Objective: Describe the advantages that surveys have to offer. Surveys attempt to fill the gaps of...

Objective: Describe the advantages that surveys have to offer.

Surveys attempt to fill the gaps of the UCR. There is so much crime that goes unreported to law enforcement that this approach is necessary to attempt to get an accurate picture of crime and victims in the country. Over the years, these surveys have had to be changed to address problems with their predecessors.

  • Review Chapter 2 in your textbook.
  • Write a three paragraph response on the use of victim surveys.
  • Ensure that the following are thoroughly addressed:
    • Strengths
    • Weaknesses
    • Different generations of victim surveys
    • Comparison between generations of surveys
    • Comparison between the use of police reports to the use of victim surveys.

In: Psychology

1. According to Driessen and Heutinck, is it ethical to introduce robotic technologies on farms from...

1. According to Driessen and Heutinck, is it ethical to introduce robotic technologies on farms from the animal welfare perspective? Explain your response in 3-4 sentences.

In: Psychology

Charity starts at home." If you don't think along these lines, ask the Salvation Army. A...

Charity starts at home." If you don't think along these lines, ask the Salvation Army. A few years back, one of the Army's neighborhood offices found that it had an issue with robbery among its pot workers,the individuals who gather cash for the Army amid the Christmas season. A portion of the Army's kettlers were taking the Army's gifts previously the association had an opportunity to dole out the cash. To put a stop to the issue, Army authorities looked for the help of Dr.John Jones, executive of research for London House Management Consultants. London House is one of a few organizations that market trustworthiness tests for planned workers. 117 Although solid figures are difficult to get a hold of, the U. S. Council of Commerce trusts that upwards of 75 percent of representatives may take and that 30 percent of insolvencies originate from worker robbery. Regardless of whether these figures are overstated, nobody questions the issue is serious.Honesty-test creators say the best way to manage the issue is before laborers are contracted by subjecting them to a pre work mental test that will recognize those planned representatives who are probably going to take. James Walls, one of the originators of Stanton Corporation,which has offered composed genuineness tests for a quarter century, says that deceptive activity candidates are astute at duping potential businesses in a prospective employee meeting. " They have a method for acting that is most likely better than the generally safe individual. They have realized what it takes to be acknowledged and how to defeat the typical meeting system," he says. " The high-chance individual will get enlisted unless there is an approach to screen him." For this reason, Walls maintains,written, target tests are expected to weed out the convicts. A large number of composed genuineness tests are given yearly, on account of congressional confinements on polygraph testing. Notwithstanding being legitimate, genuineness tests are likewise practical in light of the fact that they cost just a small amount of what polygraph tests cost


1. how useful or informative do you think such tests are? is there use are reasonable business policy? assuming that tests like those described are valid and reliable, are they fair? explain.

2. do you think tests like these invade privacy and, if so, that this invasion is justified? explain why or why not.

3. what ideal obligations, and effects must be considered in using psychological tests as pre-employment screens? in your view, which is the most important consideration?

4. if you were an employer, would you require an employees or job applicants to pass an honesty exam? explain the moral principles that support your position.

5. what do you think a business's reaction would be if government required its executives to submit to an honesty test as a pre condition for the company's getting a government contract? if, in your opinion, the business would object, does it have any moral grounds for subjecting workers to comparable tests?

6. utilitarians would not find anything inherently objectionable about psychological tests as long as the interest of all parties were taken into account and given equal consideration before such tests were made a pre-employment screen do you think this is generally the case?

7. should there be a law prohibiting or regulating psychological tests as a pre-employment screen? should a decision to use these tests be made jointly by management and labor,or is testing for employment an exclusive employer right?

In: Psychology

sport and sociology Sports are woven deeply into the American cultural fabric. Many people participate in...

sport and sociology

Sports are woven deeply into the American cultural fabric. Many people participate in sports from an early age. Additionally, we often align ourselves with particular teams and engage socially around viewing sports Discuss how sociological theory can be applied to sports. In your posting provide details about how sports can influence significant sociological elements including education, leisure, social stratification, social mobility, and race and gender issues.

Elaborate on your peers’ posts with a well-thought-out, substantive comment that contributes new knowledge to the conversation.

In: Psychology

Select an organization of interest and critically review their organizational culture related to ethics. Review also...

Select an organization of interest and critically review their organizational culture related to ethics. Review also the relevant class materials to support your answers. Complete the following table by selecting three behaviors per category

Assignment structure: Introduce Organization. Consider answers that can improve leadership agility in support of an ethical organizational culture. Conclude on effectiveness of Ethical Culture

***PLEASE AVOID USING APPLE INC.and Concentrix Private Limited as they have been used previously to avoid similarities***



Action behaviors

Need to stop doing?




Need to start doing?




Need to continue doing?




Need to do more of?




Need to do less of?




In: Psychology

A random sample of sociology majors at the University of Methods were asked a series of...

A random sample of sociology majors at the University of Methods were asked a series of questions about their major advisor. Interpret their answers to the following question: "My advisor encourages me to see him/her."

Level of Agreement frequency:

Strongly agree - 19

Agree - 29

Undecided - 34

Disagree - 13

Strongly disagree - 14

No answer - 44

In: Psychology

Why is it important to integrate coordinated treatments for comorbid/co-occurring disorders? Provide at least two examples...

