In: Psychology
Risk of Smoking and Receipt of Cessation Services Among Veterans Affairs Patients With Mental Disorders
Dr. Sonia A. Duffy, PhD, RN, Dr. Amy M. Kilbourne, PhD, MPH, Ms. Karen L. Austin, MPH, Dr. Gregory W. Dalack, MD, Dr. Emily M. Woltmann, PhD, MSW, Dr. Jeanette A. Waxmonsky, PhD, and Dr. Devon Noonan, PhD, FNP-BC.
Duffy, Kilbourne, Austin, Dalack, Woltmann, Waxmonshy, & Noonan (2012) (Links to an external site.)
1.Describe the hypothesis and/or research question posed by you selected study
2. Summarize the methodology used to address the research question/hypothesis.
3. Describe the sampling methods used to obtain the study sample
4. Desribe the measurement methods used to assess the research question
5. Explain the ethical considerations discussed by the authors
6. Identify the authors conclusion
7. Describe the limitations of the stuy
1)Hypothesis includes the study of cigarette smoking and its effects on a group of people leading to depression and post-traumatic stress syndrome. The testing included the study of the independent and the dependent variables. The independent variables included the ICD-9 values of codes for the mental diseases caused due to smoking and the dependent variables includes the survey to categorize the smokers as past smokers, non-smokers or regular smokers.
2) Methodology used in these studies includes the co-variate analysis, bi-variate and multi-variate analysis of the effects of smoking on the mental health of the people in the experimental group leading to various mental illness like depression and stress syndromes.
3)Sampling methods used in the study include the various random variables like age, sex, weight, height, ethnicity, race and employment status of the person undergoing the smloking experiment test.
4) Measurement methods used in the experiment include co-variate analysis, uni-variate analysis, and multi-variate analysis of the factors discussed above related to smoking in the groups of people.
5) Ethical considerations include the study of the habit of smoking and the dependence of them on nicotine with its replacement on various ethical groups of people like african-american smokers, white smokers. The white smokers were given the rehabilitation anti-smoking therapy and repsonded more for the nicotine replacement therapy than the black people who reported it less.
6) The comparison was done among the veteran people who were prone to smoking with the incidence of mental illness more in them than the general people in the public society. The mental illness include schizophrenia, post traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD), and depression.
7)Limitations of the study include the survey on veterans , on old people with mental disorders and one other normal people in the society who have various illnesses in addition to the harmful affects caused by the intake of the smoke inside the body of the patients. The other limitations include the lack of awareness among people about the harmful effects of smoking, lack of care and health facilities, lack of infrastructure for caring these veteran people in society and lack of medicines during their rehabilitation and during nicotine rehabilitation therapy.