Risk of Smoking and Receipt of Cessation Services Among Veterans Affairs Patients With Mental Disorders Dr....

Risk of Smoking and Receipt of Cessation Services Among Veterans Affairs Patients With Mental Disorders

Dr. Sonia A. Duffy, PhD, RN, Dr. Amy M. Kilbourne, PhD, MPH, Ms. Karen L. Austin, MPH, Dr. Gregory W. Dalack, MD, Dr. Emily M. Woltmann, PhD, MSW, Dr. Jeanette A. Waxmonsky, PhD, and Dr. Devon Noonan, PhD, FNP-BC.

Duffy, Kilbourne, Austin, Dalack, Woltmann, Waxmonshy, & Noonan (2012) (Links to an external site.)

1.Describe the hypothesis and/or research question posed by you selected study

2. Summarize the methodology used to address the research question/hypothesis.

3. Describe the sampling methods used to obtain the study sample

4. Desribe the measurement methods used to assess the research question

5. Explain the ethical considerations discussed by the authors

6. Identify the authors conclusion

7. Describe the limitations of the stuy

In: Psychology

In a paragraph format, describe Maya Angelou’s journey towards self-actualization. Discuss some of the difficulties she...

In a paragraph format, describe Maya Angelou’s journey towards self-actualization. Discuss some of the difficulties she experienced in her early family life and with racism that and how she worked through those. Include a examples of her organismic valuing process.

In: Psychology

A 500-750-word essay on the ‘social self’ and the various social media outlets. Remember to carefully...

A 500-750-word essay on the ‘social self’ and the various social media outlets. Remember to carefully read the assignment details found in your Syllabus as well as the Grading Rubric for that assignment. You need to include 2-3 ‘scholarly’ resources, and if you use your textbook as one resource, I would ask that you try and incorporate an additional ‘outside’ source if possible.

In: Psychology

How did the Selma marches lead to the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965?...

How did the Selma marches lead to the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965? Why did the message of black power begin to resonate more with African Americans after "Bloody Sunday"? please reply with 500-750 words

In: Psychology

Essay about Human Aggression

Essay about Human Aggression

In: Psychology

You have collected the following information regarding the jobs that criminal justice students have gotten after...

You have collected the following information regarding the jobs that criminal justice students have gotten after graduation.
Police Officer
Parole/Probation Officer
Correctional Officer
Graduate School
Employed in a non- criminal justice field
Write a paragraph describing the differences between males and females in this group of students. Be sure to include the following in your paragraph.
A. What is the ratio of males to females for the entire sample?
B. Males make up what percent of the entire sample?
C. What percentage of police officers are female?
D. What percentage of correctional officers are male?
E. What is the ratio of females going to graduate school to males going to graduate school?
F. Students who are employed in a non-criminal justice field make up what percent of the
entire sample.

In: Psychology

In order to understand the effectiveness of offering free supplemental education on college campuses, students were...

In order to understand the effectiveness of offering free supplemental education on college campuses, students were asked how frequently they went to the supplemental education and their final grades. On average, the more time the students spent at attending supplemental education, the worse their grades were.

1. If X is supplemental education and Y is final grade, explain what X causes Y would look like. First, fill in the correct variable names in the statement "X causes Y". Then come up with a plausible explanation for how this could be happening.

2. If X is supplemental education and Y is final grade, explain what Y causes X would look like. First, fill in the correct variable names in the statement "Y causes X". Then come up with a plausible explanation for how this could be happening.

3. If X is supplemental education and Y is final grade, explain what a third variable causes both X and Y would look like. First, fill in the correct variable names in the statement "a third variable causes both X and Y". Then come up with a plausible explanation for how this could be happening.

In: Psychology

1.Explain what kind of temperament you had as an infant? 2.How did it effect your relationship...

1.Explain what kind of temperament you had as an infant? 2.How did it effect your relationship with your parents or caregivers? please all answers should fit 1 page and answer full

In: Psychology

According to Phillip Shaver and his colleagues, attachment styles continue into adulthood. How might this affect...

According to Phillip Shaver and his colleagues, attachment styles continue into adulthood. How might this affect adult relationships? Provide examples in your response.

Critical thinking question must be at least 200 words. Please no spelling or grammatical errors.

In: Psychology

Explain, in detail, the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics utilizing several examples. What purpose do...

Explain, in detail, the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics utilizing several examples. What purpose do they serve? How are they different? How are they complimentary?

In: Psychology

Design THREE assessment activities that meet the individual needs of your learners and subject requirement. a)...

Design THREE assessment activities that meet the individual needs of your learners and subject requirement.

a) A diagnostic assessment activity to establish prior knowledge, e.g. SWOT analysis.

b) A formative assessment activity to check learning during this programme.

c) A summative assessment activity to establish the learning at the end of the selected delivery model programme. Use the diagnostic assessment to agree and record at least TWO learners’ individual goals and learning preferences.

In: Psychology

Answer the following questions regarding wealth, poverty, and inequality. Regarding Personal Economic Factors: Where do you...

Answer the following questions regarding wealth, poverty, and inequality.

Regarding Personal Economic Factors:

Where do you stand personally in terms of your overall wealth?

What factors in your own background contributed to your current financial status and your potential future financial status?

To what extent do you place importance on your own current and future financial status? Explain.

What are the reasons for the widening gap in wealth in the United States?