Why is it important to integrate coordinated treatments for comorbid/co-occurring disorders? Provide at least two examples of the potential financial challenges associated with managing the implementation of treatment.

In: Psychology

What are you looking for in a new position/job? minimum 350 words

What are you looking for in a new position/job? minimum 350 words

In: Psychology

Dr. Vegapunk thinks that watching anime (Japanese animated shows) decreases social skills in college students. To...

Dr. Vegapunk thinks that watching anime (Japanese animated shows) decreases social skills in college students. To test this, Dr. Vegapunk randomly selected 30 brooklyn college students and assigned them to watch an episode of anime everyday for a week. After the week, each of the students answered a questionnaire about their social skills. The results showed that the sample had a mean social skills score of 7.3 and a standard deviation of 2.4. A previous study showed that the overall population of brooklyn college students had a mean social skills score of 6.2, but the standard deviation was not reported. Dr. Vegapunk decides to use an alpha level of 0.05.

a) what test should he use?

b) what is the alternative hypothesis?

c) what is the null hypothesis?

d) what is the critical value?

e) what is the obtained statistic?

In: Psychology

(please write a total of 10 different activities): For infant or toddler. Assignment: Each domain of...

(please write a total of 10 different activities): For infant or toddler.

Each domain of the curriculum must be available in each day’s activity plan though no specific time frame would be indicated for infants; a loosely woven time frame may be offered for toddlers.

For each activity, provide the following information:

1. name of activity

2. curriculum domain--(one of the below) use differnet domain for every other activity.

physical, fine motor

physical, gross motor




3. developmental goal of activity--what you hope the infants/toddlers will learn from the activity; this must be related to the domain of the activity

4. procedure planned to work toward attaining the goal (how the activity will be set up and what the infant or toddler will do during the activity)

5. materials needed

An Example of How each Activity should be done. (see below)


1. Scribble Table

2. Physical--fine motor

3. Goal: To practice fine motor skills by scribbling on butcher paper

4. Procedure: Butcher paper will be taped to the surface of a small table. Several markers will be placed on the table. Toddlers will scribble on the paper with the markers.

5. Materials: Butcher paper, tape, markers

In: Psychology

Using “Of cannibals, discuss what Montaigne would make of the Mayan Ball Game in which the...

Using “Of cannibals, discuss what Montaigne would make of the Mayan Ball Game in which the loser would be sacrificed to the Gods.

In: Psychology

Describe an ethical dilemma you have encountered in your own life.  Provide enough information so we can...

Describe an ethical dilemma you have encountered in your own life.  Provide enough information so we can understand your situation, but please change details to protect the innocent (or the guilty).  Why did the situation present a dilemma for you?  How did you resolve it?

I once worked for a company where I was in one department and that department reported to another department. There was a top manager in that other department who was over all the departments. I had a co-worker who decided to leave the company. That co-worker then wanted to come back to the company. They also wanted to go and work directly with that top manager in the other department.

There was going to be a very high level meeting that was to be attended by most of the people in my department, as well as that top manager and a few who reported directly to that top manager. The top manager also wanted to bring the co-worker who was not an employee to the meeting. Highly proprietary confidential information was to be discussed at this meeting. I was in a dilemma as I knew that by having the non-employee attend this business meeting was against company policy. There were written guidelines specifically on this matter. I was expected to attend this meeting. "What should I do?", I thought. If I did not attend the meeting, I could get fired, yet if I did attend the meeting, and the ethics department found out, I too could be fired.

I decided to go to my two managers within my department and explain the situation and explain to them that I would not be attending this meeting. I stated company policy on why I could not attend this meeting. A week before the meeting was suppose to happen, the top manager of that department was fired. I do not know all the details on why that top manager was fired, but I have my suspicions.

I believe if the top manager was not fired, all those who were going to go to the meeting would have been fired including myself. It would have wiped out a whole department. The reason would be discussing highly confidential information with a non-employee of the company. It was a very difficult position to be in, but I knew the stakes were very high and that I needed to do the right thing, even if it meant that I lost my job. Through my actions, I believe I saved some people their jobs, including my own. No one knows why that manager was really fired. There is only a lot of rumors as to what really transpired. It pays to know and follow corporate policy and guidelines, especially when it comes to ethics.

I believe the following quote out of our text book applies to me.

"Although we believe there are many practical benefits to being ethical, many business people make decisions because they believe a particular course of action is simply the right thing to do as responsible members of society." (L. Ferrell, O.C. Ferrell, Fraedrich, 2015)

What do you agree from this give explaination ?

In: Psychology

Why did Japan lose the Second World War?

Why did Japan lose the Second World War?

In: Psychology

What do you think the 3 most important behaviroral, cultural, and societal factors that people focus...

What do you think the 3 most important behaviroral, cultural, and societal factors that people focus on to protect the cardiovascular system. Are these factors the only means to protect the cardiovascular system?

In: Psychology

Discuss Allport’s concept of functional autonomy. Identify two instances in your life where functional autonomy was...

Discuss Allport’s concept of functional autonomy. Identify two instances in your life where functional autonomy was present.

In: Psychology