Sigmund Freud, "Civilization and its Discontents" Chapter 5: 1         Freud’s rumination on the ideas of loving...

Sigmund Freud, "Civilization and its Discontents"

Chapter 5:

1         Freud’s rumination on the ideas of loving your neighbor as much as you love yourself and loving your enemies: on what basis does he critique these ideas?

2         Pointing to the ineradicable fact of human differences, Freud says, “So long as these undeniable differences have not been removed, obedience to high ethical demands entails damage to the aims of civilization, for it puts a positive premium on being bad.” Explain that.

3         The opening pages of this chapter build toward Freud’s assertion that humans are “creatures among whose instinctual endowments is to be reckoned a powerful share of aggressiveness”; man is revealed to be “a savage beast to whom consideration towards his own kind is something alien.” Does he persuade you that this is true?

4         What’s meant by the phrase, “the narcissism of minor differences”?

5         At the end of the chapter, there’s a jab against American political ideology? What is it?

In: Psychology

Workshop 5 Background: In December 2017, 9-year old Jack and his mother (Harriet) were visiting their...

Workshop 5

Background: In December 2017, 9-year old Jack and his mother (Harriet) were visiting their extended family in Melbourne. They were shopping in the city on 21 December when a driver drove his car into pedestrians at the corner of Flinders and Elizabeth streets. Jack and his mum witnessed this event (in which 18 people were injured, with an elderly man subsequently dying from his injuries). They were not in harm’s way (with the car travelling away from them and the driver quickly apprehended. However, Jack and his mum had multiple conversations about how they each thought they could have been killed during the attack. Two days later, Jack and his mum returned to their home in Brisbane.

Jack lives in an intact family consisting of his biological parents, Harriet and Peter, and his older sister Natalie. He is in Grade 4 at the local primary school and has lots of friends. He is also close to his parents and his grandparents (who are involved in his care during the week).

Immediately following his return home, Jack experienced nightmares on a few occasions about cars driving towards him. After the first nightmare, Jack’s dad (who has a history of anxiety and depression) encouraged Jack to sleep in the parents’ bedroom on a camp mattress. Despite mum’s suggestion that it is time for Jack to move back to his own bedroom, he is still sleeping in his parents’ room. Jack’s mum and dad have had many arguments about this situation. Peter’s (dad) perspective is that:

·       Jack is a very sensitive child who (even as a newborn baby) is more easily upset than other children;

·       Jack has been exposed to a traumatic experience in which he could have been killed;

·       Loving support (including avoidance of going into Brisbane city) is required to prevent Jack from developing ongoing mental health problems following this exposure; and

·       He (dad) could not cope if he lost one of his children.

From Harriet’s (mum) perspective:

·       The experience was upsetting but she and Jack were not hurt and were never likely to have been hurt (as she has discussed with Jack);

·       Peter (dad) needs to talk about the attack less; and

·       Jack is a healthy boy who seems to be handling the experience well.

Question: How likely do you think it is that Jack might develop a diagnosable mental health problem following his exposure to the attack in Melbourne? [Note, you are not being asked to identify possible mental health problems]. Identify 8 factors (a mixture of risk and protective factors – does not need to be 4 of each; but rather 8 in total) to justify your answer, and explain why each is either  a risk or a protective factor.

In: Psychology

Design a research project that can measure the amount of underage drinking on your campus. Be...

Design a research project that can measure the amount of underage drinking on your campus. Be sure to explain:

1. How you would ask questions,

2. How you might observe behavior that can be used in you research and,

3. What records they might examine to determine underage drinking on campus.

In: Psychology



THEORY OF WHY IT WORKS? - How does Play Therapy work?


SPECIFIC MECHANISM (The “HOW”) OF CHANGE: How can therapy change when using Play Therapy?

GOALS/OUTCOME - what are the goals when using Play Therapy?

EXAMPLE- what is an example when using Play Therapy?

In: Psychology

For this paper, I want you find and summarize one recent scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals...

