
In: Nursing

Create a teaching plan to educate the parent and family on the benefits of Hep B,...

Create a teaching plan to educate the parent and family on the benefits of Hep B, Tdap, MMR and Varicella vaccinations for their child.


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Hep B vaccination: Teaching plan

Hepatitis B: Contagious liver disease caused by a virus. Infection may acute (Short term) or Chronic (Lifelong).

Teach them the three doses are recommended according to the age given in the table below:

1st Dose 2nd Dose 3rd Dose
Shortly after birth 1-2 months 6-18 months

Why hepatitis B shot to children?

1. Protect child from serious disease mainly liver related infection.

2. Some time child doesn't have symptoms but it play a role of the carrier to spread the disease to other peoples without anyone knowing they were infected. vaccination help to stop spreading unknowingly of disease.

3. Prevent child from liver disease and cancer from Hep B.

4. Help the child to make his routine work continuously like schooling, child care, missing work etc.

The hepatitis B vaccine is safe: It is very safe and effective to.These are usually mild nd go away on their own.

Teach them how to motivate your child before vaccination: Comfort your child before vaccination.Take care of your child after shot.

Teach the parents regarding symptoms of hepatitis B:

NOTE: Infant and young children usually show no symptoms.

Hepatitis B infection causes Loss of appetite, fever, tiredness, muscle pain, joints pain, nausea, vomiting diarrhea, stomach pain and dark urine.

Teach the parents they must follow all vaccine programs for their children according to the recommended vaccine schedule.

Tdap Vaccination: Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis Vaccine.

This vaccine helps to prevents the Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis.

Mode of spreading Disease: Diphtheria and Pertussis spread Person to person and tetanus through wounds and cuts.

Tetanus symptoms: Painful, stiffness in muscles, unable to open mouth, faced problem during breathing or death sometimes.

Diphtheria symptoms: Breathing problems, heart failure, paralysis, or death.

Pertussis symptoms: Whooping cough another name. Difficulty in breathing all times, causing pneumonia, convulsions, brain damage and death.

Tdap Doses recommendations: Only for children 7 years and older, adolescents, and adults.

NOTE: ADULTS can receive a booster dose every 10 years.

Vaccine related symptoms: redness, pain, swelling, mild fever, headache, vomiting, diarrhea,or stomachache sometimes.

VARICELLA Chickenpox: causes blisters and fever, can be serious, even life-threatening.

Two vaccination are recommended by doctors.

1st Dose 2nd Dose
12-15 months 4-6 years

Why this vaccine?: 1.It protects the child from varicella, very serious and life-threatening disease.

2. Make your child active and help to do regular work.

Safety of Vaccine: Very safe. and it is effective at protecting against varicella. Mild effects.

Side Effects: Very mild side effects appears after the shot of vaccine: Soreness, redness, swelling,at the side of shot given. Fever, mild rashes, a very low pain and stiffness in the joints.

How does chickenpox spread ?: Spread easily by one person to another person in contact, by breaths in the virus particles that come from chickenpox.

Benefits of Vaccine: When your child gets the vaccine shots, he/she is getting immunity from varicella without the risk of serious complications of the disease.  

MMR : Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccine.

This vaccine can prevent all the three disease mentioned above.

MEASLES CAUSES: fever,cough, runny nose, red rashes all over the body, red running eyes, Some time it may be threatening causing fever associated with an ear infection, diarrhea and pneumonia, measles can cause brain damage or death.

MUMPS CAUSES: headache, fever, tender salivary glands under the ears, loss of appetite, muscle aches, tiredness, The other arises problems with these symptoms are swelling in the brain,deafness, spinal cord swelling, painful testis and ovary, and very rarely death.

RUBELLA CAUSES: fever, headache, eye irritation, rashes, sore throat etc.

Significant of this vaccine: It will help the child to protected for life.

Doses of Vaccine recommended:

1st Dose 2nd Dose
12-15 months of age 4-6 years of age

NOTE: Infant who will be travelling outside at the age between 6 and 11 months of age must be vaccinated before travel.cinated of 1 to 2 doses of MMR vaccine.

If adults, older children, adolescent do not vaccinate before recommended time period due to some reasons must be vaccinated.

Vaccine reactions: soreness redness,fever or swelling of the cheeks glands or neck sometimes.

Some serious reaction occurs very rarely like seizures with fever, joint stiffness, temporary low platelets counts.

Always Teach parents related to The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), It is a federal program that was framed for those people who may have been injured by certain vaccine.

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