Ms. Johns reported to her principal that one of her students was never on task. What...

Ms. Johns reported to her principal that one of her students was never on task. What type of data would she need to collect to best support her statement? Explain. Minimum of 3 paragraphs.

In: Psychology

Question # 1. List three (3) disparities that you learned about after watching the film "Unnatural...

Question # 1. List three (3) disparities that you learned about after watching the film "Unnatural Causes - In Sickness and In Wealth." Share your perspective on the disparities, and what populations you think the three disparities impacts the most? For example, have you observed these disparities in your own community?

In: Psychology

Describe STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, OPPORTUNITIES, THREATS, as an E-Business Customer Relations Manager for the newly established E-commerce...

Describe STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, OPPORTUNITIES, THREATS, as an E-Business Customer Relations Manager for the newly established E-commerce company. What would be the SWOT of new CRM in an new establsihed E-commerce? Please provide information as much as possible. Provide specific SWOT specifically for CRM. For example, for strength we can relate that This manager has a right knowledge in this sphere, as he is very outgoing and sociable.

In: Psychology

Briefly describe how you would make your classroom look like a place where learning is celebrated....

Briefly describe how you would make your classroom look like a place where learning is celebrated. Also, explain why classroom routines are important for students of all age. Minimum of 3 paragraphs.

In: Psychology

6, With regard to social change, conflict theory assumes: Group of answer choices society is always...

6, With regard to social change, conflict theory assumes:

Group of answer choices

society is always in a natural state of equilibrium.

protests and revolutions are desirable and necessary.

the status quo is generally good for the society.

sudden social change is undesirable.

social inequality has minimal impact on societal outcomes.

7, According to lecture, applying functionalist concepts, pollution created by cars is

Group of answer choices

a manifest function.

a latent function.

a covert function.

a dysfunction.

8, Which of the following is a conflict paradigm's explanation of education, according to Dunn, "The Three Sociological Paradigms/Perspectives"?

Group of answer choices

Cultural transmission passes culture from one generation to the next, and established social values are taught thoroughly.

Schools serve as a screening device to fill positions of unequal status.

Schools create serious difficulties for students who are “labeled” as learning disabled or less academically competent than their peers; these students may never be able to see themselves as good students and move beyond these labels.

Schools play a vital role in shaping the way students see reality and themselves.

9, Which of the following is a symbolic interactionist paradigm's explanation of education, according to Dunn, "The Three Sociological Paradigms/Perspectives"?

Group of answer choices

Schools play a vital role in shaping the way students see reality and themselves.

Schools serve as a screening device to fill positions of unequal status.

Cultural transmission passes culture from one generation to the next, and established social values are taught thoroughly.

Schools routinely provide learning according to students’ social background, thereby perpetuating social inequality

In: Psychology

The theory of multiple intelligences was developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner. It states that...

The theory of multiple intelligences was developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner. It states that the traditional notion of intelligence, based on I.Q. testing, is far too limited. Instead, Dr. Gardner proposes 8 different intelligence to account for a broader range of human potential in children and adults. This intelligence is:

Linguistic intelligence (“word smart”)
Logical-mathematical intelligence (“number/reasoning smart”)
Spatial intelligence (“picture smart”)
Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence (“body smart”)
Musical intelligence (“music smart”)
Interpersonal intelligence (“people smart”)
Intrapersonal intelligence (“self smart”)
Naturalist intelligence (“nature smart”)
Please address the following questions in your post:

How do you view intelligence? What do you think has influenced your way of understanding an individual’s capabilities?
Which of the above intelligence do you resonate with most and why? Provide instances and examples from your life.
List at least 2 other people that encompass a different type of intelligence than yourself and give examples of how they demonstrate this type of intelligence in their everyday life (work, relationships, school, etc.)

In: Psychology

You are in charge of a IT for an large state-wide electric utility. The CEO has...

You are in charge of a IT for an large state-wide electric utility. The CEO has asked you specifically for guidance on what you consider the greatest "cyber terrorism" threats that the utility faces.

Please provide the top 3-4 threats, and justification/assessment for each.

You can be as specific or general as you want concerning the threats. Separately, the threats could be from state, non-state, specific technologies, security gaps, etc.

I suggest you take time and utilize outside sources to answer this question

Show me what you have learned about the threats we face.

In: Psychology

Are you currently or have you ever been in love? If so, what attracted you to...

Are you currently or have you ever been in love? If so, what attracted you to that person? Do the reasons that attracted you to that person agree with theories and research on interpersonal attraction? Which theories? Explain your answer, comparing or contrasting your relationship to theories of interpersonal attraction. If you have never been in love, analyze a friend's love relationship.

In: Psychology

A man and a woman both have brown eyes, but their first child has blue eyes.  What...

A man and a woman both have brown eyes, but their first child has blue eyes.  What are the chances that their second child will have blue eyes? Jane is blood type A and her husband is blood type B.  Jane is puzzled because their daughter is type O.  Explain how the daughter inherited a blood type neither of her parents has.

Jim is blood type A and his mother is blood type O. What are the possible blood types of his father?  (Three answers)

Jack is a hemophiliac (sex linked recessive) but his wife is not (sex linked dominant). What are the chances that they will have a child with hemophilia? (Give all possibilities)

In: Psychology

Describe five strategies for enhancing generalization of social skills and why those are important. Minimum of...

Describe five strategies for enhancing generalization of social skills and why those are important. Minimum of 3 paragraphs.

In: Psychology

Mr. Grade’s was a new teacher whose students loved to chew gum, but it wasn’t allowed...

Mr. Grade’s was a new teacher whose students loved to chew gum, but it wasn’t allowed at school. To motivate his students, Mr. Grade created a classroom procedure that stated that students could chew gum during independent work. His students behaved well during independent work time, and their rate of work completion increased. One day, Mr. Grade was observed by the principal. After the observation, the principal asked Mr. Grade to see her during his planning period. From the following what is the best reason do you think the principal asked for this meeting? A minimum of 3 paragraphs are required and please justify your position with scientific evidence.

In: Psychology

Transgender rights is a very delicate topic in today’s society. What is a hypothesis related to...

Transgender rights is a very delicate topic in today’s society. What is a hypothesis related to this topic? Describe a research study you could conduct to test this hypothesis and identify a prediction you would use in your research study.

In: Psychology

Adolescence is a time when sexuality and gender is often a challenge. During the semester we've...

Adolescence is a time when sexuality and gender is often a challenge. During the semester we've talked about how brain development, culture and experience effects adolescent development. What about adolescents who were born one way but feel another? After watching the video, "Laverne Cox Presents the T Word" discuss the challenges experienced by trans gendered youth as it relates to sexuality and gender identity. Take a step back and think about how you'd respond if your child identified as transgender. Is your culture welcoming to these differences? Give your thoughts based on the video and your experience.

In: Psychology

Oppression can come in many different forms such as emotional and economic abuse. Did you find...

Oppression can come in many different forms such as emotional and economic abuse. Did you find anything that you did not think constituted oppression? If yes, please explain. Do you feel as if anything is missing from the list ? If yes, what? Are there any areas that you were not previously familiar with that you would like to learn more about? If yes, what areas and how do you plan to broaden your knowledge?                             

overall consequence of opperession

overall consequence of opperession
emotional abuse
sexal abuse
economic abuse
privilege status
threats, violence intimidation

In: Psychology

Give five clear reasons why having only two major political parties is a good idea and...

Give five clear reasons why having only two major political parties is a good idea and explain why

In: Psychology