in 250 words or more Compare and contrast the musical practices of the pre-conquest indigenous peoples...

in 250 words or more Compare and contrast the musical practices of the pre-conquest indigenous peoples of Mexico with the pre-conquest musical practices of Africans. cite 2 different references.

In: Psychology

Tranquilizing drugs that inhibits sympathetic nervous system activity often effectively reduce people ssubjective experience of intense...

Tranquilizing drugs that inhibits sympathetic nervous system activity often effectively reduce people ssubjective experience of intense fear and anxiety. Which of the major theories of emotion is the most consistent with the emotion reducing effects of such tranquilizers? Which theory of emotion would have the greatest difficulty explaining these effects? Why?

In: Psychology

Was the agricultural revolution of the Middle Ages truly a revolution? What types of changes took...

Was the agricultural revolution of the Middle Ages truly a revolution? What types of changes took place in farming? How did these new agricultural methods lead to larger societal changes in the Middle Ages?

While it is true that food production increased and made possible the growth of trade and the growth of cities, but what types of social changes occurred in countryside?

In: Psychology

Reflect on how tone, context, personal experience, and other factors can affect how words deliver meaning.​...

Reflect on how tone, context, personal experience, and other factors can affect how words deliver meaning.​ 10 sentences

In: Psychology

The process by which people learn the cultural norms, attitudes, and behaviors appropriate to their gender...

The process by which people learn the cultural norms, attitudes, and behaviors appropriate to their gender is ______.

gender role behavior
sex role development
gender identification

gender socialization

______ are interested in how physical differences between men and women come to be symbols that result in different social rights and rewards.

Conflict theorists

Exchange theorists

The statement, “Each sex plays a complementary role to ensure the survival and efficiency of society,” is a tenet of which sociological theory?

symbolic interactionist


According to most sociologists, gender roles are all of the following EXCEPT this:

socially constructed
created by human beings
designed to meet the needs of each society

biologically determined

From a structural-functional perspective, each sex has a role to play in the interdependent groups and institutions of society.


In: Psychology

A 25-year-old young woman is brought to the emergency department by the police after being found...

A 25-year-old young woman is brought to the emergency department by the police after being found walking in traffic at a busy city intersection. The police place her on an involuntary commitment after she states that she was instructed to kill herself by accusatory, commanding voices. On examination the patient appears disheveled, with an indifferent and flat affect, and disorganized thought processes. She answers most questions monosyllabically. When questioned about experiencing auditory hallucinations she answers in the affirmative, but she is unable to articulate coherently the details of her experience. Throughout the examinations she appears intermittently distracted by internal stimuli; when asked what her experience is in the moment, she states: "They are talking to me." The patient's family reports that she became increasingly withdrawn after she moved away from home to attend graduate studies at a local university. The family reports that her academic performance in college was above average, but since starting university she has struggled to complete her school work. Since moving, she has also become more isolative: she made no new friends, stopped talking to her college friends, and maintained only sporadic contact with her family. The family was unaware of the patient experiencing any hallucinatory experiences. She had no past history of drug misuse and her urine toxicology screen was negative, effectively ruling out a drug-induced psychosis.


1. What could have possibly triggered this young woman's episode?

2a. What are two differential or possible diagnoses for her?

2b. Briefly explain each of these possible diagnoses.

3. What are the evidences which have informed each of the two possible diagnoses you listed in #2?

4. What is this young woman's actual diagnoses, and explain possible treatment options

In: Psychology

Describe U.S. response to the invasion of South Korea by North Korean and subsequently Chinese troops?

Describe U.S. response to the invasion of South Korea by North Korean and subsequently Chinese troops?

In: Psychology

What was the consequence of the enemy alien propaganda? (US History Question)

What was the consequence of the enemy alien propaganda? (US History Question)

In: Psychology

How did the New Deal recast the meaning of American freedom? Support your reasoning

How did the New Deal recast the meaning of American freedom? Support your reasoning

In: Psychology

what is bureaucratic theory

what is bureaucratic theory

In: Psychology

In 2015, more than 130 people were killed in Paris by terrorists linked to the Islamic...

In 2015, more than 130 people were killed in Paris by terrorists linked to the Islamic State. Reaction was intense and world-wide. Yet, a day before, ISIS terrorists killed dozens of people in Beirut, Lebanon and much of the world paid little attention. Do you think ethnicity and nationalist figures in to the way people define a social problem?

Note: The answer should be a paragraph form.

In: Psychology

To what extent do you think the emotional exhaustion that frequently occurs among counselors and therapists...

To what extent do you think the emotional exhaustion that frequently occurs among counselors and therapists is an unavoidable consequence of dealing with the pain and suffering of clients and to what extent is it a result of external pressures such as managed care and administrative directives? If you think it is unavoidable, what steps should professionals take to cope with the toll it takes on them?

In: Psychology

What is the difference between interpersonal racism and institutionalized racism? Provide an example of each. Which...

What is the difference between interpersonal racism and institutionalized racism? Provide an example of each. Which is most difficult to eradicate, and why?

In: Psychology

Mammals in general provide parental care for their young. This seems to imply that parents should...

Mammals in general provide parental care for their young. This seems to imply that parents should be able to recognize their own young. Yet, for some mammals such as the wild mouse (Mus musculus), pup recognition by dams (mothers) does not occur (sires are not involved in parental care in mice). Dams will care for any pup that is available. In the lab, if a dam is placed in a cage with two or more litters of pups, she will gather them into one giant pile of pups and attempt to nurse, groom and care for all of them. An entire genetic litter can also be replaced by a new litter of entirely unrelated pups and the dam will adopt and care for them as if they were her own. In meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus), another common prairie rodent, pup recognition apparently does not occur until 7-9 days have passed. Prior to that time, dams will adopt any young that appear in their nest. Under what evolutionary conditions might non-recognition of offspring develop? Under what evolutionary conditions should recognition of young develop?

In: Psychology

Is it ethical to for companies to mine and sell people’s personal information? Should it be...

Is it ethical to for companies to mine and sell people’s personal information? Should it be legal? What personal data are you willing to give away? Should companies be allowed to self-regulate or should there be stronger federal data protection laws? Please explain your answer using at least two examples of what may be covered by regulations.

In: Psychology