
In: Computer Science

python . The two csv files will contain lines in the following format: Angle, time, speed...

python .

The two csv files will contain lines in the following format: Angle, time, speed - where each action will be specified as:
• A, t, s = Move at an angle of A degrees with respect to East direction (positive horizontal axis) for t seconds with speed s meters per second.
The function should return 3 numpy arrays:
• The expected horizontal displacements for each microcar
• The expected vertical displacements for each microcar
• The expected distances travelled by each microcar

All displacements and distances are to be presented in meters and rounded to 2 decimal places for the final returned lists. Keep the data rounded to at least 10 decimal places for all intermediate computations.

please make a code ignoring cvs files


Expert Solution

import math
import numpy as np

# since you said to ignore the read of csv files i am ignoring it and doing the rest
# A,t,s as said in question and d is distance
# distance can be calculated normally i.e expected distance covered

#vd,vertical displacement is sin(theta) of d as python uses radians to compute everything we convert degree to radians
#hd,horizontal displacement is cos(theta) of d as  python uses radians to compute everything we convert degree to radians

#rounding off to 2 dec places


#we need to repeat this whole process for each row so i hope you know it as you said to ignore the csv file part
# so for each row in csv file repeat everything.

#since we are calculating for each row the numpy array would be a nd array so we make a list [ans] and append it to finals
#The axis is an optional integer along which define how the array is going to be displayed. 
# If the axis is not specified, the array structure will be flattened 

finalans = np.append(finalans, [ans], axis = 0)

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