smoking:

  • define smoking
  • list down the risk factors associated with smoking
  • enlist adverse effects of active and passive smoking
  • describe the withdrawal symptoms of smoking cessation
  • explain the advantages of quitting smoking habits
  • explain the detoxification process of smoking
  • describe the process of deterrent therapy in treatment
  • explain the prevention of relapse


1. the most important component of health teaching on smoking is to make the patient's understand that there are so many benefits of quitting smoking. the smoking habit should not be stopped suddenly, but in different stages by decreasing the number of cigarrettes. there are alternatives such as nicotin gums and patches to compensate in case of need for cigarrettes.

2. clinical pearls: patient must be taught the components of cigarette, risk factors associated with smoking, adverse effects of active and passive smoking, withdrawal symptoms of smoking cessation, advantages of quitting smoking habits,  detoxification process of smoking, describe the process of deterrent therapy in treatment and prevention of relapse.


1. in case if the learner is a visual type, it is best to use visual aids such as videotapes, images, animation and graphics while teaching. if the learner is kinesthetic, it would be best to include discussion, skill stations so that the learner can move and feel free.if the learner is auditory, it would be best to use audiotapes, voice recorders to convey the learning resources.

b. evaluation techniques

  • questioning techniques using images in power point for visual learners
  • skill application could be assessed by using skill stations in case of kinesthetic learners
  • interviewing techniques could be used in case of auditory learners

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