1) Describe the social and political revolutions that occurred in the Atlantic World between 1750 and...

1) Describe the social and political revolutions that occurred in the Atlantic World between 1750 and 1850 -- how far reaching were the consequences of these revolutions?

2)  Why did the Industrial Revolution begin when and where it did?

3)How did the Industrial Revolution create changes for societies in the West?

In: Psychology

Strayer, D. L., Drews, F. A., & Crouch, D. J. (2006). A comparison of the cell...

Strayer, D. L., Drews, F. A., & Crouch, D. J. (2006). A comparison of the cell phone driver and the drunk driver. Human factors, 48(2), 381-391.

Identify the independent and dependent variable(s) studied. State the research hypothesis(es) concerning the variables that were studied. Identify the participants. Include any subject characteristics that were used as variables. State the major results of the study in terms of the hypothesis(es) and the conclusions drawn by the researcher(s). Paraphrase, using your own words; avoid using direct quotes. You don’t need to include all the statistics, just key results information. State your opinion of the study. Do you think the study was well-designed and conducted?

In: Psychology

What does emotion mean? What is the connection between how emotions are manifested and interpreted and...

What does emotion mean? What is the connection between how emotions are manifested and interpreted and culture? (4 Points) 400 words

In: Psychology

Hypothetically terminate the counseling relationship with your client who has experienced trauma and abuse in the...

Hypothetically terminate the counseling relationship with your client who has experienced trauma and abuse in the past and has now seen you, the counselor, for 8 months regarding this trauma. Describe the successful termination of the client relationship. Discuss strategies for helping the client to maintain change post-termination. Please include a reference

In: Psychology

Describe how you feel about immigration health when you think about the topic and those affected...

Describe how you feel about immigration health when you think about the topic and those affected by it. Be honest. Speculate, without using any resources, why you think your topic relates to social justice. Be sure to commit to at least three reasons that involve the individual, community, and culture. Support your personal beliefs. In other words, say why you think these are the reasons.Put everything in your own words, at least a page or two.

In: Psychology

In Sociology, how does the information in Stratification, Race & Ethnicity, and Economics & Politics tell...

In Sociology, how does the information in Stratification, Race & Ethnicity, and Economics & Politics tell us it shapes the United States and the world?

In: Psychology

For this assignment, you will examine how learning theories can be used to understand persisting behavior,...

For this assignment, you will examine how learning theories can be used to understand persisting behavior, as well as how an understanding of these theories can help change behavior. First, select a bad habit or undesired behavior that a person might want to change from the following lists: procrastination, binge drinking, swearing, excessive caffeine consumption, chronic lateness, smoking, fear of speaking in public, or frequent road rage. Now, suppose a client has come to you because they want to understand and change their behavior.
Address the following sections in your Case Study Analysis:
(a) Identification of Behavior (Introduction paragraph)

Briefly describe the client's undesired behavior that he/she would like to change. Include details related to how long the behavior has persisted, the severity/frequency, and how it impacts the person's life.

(b) Based on what you have learned about classical, operant, and social learning theories, develop three brief descriptions (less than one page each), describing how each of the theories could help explain the development and/or persistence of the undesired behavior. Include terms and concepts related to theories that are most relevant in the plan for the client as indicated below.

Plan 1: How could classical conditioning explain the development and the persistence of the client's undesired behavior? Include in your discussion coverage of the relationship between and unconditional stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, and conditioned response.

Plan 2: How could operant conditioning explain the development and persistence of the client's undesired behavior? Include discussion of shaping and reinforcers (positive and negative), as well as punishments. How could operant conditioning be used to help lessen or change the behavior?

Plan 3: How could cognitive and social learning theories explain the development and persistence of the client's undesired behavior? In particular, discuss the role of latent learning, learned helplessness, vicarious reinforcement and/or vicarious punishment as applicable.

(c) Recommendation - Conclusion Section: Now that you have examined scenarios related to the persistence of the undesired behavior, consider how you would recommend the client change their behavior. Select one of the learning theories above and describe how it could be used to help the client lessen and change the desired behavior.

Requirements: Length = approximately 3-4 pages

In: Psychology

How do you define identity? I need a long answer, well specified the concept with examples.

How do you define identity? I need a long answer, well specified the concept with examples.

In: Psychology

How do you define identity? I need a long answer, well specified the concept.

How do you define identity? I need a long answer, well specified the concept.

In: Psychology

In chapter 4 of the Johnson (2010) text regarding Christian Psychology View, the authors Roberts and...

In chapter 4 of the Johnson (2010) text regarding Christian Psychology View, the authors Roberts and Watson, discuss the implications of psychology from the passage of the Sermon on the Mount. Explain their viewpoint and how they feel this touches on psychology, overall well-being, and how this segues into their belief that “Christian psychology is a different psychology” (p. 158). Lastly, what is your view on this?

In: Psychology

1. Compare the differences and similarities of “Five-Factor Model of Personality” and “Type A/Type B Personality”...

1. Compare the differences and similarities of “Five-Factor Model of Personality” and “Type A/Type B Personality” in analyzing human personality?

2. Apply your own characteristics as examples to explain your analysis made in Q1.

In: Psychology

Choose a type a traumatic event that first responders can be exposed to and research a...

Choose a type a traumatic event that first responders can be exposed to and research a professional journal article (only one article should be presented) that discusses the possible health impact, either physical or psychological. Please summarize and discuss the implications of the article. Provide the class with the reference for the article.

In: Psychology

Summarize what role you believe crisis intervention plays in the delivery of human services.

  • Summarize what role you believe crisis intervention plays in the delivery of human services.

In: Psychology

The Health Studies degree teaches students to: Understand factors that pose risk, or promote prevention for...

The Health Studies degree teaches students to:

Understand factors that pose risk, or promote prevention for population and community health.

Identify factors that influence health equity and social justice.

Understand health research within the context of complex population health outcomes.

Analyze the impacts of healthcare policies to improve the health of diverse communities.

Communicate health information to a variety of audiences.

Develop as public health leaders and health practitioners.
Given the above core objectives, describe how the Health Studies degree will help you achieve your goals?

this is an essay i have to do for a programe am trying to apply and the programe is Health Studies!

pleasue somone answer this for me!!!

In: Psychology

the 7 habits of highly effective college students succeeding in college...and in life. Describe in your...

the 7 habits of highly effective college students succeeding in college...and in life. Describe in your own words what is a paradigm? Share 3 of your paradigms and explain how they have affected your life.

In: Psychology