
In: Psychology

Discussion: Thinking and Intelligence No unread replies. No replies. Thinking about Intelligence STEP 1: Answer TWO...

Discussion: Thinking and Intelligence No unread replies. No replies. Thinking about Intelligence STEP 1: Answer TWO of the following questions in a discussion post of at least 200 words:

Do you think that people get smarter as they get older?

In what ways might people gain or lose intellectual abilities as they age?

When you meet someone who strikes you as being smart, what types of cues or information do you typically attend to in order to arrive at this judgment?

How do you think socio-economic status affects an individual taking an intellectual abilities test?

Should psychologists be asking about group differences (different race, sex, culture, etc.) in intellectual ability? What do you think?

Which of Howard Gardner’s 8 types of intelligence do you think describes the way you learn best? Why?


Expert Solution

Question: Do you think that people get smarter as they get older?

Answer: According to various psychological research, IQ remains relatively same for the whole life span. An individual's intelligence is not fixed at birth. Noted IQ researcher N. J. Mackintosh presented IQ and Human Intelligence,

"If,   aged 40, you obtain the same absolute score on the same test as the   score you had obtained at age 10, something would have gone seriously   wrong in your life. The long-term stability of IQ means only that your   standing relative to others of your age stays much the same."

Our intelligence is measured with the respect of our age group. When we grow, we learn many things, learn many skills,we also have a lot of new experience. Our brain store and intrepret these data and next time when we face any situation that we have faced before, we act smartly. Our experince also affect our decision making. We use our past experience to decide which course of action to choose. As we age, we have many different experience which we directly use to decide smarter.

QUESTION: Which of Howard Gardner’s 8 types of intelligence do you think describes the way you learn best? Why?

Answer: Gardner presented his theory in his book "Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences,(1983)" where he suggested that all people have different kinds of "intelligences." Gardner proposed that there are eight intelligences, such as: Visual-Spatial Intelligence, Linguistic-Verbal Intelligence, Logical-Mathematical Intelligence, Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence, Musical Intelligence, Interpersonal Intelligence, Intrapersonal Intelligence and Naturalistic Intelligence.

According to my own understanding , Logical-Mathematical Intelligence describe the way I learn the best. People with high logical-mathematical intelligence moostly have excellent problem-solving skills, they enjoys thinking about abstract ideas, likes conducting scientific experiments, and are good at solving complex computations. If I am not faultered, I am also good at reasoning, recognizing patterns, and logically analyzing problems. I try to look at problems logically and always try to find out a possible solution by using logical investigation. I analyze everything with critical prespective.

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