To what extent do such gaps in wealth contribute to oppression, on the one hand, and privilege and power on the other? Why and how does this occur?

Can or should something be done about huge economic gaps between the wealthy and the impoverished? If so, what should be done and why?

What are the reasons for such extreme global poverty?

What can or should be done to help?

Regarding Gaps in Wealth in the United States:

What are the reasons for the widening gap in wealth in the United States?

To what extent do such gaps in wealth contribute to oppression, on the one hand, and privilege and power on the other? Why and how does this occur?

Can or should something be done about huge economic gaps between the wealthy and the impoverished? If so, what should be done and why?

Regarding Global Poverty:

What are the reasons for such extreme global poverty?

What can or should be done to help?

In: Psychology

Two people are waiting for their appointments at a neurology clinic. Dani has a seizure disorder...

Two people are waiting for their appointments at a neurology clinic. Dani has a seizure disorder and her neurologist wants to look at her overall pattern of brain activity to determine the location of the seizures. Paul’s physician suspects that he has a tumor and needs to get a clear picture of his brain’s anatomy.

  1. What type of test is Dani’s physician most likely to order?
    1. PET Scans
    2. CT Scan
    3. MRI
    4. fMRI
    5. EEG
  2. What type of test would Paul’s physician order?
    1. PET Scans
    2. CT Scan
    3. MRI
    4. fMRI
    5. EEG
  3. What is the primary difference between Dani and Paul's types of tests?

In: Psychology

how jane elliots video impacted in the students and how much importance this video have in...

how jane elliots video impacted in the students and how much importance this video have in our current society?

In: Psychology

In 200 words State if you agree or disagree with the comments made about the answer...

In 200 words State if you agree or disagree with the comments made about the answer provided to the Scenario and why? PLEASE PROVIDE A SOLUTION

Task: Outline the steps needed to resolve the issue of Scenario part 2 by:

• How will you would adjust your plan to include any actions you will take?

• Provide your reply back to HR.

Scenario Part 2:

Workplace unrest Part two provides additional information based on talking with your people. Jill: You met Monday afternoon and had a positive and productive discussion. She reiterated what HR had said to me concerning email and talking to Jill. Jill felt she was not challenged job wise and that her and Jack were not getting along. She told you about what she considered bullying the day that people thought she was sick and Jack ordered her into the conference room. Jill stated she was not sick and Jack wanted to send her home and would not let up. She also discussed her working relationship with Jack that they were sometime at odds as she is a type A personality. Jill ended the conversation with that she wants to be challenged and work things out with Jack.


You met with Jack right after he got back from vacation. Jack was a little taken back concerning the incident as he stated that Jill turned around waived a finger saying “you’re pissing me off” and ordering her into the conference room. Jack stated that he was concerned as were others in the work area because Jill had just gotten back from Africa and was sick. He said that he did order her to the conference room. Jack went on to say that Jill was having a hard time finding her role and continually asked what her job entailed. Jack thought he was patient in trying to explain her role to include finding her more challenging work. Jack also stated that he is looking for other work because her main project is about done.


You talk with Tami in private who was in the area when the above confrontation occurred over Jill being sick. Tami stated both Jill and Jack got out of control. You brought up this point up (both out of control) to both Jill and Jack and they both nodded in acknowledgement. Tami was nervous and really did not have much more to say other than Jack and Jill were at odds with each other.


In the given case study, Jill and Jack have been shown as colleagues who have misunderstood each other. From the point of view of Jill, Jack is guilty as he called him to conference room with order and told her to go home. She found him to be rude and authoritative. The reason for her to feel this is the command Jack gave her for coming to conference room and to go to home. From the point of view of Jill, he tried to prove himself right and said that Jill was sick as all of the office members observed and also said that he ordered her to the conference room but the reason for the command was not an authority but to ask her health and to help her in going home. From Tami it was confirmed that both Jack and Jill were rude to each other and were out of control. As a mediator or the one to solve this issue, the plan of action will be to make Jack and Jill confront each other. To make them understand the reason from each other's point of view about the rude behaviour. To make Jack understand that Jill was not that sick and was not willing to go home rather wanted to work and even if he was concerned, but the concern should have been shown in a mild manner and not an authoritative one, especially in front of the other staff. To make Jill understand that Jack was not willing to insult her rather he wanted to help her thinking she was not well. To the HR, the reply would be to frame policies to handle such concerns and issues amongst colleagues and provide space for personal health in the busy schedule and work pressure. The reply to HR would contain the fact that Jack was willing to care for his colleague and Jill felt insulted because of the authoritative way Jill used to help her out. It would also contain the fact that the other staff, like Tami, felt that both of them were out of control and a situation arise which could have been avoided. HR would have to frame policies to make the workplace a healthier workplace to increase the efficiency of the staff and avoid such arguments in future.


I will say from a Apolitical standpoint your post provided no clarity as to what procedures will be taken to ensure this specific incident will not happen again. What is your reasoning for calling Tammy to the conference room to confront Jack and Jill if she was nervous about speaking with you in the initial interview. You already stated that you had a witness and presented both individuals with the information regarding the incident. Also, what is the solution that needs to be reached to ensure this specific incident doesn't happen again? The scenario said that both Jack and Jill were in the wrong, what is going to be done if this happens again? What if Jill was really sick and was just being insubordinate with her superior? The clarity of the scenario is unclear but with an imagination I think more can be done and a clearer reply to HR can be provided.

In: Psychology