14. Explain the meaning of the words "Nothing so aggravates an earnest person as a passive...

14. Explain the meaning of the words "Nothing so aggravates an earnest person as a passive resistance" (p. 304, Volume E) in "Bartleby the Scrivener".

15. What do you feel might happen to Melville's character Bartleby today, in real life?

16. In "Bartleby the Scrivener", how does Bartleby's past work in the "Dead Letter Office" (p. 321, Volume E) help explain his behavior in the story?

In: Psychology

Compare and Contrast the ideas of "Morning Sun" (Sylvia Plath) and "Where are you going, Where...

Compare and Contrast the ideas of "Morning Sun" (Sylvia Plath) and "Where are you going, Where have you been" ( Joyce Carol Oates). What are the major topics the particular text addresses? Write your answer in 1400 words.

In: Psychology

The faculty at a large university have decided that they will enforce course prerequisites for student...

The faculty at a large university have decided that they will enforce course prerequisites for student class registration.

For the following statements, identify whether they represent an opinion, a fact, or a reasoned argument

1. It won’t work

a. opinion

b. fact

c. reasoned argument

2.The courses at this university are divided into lower-division and upper-division

a. opinion

b. fact

c. reasoned argument

3.The faculty understand more about the content area than students do. Therefore, faculty should guide students in the order in which they take the courses.

a. opinion

b. fact

c. reasoned argument

4.Students should be able to design their own path through the curriculum

a. opinion

b. fact

c. reasoned argument

5.It is a good idea because it will communicate course content expectations clearly to students

a. opinion

b. fact

c. reasoned argument

6.It will mean that students will take too long to finish their degrees

a. opinion

b. fact

c. reasoned argument

7.Grades at another large university increased by 2% when prerequisite courses were enforced

a. opinion

b. fact

c. reasoned argument

8.It will add more administrative burden to faculty because students will petition to take courses out of sequence

a. opinion

b. fact

c. reasoned argument

9.During the pilot phase, the engineering faculty reported that they did not spend any more time than normal on administrative tasks related to course enrollment

a. opinion

b. fact

c. reasoned argument

10.Faculty don’t like spending time on administrative tasks related to course enrollment

a. opinion

b. fact

c. reasoned argument

In: Psychology

Reading - UTILITARIANISM by John Stuart Mill (1863) * * * * Chapter 2 What Utilitarianism...

Reading - UTILITARIANISM by John Stuart Mill (1863) * * * * Chapter 2 What Utilitarianism Is.

1. Why did Mill want to modify Bentham's Utilitarianism ? . How did he do this ? . Explain any problem that created for calculations under Act Utilitarianism


a. Explain how Rule Utilitarianism differs from Act Utilitarianism .

b. Give an example of a circumstance under which a rule justified by a Rule Utilitarianism might require that we act in a way that is inconsistent with Act Utilitarianism .

C. How would the Rule Utilitarian justify acting in accord with the rule despite the problem set out in subpart a above :

In: Psychology

Which predict(s) future responses? 1-reinforcement and punishment 2-unconditioned responses 3-Skinner's law 4-Pavlov's law

Which predict(s) future responses?

1-reinforcement and punishment

2-unconditioned responses

3-Skinner's law

4-Pavlov's law

In: Psychology

How might a culture influenced by political correctness impact the idea of freedom of speech and...

How might a culture influenced by political correctness impact the idea of freedom of speech and free trade in ideas as Holmes proposes?

In: Psychology

Explain the doctrine of pragmatic relativism. In what way is sociological functionalism related to it? How...

Explain the doctrine of pragmatic relativism. In what way is sociological functionalism related to it? How does the doctrine of pragmatic relativism (and sociological functionalism) operate in everyday criminal courtroom deliberations? In decisions linked to probation or parole? In decisions to waive (or not) juveniles to the adult system?

In: Psychology

What makes an ideal interpersonal communicator?

What makes an ideal interpersonal communicator?

In: Psychology

Please provide a 250-word response to the following question: Do you think that Narcissistic Personality Disorder...

Please provide a 250-word response to the following question:

Do you think that Narcissistic Personality Disorder can be a disruptive condition in one’s life? Please provide three concrete examples that support a negative disruption in a person’s life and three concrete examples that demonstrate a positive impact in a person’s life.

In: Psychology

According to DuBrin (2015), "Early life experiences have a major impact on self-esteem" (p. 55). A...

According to DuBrin (2015), "Early life experiences have a major impact on self-esteem" (p. 55). A lack of self-esteem causes many barriers to communication. Provide two to three examples on how to develop a healthy self-esteem. Which ones would be the most significant? Why? Explain and discuss your responses.

In: Psychology

who killed Jonbenet Ramsay and what physical evidence exists to support your theory

who killed Jonbenet Ramsay and what physical evidence exists to support your theory

In: Psychology

what would a researcher use this t-test for? Provide an example.

what would a researcher use this t-test for? Provide an example.

In: Psychology

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: In the early weeks of this...

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: In the early weeks of this course, you learned some valuable skills for communicating within and improving the performance of teams you might be working with. This week, we will explore two crucial aspects of being on a team. We will learn about leadership and what it takes to be a good leader. We also examine conflict management and learn some ways to navigate through the inevitability of encountering conflict. When have you encountered a conflict situation in a group? What strategies did you use to manage and resolve the conflict? Were these strategies successful? Why or why not? What role did leadership play in the conflict? Based on what you have learned this week; what role should leadership have played in the conflict? What characteristics of good leadership were displayed? Which were not?

In: Psychology

For this discussion we will exam the Black Lives matter movement. 1. What does the movement...

For this discussion we will exam the Black Lives matter movement.

1. What does the movement say?

2. What does the counter movement say?

3. What data does the data presented by each side show?

4. Which side is right? Why?

In: Psychology

1) Who is... Roy Campanella: Described as the second African American player in Major League baseball....

1) Who is...

Roy Campanella: Described as the second African American player in Major League baseball.

2. Bill Richardson: A former governor of New Mexico, elected in 2003, described as Hispanic.

3. Muhammed Ali: A former heavyweight boxing champion, described as African American.

4. Rachel Dolezal: A former NAACP chapter president, self-described as African American.

2) Is the “racial” category they are usually placed in accurate? Who assigns the categories, i.e., are they self-described categories, those of the general culture, or those of a specific group?

3) Then briefly explain why, why if the current topic of this class is “race,” would these individuals be placed on this list?

In: Psychology