What are INFJ person values?

What are INFJ person values?

In: Psychology

1) What is meant by the principle of connectivity in research? 2) How can we achieve...

1) What is meant by the principle of connectivity in research?

2) How can we achieve convergence in science?

3)What is a meta-analysis?

4) What do we mean when we say there is no "magic bullet" in explaining a phenomenon or behavior?

In: Psychology

Who is on the IEP team? Jeff had an educational evaluation that included an IQ test....

Who is on the IEP team? Jeff had an educational evaluation that included an IQ test. The test showed that Jeff's tested IQ is 64 and he was labeled as having intellectual disability . As consultants to Jeff's parent. what would you tell them about IQ testing? What concerns would you have about jeff being labeled as having intellectual disabilty with only this IQ test used? Does jeff fit the definiton of intellectual disability? why or Why not ?

In: Psychology

Why are there the specific 3 social classes there are in the kallipolis? How does Plato...

Why are there the specific 3 social classes there are in the kallipolis? How does Plato argue that the human soul has parts isomorphic to these? How does this yield a virtue ethics?

In: Psychology

Explain the development of African slavery on the American colonies from its inception to its dominant...

Explain the development of African slavery on the American colonies from its inception to its dominant features on the eve of the American Revolution. Detail the evolution of slavery and the reasons for significant changes.

In: Psychology

                                Chapter 1 of the Communist Manifesto      

                                Chapter 1 of the Communist Manifesto

                                                         by Karl Marx

Please type out answers to the following questions:

For Marx the struggle was between what two groups throughout history?

Who are the two classes Marx identifies in modern society?

How have the bourgeoisie changed the nature of exploitation?

List at least two things that the bourgeoisie has changed in society, according to Marx.

What replaced feudal relations of property?

How has the bourgeoisie contributed to their own demise, according to Marx?

Who does Marx think will ultimately prevail?

In 1 to 2 double spaced, typed pages (paragraph form) answer the following:

Do you think a proletariat revolution is likely in the United States or other industrialized, capitalist countries? Why or why not? Do you think a proletariat revolution would be a good thing? Why or why not?  

In: Psychology

1.Why should the criminal justice system concern itself to the extent it does with the crisis...

1.Why should the criminal justice system concern itself to the extent it does with the crisis of suicide? Shouldn’t people have the right to end their lives?

2.Discuss whether you believe suicide is primarily the result of external sociological conditions and circumstances, or more the result of internal psychological factors. Or is it a combination of both?

3.Discuss some of the major differences between teen suicide and adult suicide.

In: Psychology

Paul Ekman placed a heavy emphasis on the role of facial expression in human emotions. Imagine,...

Paul Ekman placed a heavy emphasis on the role of facial expression in human emotions. Imagine, that a 9-year-old child in Grade 3, called J, has a brain tumor and this tumor makes J unable to understand any facial expressions. No matter what other people are feeling, J cannot tell it from their faces. As well, J cannot produce any facial expressions. How might this make J’s life difficult? Could J have anything like a normal life? Having considered the special case of J, then state whether you agree with Ekman’s strong emphasis on the importance of facial expressions in human emotional life.

In: Psychology

THIS IS BUSINESS ETHICS ASSIGNMENT Think of a person in your life who is something of...


Think of a person in your life who is something of a scary person for you.

Scary people are those you don’t really know but who are scary to you because you anticipate you won’t like them and hence you avoid building relationships with them.

Your assignment is to reach out to one or more scary persons in your life eg. Invite the person for lunch or just walk up and introduce yourself and start a conversation.

After you have completed your assignment, write one page about your experiences, reflecting on the following:

1.Were you able to reach out to the scary person?

2.What did you discover about the scary person?

3.What did you discover about yourself by doing this activity?

In: Psychology

Please provide citation Compare the criteria of the scientific method with everyday decision making. In what...

Please provide citation Compare the criteria of the scientific method with everyday decision making. In what ways is the scientific method superior? Is it inferior in any way? Can it blind us into thinking it is the only way to gather and interpret data? From your research or experience, provide an example to support your answer,

In: Psychology

1. Even within the same society, groups differ on what is and is not considered deviant....

1. Even within the same society, groups differ on what is and is not considered deviant.
a. True
b. False

2. According to ________, there is a discrepancy between the larger structure and culture of society, especially regarding what is valued, and the structural means available to achieve that which is valued.

scapegoat theory
strain theory
subcultural theory
control theory

3. The ultimate example of both forms of deterrence is capital punishment, or the death penalty.
a. True
b. False

4. ________ tell us much about the macro structures of stratification while ________ offer great detail about what goes on within those structures at the micro levels.

Structural/functional and conflict/critical theories; inter/actionist theories
Structural/functional and inter/actionist theories; conflict/critical theories
Conflict/critical theories and inter/actionist theories; structural/functional theories
Inter/actionist theories; structural/functional and conflict/critical theories

5. Bourdieu called the need to distinguish oneself from others

conspicuous consumption

high culture

6. Conflict theorists ridicule the idea that higher-level positions in the social structure would go unfilled were it not for the greater rewards they offer.

a. True
b. False

In: Psychology

It is generally assumed that most people who are blind or deaf would prefer to be...

It is generally assumed that most people who are blind or deaf would prefer to be sighted or be able to hear. Imagine you have lost a sense of vision or hearing. How would your life be different? For this, write about the advantages of not having sight or hearing.

If you had to eliminate one of your body's sensory systems (other than sight or hearing), which one would you choose to eliminate? Why? (Remember, we have more than 5 senses.)
And, to be slightly less negative, what about the flip side? If you could choose one sense to enhance, what sense would that be (like a superpower)?

In: Psychology

Select a social problem such as drug abuse, crime, or suicide, and indicate how functionalist, conflict,...

Select a social problem such as drug abuse, crime, or suicide, and indicate how functionalist, conflict, symbolic interactionist, and postmodernist perspectives might view and perhaps even solve this problem. Please cite

In: Psychology

Analyze how psychophysics is applied in coal mining in the 1930s and today?

Analyze how psychophysics is applied in coal mining in the 1930s and today?

In: Psychology

Explain the difference between subcultures and countercultures and give an example of each.

Explain the difference between subcultures and countercultures and give an example of each.

In: Psychology