12. Which of the following theories is an example of biological determinism?      A. XYY syndrome...

12. Which of the following theories is an example of biological determinism?

A. XYY syndrome
B. Cohen's lower-class reaction theory
C. Marxist theory
D. Psychological positivism

13.  Which of the following best describes what general strain theory (GST) identifies as the cause of strain?

A. The rejection by lower-class individuals of middle-class values
B. Negative relationships in which individuals feel mistreated
C. The failure to earn as much money as one would like

D. Suppression of the id

14. Which of the following schools of thought would be most likely to claim that criminal tendencies are the
result of environmental and psychological factors?

A. Neoclassical
B. Classical
C. Demonological
D. Economic

15. Theresa writes a criminology essay in which she claims that only socialism can solve the crime
problem. Her essay adheres to the _______ theory.

A. demonological
B. neoclassical
C. economic

D. classical

16. Which of the following is a focus of the social process tradition?

A. Containment
B. Biological causality
C. Cultural transmission

D. Personality adaptation

17. Which of the following is a premise of positivism?

A. Causality
B. Adaptability
C. The criminal act

D. Sinfulness

18. Which of the following schools of thought would be most likely to claim that crime is caused by unequal
access to necessities of life?

A. Classical
B. Economic
C. Ecological
D. Demonological

19. Critical criminology states that crime is a label attached to behaviors by which group?

A. Ethnic minorities
B. The young
C. Religious minorities

D. The less powerful

20. Our tendency to generalize explanations for many types of crime is referred to as

A. critical theory.
B. the global fallacy.
C. the theoretical range.
D. criminal typology.

In: Psychology

In your discussion post be sure to address each of the following: Describe the patterns of...

In your discussion post be sure to address each of the following: Describe the patterns of physical maturation during puberty for males during adolescence. Describe the patterns of physical maturation during puberty for females during adolescence. Analyze the impact of early and late maturation on: Self-concept Self-Esteem Social relationships Describe what you believe is the biggest threat to adolescent well-being and why? Select one a moral dilemma and describe how you would have responded to the dilemma in EACH of the stages of Kohlberg’s theory.

In: Psychology

There are four classical experiments provided below. Select one experiment. Evaluate the method of studying this...

There are four classical experiments provided below. Select one experiment. Evaluate the method of studying this topic. Do you agree with the conclusions?

- Milgram's study on obedience

- Asch's study of conformity

- Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment

- Stanley Schacter's Fear and Affiliation Study

In: Psychology

QUESTION 11 Stressors in the environment such as family discord impact individuals with schizophrenia in the...


  1. Stressors in the environment such as family discord impact individuals with schizophrenia in the following way:


    They do not cause schizophrenia but they can increase the risk of relapse in an individual who already has the disorder


    It is best for those with schizophrenia to live separate from their families to prevent family stress.


    They do not impact those with schizophrenia as it is purely a neurotransmitter imbalance.


    They often have schizophrenogenetic mothers

1 points   


  1. Archie has been diagnosed with a mild intellectual disability. Which of the following is true:


    His IQ is more than 2 standard deviations below the mean.


    He is not allowed by law to get married.


    He will never be able to maintain a job


    He cannot complete highschool

1 points   


  1. Beltram is currently 61 and has been a heavy drinker his entire life. Lately he has started to have serious memory problems. For example, his wife Rita can have a conversation with him and then 5 minutes later he doesn't even remember speaking to her. He also has gaps in his memory about the past. Beltram's memory loss is probably due to:


    Dissociative Identity Disorder


    Alzheimer's Disease


    Dissociative Fuge


    Korsakoff's Syndrome

1 points   


  1. Sara has dementia.  This has been hard for her family as she is srarting to forget them and often when her daughter's come to visit she doesn't recognize them. Sara's memory loss is:








    substance induced

1 points   


  1. Jannelle has not been sleeping more than 2 hours per night since the birth of her colicky son 3 months ago.  Which of the following is true of the effects of sleep deprivation?

    It is cumulative in nature.

    It is possible for the body develops tolerance to reduced sleep in a short span of time.

    It is much more pronounced in men than women.

    It reduces stress levels.