For this paper, I want you find and summarize one recent scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals pertaining to stereotyping and prejudice. The article must:

-be in a peer reviewed journal (including, but not limited to: Nature, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Social Personality and Psychological Science)

-present new data (so no review papers)

-have been published in the last 15 years

-be relevant to the topic of stereotyping and prejudice

-not be an article that we have previously discussed in class

In your papers, you should cover the following for the article:

1. Summarize the article in your own words. This should include a discussion of the following:

what were they testing?

how did they test this?

what did they find?

what does it mean?

2. Evaluate the article. This could go in any number of directions, but make sure you go into detail in explaining the reasoning behind your evaluation.

In: Psychology

1.    2.  A researcher studied the influence of intensity of room illumination (low, medium, and high) on...

1.    2.  A researcher studied the influence of intensity of room illumination (low, medium, and high) on reading speed among fifth graders. Also, children were classified as "good" or "poor" readers from achievement test scores. Each group of children read 700 word passages under all three levels of illumination (three reading trials). The order of trials for each child was randomly determined.

1. Identify the design (e.g., 2 X 2 factorial).

2. Identify the total number of conditions.

3. Identify the independent variable(s) and levels (this could include PVs).

4. Is this an IV X PV design? If so, identify the participant variable(s).

5. Is this a repeated measures (within subject) design? If so, identify the repeated variable(s). And/Or

6. Identify the dependent variable(s).

In: Psychology

1. What is Bulimia Nervosa? 2. Explain the main treatments for Bulimia Nervosa.

1. What is Bulimia Nervosa?

2. Explain the main treatments for Bulimia Nervosa.

In: Psychology

Write a 500 word essay. Prompt: For this week's assignment, you are to write an essay...

Write a 500 word essay. Prompt: For this week's assignment, you are to write an essay in which you explain your stance/perspective on a topic such as parenting, or adoption.

In: Psychology

Develop outlines showing how trends like workforce diversity, technological innovation, globalization, and changes in the nature...

Develop outlines showing how trends like workforce diversity, technological innovation, globalization, and changes in the nature of work have affected the college or university you are attending now.

In: Psychology

what changes in the human cognition are seen across development? how are these changes related to...

what changes in the human cognition are seen across development? how are these changes related to changes in studies that use neuroimaging such as fMRI

In: Psychology

1. What is Anorexia? 2. Outline the physical symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa.

1. What is Anorexia?

2. Outline the physical symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa.

In: Psychology

‘Good parenting is an important behaviour - changing factor for adolescents.’ Discuss in detail.

‘Good parenting is an important behaviour - changing factor for adolescents.’ Discuss in detail.

In: Psychology

1. how can the marriage laws with loopholes be addressed? 2. As a nurse, what social/medical...

1. how can the marriage laws with loopholes be addressed?

2. As a nurse, what social/medical services can you offer youth in these situations?

In: Psychology

Fair-Minded Qualities After reading this week’s lectures on the qualities of a Fair-Minded Thinker, select one...

Fair-Minded Qualities

After reading this week’s lectures on the qualities of a Fair-Minded Thinker, select one quality you feel you possess and describe how you embody this quality.

Next, select two qualities you feel you need to improve upon.

Using the five step decision making process outlined below, create a plan of action to improve in those areas. Please be sure to outline the specific steps you’ll take to overcome any obstacles you face.

Your completed assignment should be written primarily in first person and should be 500-750 words in length. If you use sources in your writing, be sure to identify them. If you use any direct language from a source, be sure to place those words in quotation marks.

Decision Making Process

Step One: As clearly as possible, define the decision you are faced with.

Step Two: Consider each possible choice you have for resolving the issue.

Step Three: Gather as much relevant information as time allows, and identify the pros and cons of each of the choices you have to solve your issue.

Step Four: Based on your list of pros and cons, choose the best method for resolving the issue.

Step Five: Construct a plan of action to implement your method (be sure to leave yourself enough flexibility to make adjustments as necessary).

In: Psychology

Discuss ten (10) characteristics of young adolescents’ intellectual development with relevant examples. Discuss with relevant examples...

  1. Discuss ten (10) characteristics of young adolescents’ intellectual development with relevant examples.
  2. Discuss with relevant examples how families, communities, religious bodies and schools can all contribute to helping the youth develop positive peer relationships.

In: Psychology