Summary of the artical toys are more divided by gender now than they were 50 years...

Summary of the artical toys are more divided by gender now than they were 50 years ago , by Elizabeth sweet

In: Psychology

summarize why the elderly need to eat healty.

summarize why the elderly need to eat healty.

In: Psychology

Why is the quality of the counseling relationship so important in vocational counseling and what is...

Why is the quality of the counseling relationship so important in vocational counseling and what is expected of the counselor in this relationship?

In: Psychology

Piaget's stage theory ends when children enter puberty, with his formal operational stage. Perry studied how...

Piaget's stage theory ends when children enter puberty, with his formal operational stage. Perry studied how college students progress beyond formal operational stage: first how they move from a dualistic (right versus wrong) view of the universe to a more relativistic view, and second, how they develop commitments  within this relativistic world. We have not discussed Perry in class. I am interested in knowing whether you agree or disagree with his perspective on human cognitive development. In other words where do you position yourself stage wise.

In: Psychology

How are interpersonal stressors different from other stressors? Why are interpersonal stressors often so concerning compared...

How are interpersonal stressors different from other stressors? Why are interpersonal stressors often so concerning compared to stress related to things?

In: Psychology

According to Cognitive Development in Infancy and Toddlerhood, how can parents teach their toddlers about empathy...

According to Cognitive Development in Infancy and Toddlerhood, how can parents teach their toddlers about empathy and caring for others?

In: Psychology

1- Ethical egoism is both Hedonistic and consequentialistic. Explain this means 2- What is Rachel’s argument...

1- Ethical egoism is both Hedonistic and consequentialistic. Explain this means
2- What is Rachel’s argument against ethical egoism? Be sure to explain what the principle of equal treatment is, and how ethical egoism violates thy principle?

In: Psychology

I need someone who identifies themselves as being religious to give their own personal opinion on...

I need someone who identifies themselves as being religious to give their own personal opinion on a couple or all of these questions please! thanks!

Was your religion passed on to you by family tradition or is this something you chose for yourself?

What led you to the beliefs you are now practicing?

At what age did you really get into your religion?

What do you think are some of the major misconceptions of your religion?

Have you ever been discriminated against because of your religion? How did you respond to this?

How is your religion portrayed in today's society? How does this affect you?

In what way or ways has your religion affected other aspects of your life?

Is religion an important part of your life today? Why or why not?

What do you like best/least about your religion?

What kind of person would you be without religion in your life? How would you be different?

How does your religion affect who you date, or plan to marry?

Have you had any personal experiences that have reaffirmed your faith?

Tell about a particularly spiritual/religious moment when you felt very close to your God. What happened?

Have your religious beliefs changed in your lifetime? If so, how?

Do you feel you've grown in your spirituality or changed in another way over the years?

If you were not married, would you marry outside of your religion? Why or why not?

Do you plan to raise your children in this religion or to let them decide what they want to believe on their own?

Do you ever question your faith?

In: Psychology

How should American schools teach about slavery in a way that is authentic, mindful of the...

How should American schools teach about slavery in a way that is authentic, mindful of the past, and invites productive conversation about race and U.S. History moving forward?

In: Psychology

What is the difference between religion and spirituality? Define each and give examples. Where do they...

What is the difference between religion and spirituality? Define each and give examples. Where do they overlap? What questions might you ask someone to get at their religiosity? Their spirituality? How do they relate to Allport’s ideas of intrinsic and extrinsic religiosity, if at all?

Briefly describe attachment theory. Explain the two theoretical pathways linking different attachment styles with religion. How might this relate to religious socialization and the influence of parents on one’s religious beliefs?

In: Psychology

The roles Indigenous men and women played within their own communities changed dramatically after contact. How...

The roles Indigenous men and women played within their own communities changed dramatically after contact. How did these roles change? Why did they change? And do we still see the effects of these changes today?

In: Psychology

Kristen is a 38 year-old divorced mother of two teenagers. She has had a successful, well-paying...

Kristen is a 38 year-old divorced mother of two teenagers. She has had a successful, well-paying career for the past several years in upper-level management. Even though she has worked for the same, thriving company for over 6 years, she’s found herself worrying constantly about losing her job and being unable to provide for her children. This worry has been troubling her for the past 8 months. Despite her best efforts, she hasn’t been able to shake the negative thoughts. Ever since the worry started, Kristen has found herself feeling restless, tired, and tense. She often paces in her office when she’s there alone. She’s had several embarrassing moments in meetings where she has lost track of what she was trying to say. When she goes to bed at night, it’s as if her brain won’t shut off. She finds herself mentally rehearsing all the worse-case scenarios regarding losing her job, including ending up homeless. What diagnosis would you give Kristen (list the symptoms you used to make the diagnosis) and what treatment would you suggest?

In: Psychology

MH is a 37 year old woman who is 5’3” and 210 pounds, giving her a...

MH is a 37 year old woman who is 5’3” and 210 pounds, giving her a BMI of 37. She has been overweight since childhood, however she began binge eating about 10 years ago after a failed relationship. She binges at least twice a week by cooking dinner for three, eating all of the food and then having two servings of ice cream and cookies, all in about 30 minutes. She has never used laxatives or purging after her binges. She has tried dieting in the past but now says she has given up. She has no history of substance abuse and is in good health. MH is divorced and has a 15-year-old son, who is normal weight. When he was younger, she confined her binges to the weekends; now that he is off with friends more, her binging has increased. Her divorce was initiated by her husband, partially because of her weight issues. She is a radio announcer and came in for treatment after applying for a job at a cable TV station and realizing that her appearance is what prevented her from being considered. What is the best diagnosis for MH? (Give the reasons for your choice.) What treatment would you recommend?

In: Psychology

Which is NOT a retrieving strategy? 1. Reconstruction 2. Searching 3. Rehearsing 4. Logical reasonin Which...

Which is NOT a retrieving strategy?








Logical reasonin

Which is not a possible cause of mental retardation?


Chromosomal abnormalities






Trauma before and after birth

In: Psychology

Josefina, a Hispanic fourth grader, does well on homework assignments. But when her teacher announces, "It's...

Josefina, a Hispanic fourth grader, does well on homework assignments. But when her teacher announces, "It's time for a REAL test to see how well you know what you've learned," Josefina usually gets grades that are significantly lower. Please use the concept of stereotype threat to explain this inconsistency between Josefina's mastery of her work on regular days compared with her mastery of the same material on test days. Please include an additional example of stereotype threat that comes from your own life or imagination, and how it might impact someone's performance negatively or positively.

In: Psychology