What is the Euthyphro dilemma? State the dilemma in your own woods and explain why it...

What is the Euthyphro dilemma? State the dilemma in your own woods and explain why it presents a problem for the view that morality is grounded in some divine command.

In: Psychology

II. Death, Dying and Bereavement a) When 5 year old Timmy’s kidney failure was diagnosed as...

II. Death, Dying and Bereavement

a) When 5 year old Timmy’s kidney failure was diagnosed as terminal, his parents could not accept the tragic news. Their hospital visits became shorter, and they evaded his anxious questions. Eventually, Timmy blamed himself. He died with little physical pain but alone, and his parents suffered prolonged guilt. Explain how hospice care could have helped Timmy and his family.

b) Cite examples of age-graded influences on the grieving process.

In: Psychology

Discuss a strength or aptitude that you have and give an example of how it has...

Discuss a strength or aptitude that you have and give an example of how it has helped you. 250 words

In: Psychology

Emma Jackson, a 1-year widow who lost her job 3 months ago, has spent 2 days...

Emma Jackson, a 1-year widow who lost her job 3 months ago, has spent 2 days in a row, from morning till time to pick up her kids at the school bus stop, waiting in an emergency department to get help for what appears to be severe depression.

Now, at the end of this second day sitting in the waiting area, she approaches the admitting nurses’ station in tears and says, “I don’t know how much longer I can take this. Don’t you recognize me?”

“No, ma’am, I’m sorry,” the nurse says. “Offhand, I don’t.”

“Well,” says Emma, “I’ve come in here 2 days in a row. I need help, and I can’t get in to see anybody because I’m not bleeding to death, but I’m desperate! I’ve spent the last 2 weeks, until yesterday, in bed. And yet I can’t sleep. Do you know how many days I’ve been without sleep? I’m so exhausted and so depressed I’m tempted to shake my kids for the least little thing, and I now have zero tolerance for careless drivers and sometimes I just want to drive straight into them to teach them a lesson, and that’s not like me. My kids are becoming my only reason for going on, and that’s not good for them. I think they can see it, and it scares them. They’re trying to be super-good…”

Thinking of how her despair is affecting her children, Emma bursts into uncontrollable sobs.

1. The psychiatric nurse takes Emma into an examining room immediately to interview her. Based only on what you’ve just read, what in your opinion is the likelihood of Emma being admitted for short-term inpatient care? Give at least two admission criteria that may apply to her situation. Offer (a) a possible causative factor and (b) symptomatic evidence.

2. Further assessments lead the psychiatric mental health team to recommend that Emma agree to a 72-hour inpatient visit to stabilize her current condition. The team would work with her to ensure that her and her children’s needs are being met and to explore ongoing treatment options as well as social, psychiatric, and other services. Emma agrees and arranges for a church member to keep her children during that time.

Later that night, though, she changes her mind and approaches the night nursing staff about checking herself out. The nurse on duty discourages her; when Emma then asks to take her cell phone back to her room to call her brother, the nurse says, “Why don’t you stay here at the station while you make your call.”

Emma becomes very angry and anxious, so the nurse isn’t sure if she should hand her the phone in that condition. The nurse tries to give her an oral sedative to help her calm down awhile before making her call, but Emma pushes it angrily away and says, “I’m not leaving this spot until I can talk to my brother!”

What should the nurse do in this situation? What recourse does she have when this patient will not comply with requests and, more significantly, refuses her medication?

In: Psychology

Leonardo da Vinci painted The Last Supper, what does it mean that Christ's head is the...

Leonardo da Vinci painted The Last Supper, what does it mean that Christ's head is the point of emphasis in a triangle? I need the answer at least 10 sentence with citation proof.

In: Psychology

Compare and contrast the physical, cognitive, social, and culture aspects odevelopment during early childhood and middle...

Compare and contrast the physical, cognitive, social, and culture aspects odevelopment during early childhood and middle childhood

In: Psychology

what is assimilation? what is accommodation? list and describe the 4 Piagetian stages of cognitive development?

what is assimilation? what is accommodation? list and describe the 4 Piagetian stages of cognitive development?

In: Psychology

Beard Suit Sweats Smile 4 3 Scowl 5 6 No Facial Hair Suit Sweats Smile 3...

Suit Sweats
Smile 4 3
Scowl 5 6
No Facial Hair
Suit Sweats
Smile 3 2
Scowl 5 4

1. Was there a main effect of facial hair?

2. Was there a main effect of facial expression?

3. Was there a main effect of clothing type?

4. How many interactions can you test? What are they?

In: Psychology

You're having an animated discussion with your future boss. They want to know why they should...

You're having an animated discussion with your future boss. They want to know why they should bother learning qualitative research, when SPSS can do so much with a click of a button. Please explain the pros and cons of the content analysis and force field analysis. When should we use these?

In: Psychology

Choose one of the following discussion questions to comment on: a.) In your opinion, did Europeans...

Choose one of the following discussion questions to comment on:

a.) In your opinion, did Europeans bring civilization to the Americas? Is the word "savage" a great description of Native Americans?

b.) Was European colonization of the Americas beneficial to the "Native" people?

c.)What factors caused misperceptions and misunderstanding between the Native Americans and Europeans?

In: Psychology

In the United States, which plays a more significant role in political behavior, gender or race?...

In the United States, which plays a more significant role in political behavior, gender or race? Explain.

In: Psychology

“The pope is surely a moral saint. For we were all moved to tears when we...

“The pope is surely a moral saint. For we were all moved to tears when we saw images of him washing the feet of prisoners, embracing victims of leprosy, and sharing meals with the homeless.”

In: Psychology

What are the differences between sarcasm, irony and satire?

What are the differences between sarcasm, irony and satire?

In: Psychology

Discuss ways in which each of the major perspectives on personality has influenced some aspect of...

Discuss ways in which each of the major perspectives on personality has influenced some aspect of everyday life in modern society.

In: Psychology

In his book Utilitarianism, Mill famously stated: "It is better to be a human being dissatisfied...

In his book Utilitarianism, Mill famously stated: "It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied. And if the fool, or the pig, are of a different opinion, it is because they only know their own side of the question."

Assess the validity of this statement. Do you agree with Mill? Why / why not?

In: Psychology