how did the natives responded to the growth of the British colonial population and movement west...

how did the natives responded to the growth of the British colonial population and movement west in the 1700s?

In: Psychology

“Like minds think alike” is an adage describing how people with similar values and beliefs may...

“Like minds think alike” is an adage describing how people with similar values and beliefs may respond in a similar fashion in each circumstance. In a positive way, individuals with similar backgrounds and interests tend to be attracted to each other more than individuals with dissimilar backgrounds and interests. However, there is also a negative side to this. There are several social sources of prejudice such as social dominance orientation, ethnocentric behavior, and authoritarian personalities.

Describe the basis behind prejudice and discrimination. Explain ways in which these issues can be reduced? Explain how the common reasons for forming relationships can sometimes become negative aspects of prejudice and discrimination.

Describe each of the social sources of prejudice thinking. Support your answer with relevant examples. Explain which of the three sources you consider to be the most effective in breeding prejudices.

In: Psychology

create a Letter to the Editor of a local or national newspaper on an issue related...

create a Letter to the Editor of a local or national newspaper on an issue related to immigration. This should be short and to the point, featuring a detailed argument to persuade the appropriate target audience. The assignment should be no longer than ½ page typed.

In: Psychology

Aheed’s roommates brought him to the emergency room because he started behaving oddly. Specifically, they reported...

Aheed’s roommates brought him to the emergency room because he started behaving oddly. Specifically, they reported that he was collecting litter from campus in his room, he did not seem to notice when they spoke directly to him, and they do not remember the last time they saw him sleep or eat. One roommate remembered Aheed once mentioned an uncle who was diagnosed with schizophrenia. The doctors thanked the roommates and said they would consider that diagnosis after they ruled out rival hypotheses. Is it appropriate for the doctors to consider another diagnosis given the information they have? What hypotheses might they be looking to rule out before confirming any diagnosis?

In: Psychology

Create a terrorist profile and defend it

Create a terrorist profile and defend it

In: Psychology

"Seing like a state" The High-Modernist City: An Experiment and a Critique by James C. Scott....

"Seing like a state" The High-Modernist City: An Experiment and a Critique by James C. Scott. ( boundaries and context) 2 paragraphs)

In: Psychology

4. Have you found or researched other disability rights organizations than those listed? If so, how...

4. Have you found or researched other disability rights organizations than those listed? If so, how do they compare when you think about the important role of organizing people with disabilities in our fight for equality and disability rights in the US?

In: Psychology

Referring to Object Permanence, what is current thinking about the answer to when and how much...

Referring to Object Permanence, what is current thinking about the answer to when and how much babies know about objects in the world and how coordinated are babies' sensorimotor development and conceptual understanding?

In: Psychology

Critique / respond to this persons post on - The relationship between stress and health and...

Critique / respond to this persons post on - The relationship between stress and health and the importance of learning positive measures to ensure our physical and mental well-being. Explain how “a stressor is a condition or event that challenges or threatens a person” also discuss stressful events reduce the body’s natural defenses against disease” in some writings what do you think. Finally what is the importance of knowing good coping skills and setting boundaries for ourselves where our obligations are concerned?

--- I learned that, or atleast concluded that I use work and stress as a means to fill in the empty space. That is to say that I rely on my stressors to cope with silence. Stressors in my life include work, side projects that I tend to pick up on a whim, maintaining relationships with those closest around me, and financial issues. While this may not be the best way to deal with the stressors in my life, but I have a tendency to ignore the emotional burden that comes along with the stressor which is not to say that I don't deal with the problem at hand, but rather I ignore the emotional tension that comes along with the burden--essentially making myself numb. While this isn't necessarily the healthiest way to deal with stress, it allows me to deal with the physical problem at hand first before worry about the emotional side of the problem. This helps with prioritizing the problem, for example such as school work without worrying about how to handle the emotional burden such as "will I graduate"? While there certain is a mind, body and soul connection I also think that to a certain degree there is a conflict of interest such as for example--if something might be good for the development of the body it may not necessarily be good for the soul or for the mind.

In: Psychology

Summary of the artical Biology dosent justify gender divide for toys by Cordelia fine

Summary of the artical Biology dosent justify gender divide for toys by Cordelia fine

In: Psychology

How is violence against the LGB community tied to the construction of gender?

How is violence against the LGB community tied to the construction of gender?

In: Psychology

Summary of the artical the White House takes aim at toys that perpetuate gender stereotypes by...

Summary of the artical the White House takes aim at toys that perpetuate gender stereotypes by Maya Rhodan

In: Psychology

Use the scenario below to frame your answer of the questions that follow As you join...

Use the scenario below to frame your answer of the questions that follow

As you join some friends for coffee, they are discussing a group of classmates who seem to have problems with their identity development—some seem to have a rather incoherent, disjointed, incomplete sense of who they are; one seems to have made no exploration at all in any areas of his development and just does what his parents tell him, which he says is fine with him; and a couple of others behave in ways that are obviously contrary to social norms and mores. They turn to you to ask if there are classifications to describe these behaviors and how they might have developed. What do you tell them? Consider the following in your answer:

List and define identity statuses (5 points)

Identify which identity status may reflect what you observed in these friends (see scenario above) (5 points)

Explain what can happen to when an adolescent experiences problems with identity development (10 points)

In: Psychology

1. Darwin compares natural selection to a country undergoing some form of climate change. How does...

1. Darwin compares natural selection to a country undergoing some form of climate change. How does he say that such an example and climate change are similar?

In: Psychology

Describe how a culture of violence in high security prisons is perpetuated by the process of...

Describe how a culture of violence in high security prisons is perpetuated by the process of informal socialization. What steps could be taken by administrative personnel to address this issue? Could a training program be implemented? Would inmates be included in the process?

In: Psychology