In: Operations Management
What were some of the most significant technological innovations that occurred in China during this time period (circa 500 - 1300)?
The most significant technological innovations that occurred in China during this time period.
1). There was this 1,100 mile Grand Canal which linked yellow River and Yangzi River. This was considered of very high importance during that time and this canal was made under leadership of emperor that time. Time period is around early 600.
2). There were Tang inventions, developed a system of printing.
3). Scientists Invented gunpowder, it was then simply used for kind of fireworks.
4). In early 10th Century small pox vaccines were developed. that was a great invention that time.
5). China started preparing and exporting silk. Cotton products were also invented in the asian region during that period
6). They set up military called Tang military and started creating and inventing small weapons.
7) Then there were inventions of arts called song arts. Designed and built temples.
8) They invented mechanical clock in around early circa 1000/1100.
9). Invented spinning wheel
10). Then in 11th Century magnetic compass was invented designed for navigation
11). Then trade and every other arrangements as well as inventions followed in china and rest of the world during and after 15th century.
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