Sue T. is the nurse manager for medical-surgical units at a community hospital. She is currently...

Sue T. is the nurse manager for medical-surgical units at a community hospital. She is currently enrolled in a nursing master's degree program at the local university. As part of the requirements for a Nursing Management course, Sue proposes to conduct a study linking nursing interventions and nursing outcomes. She returns to her place of employment at night for two weeks to audit patient charts and collect the data she needs for her assignment. She makes copies of the patient records that are particularly helpful and takes them home to write the final paper.

As Sue is developing her paper, she realizes that the information she has collected may be helpful in completing her nursing staff performance evaluations due next month.   She decides to collect further patient outcome data for individual nurses to monitor their performance.

Consider the following

  1. Has Sue violated ethical principles by collecting data for a college assignment? Why or Why not?
  2. Has Sue violated ethical principles by collecting patient data for employee performance evaluations? Why or Why not?
  3. What, if anything, should Sue have done differently in completing her college assignment?
  4. What, if anything, should Sue have done differently in completing her employee performance evaluations?

In: Psychology

Compare and contrast choice theory and routine activities theory. Provide examples.

Compare and contrast choice theory and routine activities theory. Provide examples.

In: Psychology

consider the symptomology of PTSD and how trauma can affect children and adolescents. Then, select a...

consider the symptomology of PTSD and how trauma can affect children and adolescents. Then, select a different type of childhood or adolescent trauma from the one you selected for the Discussion.

Consider the posttraumatic stress symptoms that are likely to occur and what type of treatment interventions you might use to treat the child or adolescent. Also, think about how you might support or educate parents or guardians as they attempt to support their child or adolescent.

In: Psychology

Topic: Learning about ourselves Describe 3 ways in which we come to know ourselves (e.g., self-perception,...

Topic: Learning about ourselves

Describe 3 ways in which we come to know ourselves (e.g., self-perception, feedback from others, social comparison). What are the sources of knowledge that we use? Do individuals differ from each other in how much they rely on different sources?

Provide personal examples of how you have used each of these sources to gain knowledge about yourself. How accurate do you think each source was? Why? (For instance, has someone told you something about yourself that you think was inaccurate?)

In: Psychology

Write a persuasive speech on whether online or face to face learning/education is better for primary,...

Write a persuasive speech on whether online or face to face learning/education is better for primary, secondary and tertiary students

In: Psychology

CRIMINAL JUSTICE: The Death Penalty is a hard area to talk about since many people have...

CRIMINAL JUSTICE: The Death Penalty is a hard area to talk about since many people have strong feelings on the issue. For this discussion board, state the arguments for the death penalty AND against the death penalty. Then you can state your feelings on the death penalty and why.

In: Psychology

Intermediate Spanish: Complete the reports with the indicative or subjunctive of the verbs in parentheses. Informe...

Intermediate Spanish: Complete the reports with the indicative or subjunctive of the verbs in parentheses.

Informe 1: Don José, creo que usted (1) (sufrir) de mucho estrés. Usted (2) (trabajar) demasiado y no (3) (cuidarse) lo suficiente. Es necesario que usted (4) (dormir) más horas. No creo que usted (5) (necesitar) tomar medicinas, pero es importante que (6) (controlar) su alimentación y (7) (mantener) una dieta más equilibrada. Informe 2: Carlitos, no hay duda de que tú (8) (tener) varicela (chicken pox). Es una enfermedad muy contagiosa y por eso es necesario que (9) (quedarse) en casa una semana. Como no podrás asistir a la escuela, te recomiendo que (10) (hablar) con uno de tus compañeros y que (11) (hacer) la tarea regularmente. Quiero que (12) (aplicarse) (to apply) esta crema si te pica (itches) mucho la piel. Informe 3: Susana y Pedro, es obvio que ustedes (13) (tener) gripe. Para aliviar la tos, les recomiendo que (14) (tomar) este jarabe por la mañana y estas pastillas por la noche. No creo que (15) (necesitar) quedarse en cama. Les recomiendo que (16) (beber) mucho líquido y que (17) (comer) muchas frutas y verduras. Estoy seguro de que en unos días (18) (ir) a sentirse mejor.

In: Psychology

How do your biological , physiological, and societal system influence the way you make decisions in...

How do your biological , physiological, and societal system influence the way you make decisions in your current state of life

In: Psychology

If education is a vital tool to bridge the wealth and opportunity gap between low and...

If education is a vital tool to bridge the wealth and opportunity gap between low and high income communities, why are schools struggling with resources? What should be done to better inform elected and government officials of the need to invest in schools? Do schools really need more funding or is there a mismanagement of resources? What can we do?

In: Psychology

What is the business perspective for inclusion of diversity management in a health care environment? How...

What is the business perspective for inclusion of diversity management in a health care environment? How has diversity management been addressed in your organization?

In: Psychology

How does different cultures view stages of life, what messages from your ethnic group influence your...

How does different cultures view stages of life, what messages from your ethnic group influence your understanding, between childhood adolesence,adulthood and elderhood

In: Psychology

What is the main point of the Servant Leadership and Adaptive Leadership Why is it important?...

What is the main point of the Servant Leadership and Adaptive Leadership

Why is it important?

When and if you can apply this information?

What surprised you about this information?

In: Psychology

Write an Argument Essay. Prompt: Choose ONE of the following topics for your essay: 1. Should...

Write an Argument Essay. Prompt: Choose ONE of the following topics for your essay:

1. Should parents be held responsible for the crimes of their children?

2. Should academic achievement be a primary concern for college admission?

3. Should You Tube comments be regulated?

You must choose one the essay options that I have provided for this assignment. If you submit an essay that does not respond to one of the prompts, your essay will not be accepted as an appropriate response to this writing assignment; instead, you will be asked to write another essay that does respond to the prompt you were assigned. Please note: The required word length for the final draft of this essay is 500-750 words. To successfully complete your persuasive essay assignment, you must incorporate at least two sources (either credible online sources or library resources) within your work to support and advance your claims . DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA.

In: Psychology

The existentialist is interested in addressing various areas of human existence. In this prompt please address...

The existentialist is interested in addressing various areas of human existence. In this prompt please address in a page how one lives authentically and what living authentically looks like. Do you think you live authentically, why or why not?

In order to fully address this prompt, you should reference either Nietzsche or Sartre or both.

A little help: reference Nietzsche’s views on herd mentality. Or Sartre’s notion of “bad faith” or both and how they may, or may not, apply to your life.

In: Psychology

How do your biological , physiological, and societal system influence the way you make decisions

How do your biological , physiological, and societal system influence the way you make decisions

In: Psychology