1 points   


  1. Joaquin has been in trouble with the law since he was a kid. He ran away from home at 13 and then has been in and out of juvie for various crimes such as assault and theft his entire adolescence. Once he aged out of the juvenile justice system he has done several bids upstate for assault. Joaquin has never been able to hold down a job - nor does he really see the point. He has also been abusing substances but doesn't consider himself a addict - although many of his assault convictions happened when he was drunk and high. According to the DSM-5, Joaquin could be diagnosed with:




    Avoidant Personality Disorder


    Antisocial Personality Disorder


    Conduct Disorder

1 points   


  1. Lucas is in grade two and his parents have just been called in for a meeting with his teacher. His teacher reports that Lucas is not listening to the classroom rooms and talking back. She reports that he is not physically aggressive but can sometimes say hurtful things to other children. Lucas' parents also report that he has a hard time following rules at home and engages in frequent arguments with them and his little brother. According to the DSM-5 Lucas may be diagnosed with:


    Autism Spectrum Disorder


    Oppositional Defiant disorder




    Conduct Disorder

1 points   


  1. Zoe was in an abusive relationship and killed her boyfriend when he slept. She was charged with first degree murder. Zoe was denied bail and thus spent the six months awaiting trial in jail. During this time Zoe started getting increasingly confused and disoriented and she refused to talk to her lawyer. Zoe is most likely:


    incompetent to stand trial.


    not guilty due to mental illness.


    not guilty by reason of insanity.


    competent to stand trial.

1 points   


  1. Somatic Disorders are hard to diagnose because:


    The diagnostic criteria for the somatic disorders are very vague and have poor reliabiility


    Medical doctors do not believe in the existence of somatic disorders


    The person may not be aware they are having physical problems


    It is often hard to tease apart what may be an actual medical disorder and what may be a psychological disorder

1 points   


  1. Antisocial girls:


    engage in passive aggression


    Use relational aggression


    exhibit expressed belligerence


    Are very uncommon

In: Psychology

Explain why the other types of suicide cannot explain the leading cause of suicide in South...

Explain why the other types of suicide cannot explain the leading cause of suicide in South Africa.

In: Psychology

Explain how prejudice and discrimination are moral issues. Afterwards, respond to the quesiton below. When considering...

Explain how prejudice and discrimination are moral issues. Afterwards, respond to the quesiton below.

When considering the Robber's Cave experiment by Muzafer Sherif, explain how prejudice can be increased and decreased by situational factors or norms. How can situational factors be changed to promote more prosocial attitudes and behaviors? Do you think there is a way to move beyond situational determinism and invoke individual decision making?

In: Psychology

How would you describe "self-awareness" to someone who has never heard of this concept, and what...

How would you describe "self-awareness" to someone who has never heard of this concept, and what steps might you offer this person if he/she wanted to reach a higher level of self-awareness?

In: Psychology

1A) Explain the relationship between addiction and the nucleus accumbens. Describe how these drugs affect neurons:...

1A) Explain the relationship between addiction and the nucleus accumbens.
Describe how these drugs affect neurons: reserpine, textrodotoxin, amphetamine, caffeine, cocaine, curare, nicotine and alcohol.

In: Psychology

I need an example of "real life" problem solving by "insight" for psychology

I need an example of "real life" problem solving by "insight" for psychology

In: Psychology

In at least 100 words, using sufficient detail and depth to answer the following question: What...

In at least 100 words, using sufficient detail and depth to answer the following question:

What does the core value, open-mindedness, mean to you?

In: Psychology

`` 1.What is induction? 2.How does one assess the goodness or badness of an inductive argument?...


1.What is induction?

2.How does one assess the goodness or badness of an inductive argument?

3. How are controlled an example of induction?

In: Psychology

the Elements of Style, read the following excerpts -- both from the same author, George Orwell,...

the Elements of Style, read the following excerpts -- both from the same author, George Orwell, and explain the different stylistic forms he uses in each.

Excerpt from 1984

Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power.

Excerpt from "Shooting an Elephant"

In Moulmein, in lower Burma, I was hated by large numbers of people – the only time in my life that I have been important enough for this to happen to me. I was sub-divisional police officer of the town, and in an aimless, petty kind of way anti-European feeling was very bitter.

In: Psychology

What activities make you intrinsically motivated? Compare an intrinsic motivation to an extrinsic motivation in your...

What activities make you intrinsically motivated? Compare an intrinsic motivation to an extrinsic motivation in your life. How does engaging in intrinsic and extrinsic activities impact your overall sense of well-being differently?

Research an example of an individual whom is intrinsically motivated. Offer your peers a brief exploration of why you consider their actions to be intrinsic in nature.
*Please include a link to the article you explored for your discussion.

In: Psychology

Describe three different treatment options for depression. Name the characteristics of each of the three types...

Describe three different treatment options for depression.

Name the characteristics of each of the three types of bipolar disorder.

What is a key treatment for bipolar disorder?

In: Psychology

In at least 100 words, using sufficient detail and depth to answer the following question: What...

In at least 100 words, using sufficient detail and depth to answer the following question:

What does the core value, courage, mean to you?

In: Psychology