
In: Psychology

3) What type of criminal punishment do you think we ought to give people who sexually...

3) What type of criminal punishment do you think we ought to give people who sexually assault others while he or she is drunk?


Expert Solution


Sexual assault which means physically forcing a non-consensual sexual act, an act where the term consent absolutely doesn't exist. Crimes such as sexual assault, rape, sexual harassment, etc, are absolutely heinous in nature and require a strict punishment. When we hear such cases, it boils our blood and a demand for a strict punishment arises. Many people say people who rape deserve a painful death, or they should be handed to the public, they must be executed, mutilated, some suggest castration, and some say they should be sawed in half, but the question is will that stop people from committing such brutalities. The answer is debatable. Well, in my opinion, these physical punishments are nothing compared to the mental trauma of the girl or the boy who has faced such atrocities. No matter, what the person who indulges in sexual assault faces physically, no matter how harsh punishment we can think of as humans, that person would never feel exactly how he/she made the victim feel. Is brutal punishment for a brutal crime a solution? The death penalty has been there in our legal systems for various crimes such as murder, terrorism, crimes against the government, drug trafficking, etc. But does that stop these crimes to happen? Let's think it like this, there are severe penalties for many crimes to date, even years ago, when the legal system was not finely defined, there were brutal punishments, but that did not put an end to those sorts of crimes. We need to understand the human psychology behind this and find a solution that has the ability to stop people from thinking that it is normal to sexually assault or rape somebody and get over it.

Before thinking about punishment, it is important to understand the mentality behind sexual assault cases. What makes a person believe it is appropriate to commit something so degrading and barbaric? Where have we, as a society, gone wrong in delivering the importance of consent and where have we, as individuals, gone wrong in understanding the word consent. Punishment is absolutely requisite for any crime whether serious or not. But when we talk about sexual assault, it is a social problem, and our society desperately needs to flush out thoughts that normalize such incidents. Again, punishment is necessary but it is not an ultimate solution. We can think of laws that can ruin the rapist's life beyond repair and it "might" scare others from not committing it due to the severity of the punishment. What I think is, we can put an end to this crime but not "just" through this way. When we think of brutal punishment for a brutal crime, we hope that people stop committing sexual assaults because they think the punishment is severe, but along with this is more important that people stop committing these comes by realising that it is JUST NOT OKAY to sexually molest, harass, assault someone.

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