Jung believed that the source of our motivation was a psychological drive to achieve balance (the...

Jung believed that the source of our motivation was a psychological drive to achieve balance (the effect of entropy on the psyche). Have you ever felt that you were being pushed or pulled in the wrong direction, or in too many directions at once, and simply wanted to achieve some balance in your life? In contrast, have there been times that your life was unfulfilling, and you needed something more in order to feel whole? Explain, in one to two paragraphs your response to these two questions.

In: Psychology

How would the silent film, The General (1926) be different if it was a "talking picture?"

How would the silent film, The General (1926) be different if it was a "talking picture?"

In: Psychology

Defend or refute: Servant leadership should be conceptualized as a behavior rather than a trait?

Defend or refute: Servant leadership should be conceptualized as a behavior rather than a trait?

In: Psychology

Expound on the different methods of conventional drug control and enforcement. Which of these methods seem...

Expound on the different methods of conventional drug control and enforcement. Which of these methods seem to have the greatest impact? Which have minimal impact?

In: Psychology

personalities are not randomly distributed. Instead they fit into distinct geographic clusters. Based on where you...

personalities are not randomly distributed. Instead they fit into distinct geographic clusters. Based on where you live, do you agree or disagree with the traits associated with yourself and the residents of your area of the country? Why or why not?

In: Psychology

Do you think that the decline in the nuclear family is to blame for our high...

Do you think that the decline in the nuclear family is to blame for our high crime rates, high high school dropout rate? What is your opinion. Many conservatives believe that this is the number one problem in America. Are they right?

In: Psychology

After completing the HumanMetrics personality inventory and reviewing the reading/viewing materials about personality and motivation, answer...

After completing the HumanMetrics personality inventory and reviewing the reading/viewing materials about personality and motivation, answer the following questions: Do the results of the personality inventory truly match your personality? In other words, is this how you see yourself and how others see you? Discuss how the motivation theories are/are not applicable to your personal/education/career motivators? Do you see connections between your personality and motivations? If yes, explain how you perceive these connections. If not, explain why not.

In: Psychology

How can the evidence of both assimilation and the signs of ethnic identity, that support a...

How can the evidence of both assimilation and the signs of ethnic identity, that support a pluralistic view of society be possible ?

In: Psychology

Explaian why socialism is both a wealth creator and an unfair distributor of welth. Then explain...

Explaian why socialism is both a wealth creator and an unfair distributor of welth. Then explain why socialism addresses this distribution problem but describe what other problem it creates. Do you agree that capitalism and democracy are synonymous? Explain.

In: Psychology



In: Psychology

Background of gender roles in stereotypes

Background of gender roles in stereotypes

In: Psychology

Think about a relationship in your life and analyze it in terms of one of the...

Think about a relationship in your life and analyze it in terms of one of the intimacy models.

In: Psychology

How does the "hidden" curriculum impact one's college education?

How does the "hidden" curriculum impact one's college education?

In: Psychology

Police use of deadly force and the media has caused a stir across the country. In...

Police use of deadly force and the media has caused a stir across the country. In your opinion, when an officer uses deadly force and the media reports it prior to all of the facts of the investigation are gathered, does this tend to have a negative effect on all law enforcement agencies across the country?

Or is it ok for the media to report what little facts and generate a headline based on their opinion of the case? Explain in detail, please

In: Psychology

What are INFJ person values?

What are INFJ person values?

In: Psychology