Chapter 10: Physiology and Behavior Humans have evolved the ability to exist almost anywhere in the...

Chapter 10: Physiology and Behavior

Humans have evolved the ability to exist almost anywhere in the world including areas of extreme cold and heat.  Discuss adjustments humans have to make to live in extreme environments and what physiological and behavioral differences would you expect in people who live in extreme environments.

First- define or operationalize "extreme environments"

Second- provide your rationale and justification

In: Psychology

Performing, embodying, and constructing gender. You read quite a few readings about the social construction of...

Performing, embodying, and constructing gender.

You read quite a few readings about the social construction of gender. Give examples in your own loves how you might "perform" gender. Think about why you do it. What do you think this performance tells you about the gender? How does this performance reinforce gender norms? Can we use this performance to remake ideas of gender?

In: Psychology

1. What is the Availability Bias? How does this bias cause problems in financial decision making?...

1. What is the Availability Bias? How does this bias cause problems in financial decision making? How does this basis cause problems for our lives in general? Why do we do have this bias?

In: Psychology

Imagine that you are an older adult. Indicate and explain the policy issues of concern to...

Imagine that you are an older adult. Indicate and explain the policy issues of concern to you. Present some recent findings regarding the role of attachment in late-adult adjustment. How do attachment “styles” change over time, according to recent studies?

In: Psychology

The use of technology in therapy is becoming more common. Not only are psychotherapists conducting therapy...

The use of technology in therapy is becoming more common. Not only are psychotherapists conducting therapy sessions online via programs similar to Skype and Connect, but some are also starting to use text messaging and billing for such client contacts. Do you think this type of therapy can be effective? Does it violate any of the APA Ethics code? Do you think this format for therapy will continue to be used?

In: Psychology

Critically evaluate how the organisation has tried to minimise the conflict in the past. [25%]

Critically evaluate how the organisation has tried to minimise the conflict in the past. [25%]

In: Psychology

What are victimless crimes, and why are they controversial? Be sure to provide examples.

What are victimless crimes, and why are they controversial? Be sure to provide examples.

In: Psychology

11. Which is not considered a criticism of the Transformational Leadership approach? A. Conceptual clarity B....

11. Which is not considered a criticism of the Transformational Leadership approach?

A. Conceptual clarity

B. Broader view of leadership

C. Could be over used

D. No clear measurement of its effect.

12. Which type of leadership is considered to be a paradox?

A. Servant

B. Authentic

C. Transformational

D. Adaptive

13. Servant Leadership is considered to be similar to which two leadership approaches?

A. Adaptive and Transformational

B. Team and Situational

C. Skills and Behavior

D. Authentic and Trait

14. Servant Leadership is concerned with all of the following except:

A. Leaders being attentive to followers’ concerns.

B. Leaders empathize with followers.

C. Leaders nurturing followers.

D. Leaders influencing the morals of followers.

15. Who is the person that had the largest impact on the development of Servant Leadership?

A. Hermann Hesse

B. Robert Greenleaf

C. Jeffrey Heifetz

D. Henry Graham

16. Which is not a characteristic of Servant Leadership?

A. Listening

B. Awareness

C. Stewardship

D. Compassion

17. Foresight is defined as:

A. Taking responsibility for the future.

B. Treating each follower uniquely for future interactions.

C. Having the ability to predict what will happen in the future.

D. Caring for followers’ futures.

18. Persuasion in Servant Leadership can be best defined as:

A. Clear and persistent communication

B. Coercion

C. Forced compliance of followers

D. Judgmental discussions

19. Which is an antecedent condition of Servant Leadership?

A. Conceptualizing

B. Empowering

C. Content and Culture

D. Helping followers grow and succeed.

20. What is an outcome of servant leadership?

A. Societal Impact

B. Ethical behavior

C. Emotional healing

D. Follower receptivity

21. Servant Leadership is unlike which approach to leadership in its training and development methods?

A. Situational

B. Transformational

C. Leader-Member Exchange

D. Adaptive

22. This form of leadership focuses on how a leader encourages others to face and deal with problems or challenges.

A. Servant

B. Authentic

C. Transformational

D. Adaptive

23. Adaptive leadership is considered to differ from which types of leadership?

A. Servant and Transformational

B. Team and Situational

C. Skills and Behavior

D. Authentic and Trait

24. Who had a large impact on Adaptive Leadership?

A. Hesse

B. Greenleaf

C. Heifetz

D. Graham

25. Adaptive leadership is not focused on?

A. How to help others do their work.

B. Behaviors of leaders

C. Follower motivation

D. Constructive reward

26. Which is not one of the four perspectives of Adaptive Leadership?

A. Service Orientation

B. Conceptualization

C. Systems

D. Biological

28. The psychotherapy perspective states that:

A. Many problems people face are actually embedded in complicated interactive systems.

B. People develop and evolve as a result of having to adapt to both their internal and external environment.

C. Adaptive leaders serve people by diagnosing their problems and suggesting possible solutions.

D. People need a supportive environment to help them to adapt more successfully to difficult situations.

30. The service orientation perspective states that:

A. Many problems people face are actually embedded in complicated interactive systems.

B. People develop and evolve as a result of having to adapt to both their internal and external environment.

C. Adaptive leaders serve people by diagnosing their problems and suggesting possible solutions.

D. People need a supportive environment to help them to adapt more successfully to difficult situations.

31. The metaphor of getting on the balcony means:

A. Showing followers that you are above them.

B. Getting out of your comfort zone.

C. Getting a new perspective.

D. Serving others above and beyond what is needed.

32. Which adaptive challenges archetype focuses on leading an organization when it has values and responsibilities that are in conflict with each other?

A. Gap between espoused values and behaviors.

B. Competing Commitments

C. Speaking the Unspeakable

D. Work Avoidance

33. To regulate distress of followers, you should not:

A. Identify the weaknesses of individual followers.

B. Create a holding environment

C. Provide direction and norms

D. Regulate personal distress

34. A leader who delegates work to their followers and allows them to begin working but begins to micromanage all steps of the process is failing in which leader behavior?

A. Protect the voices from below

B. Getting on the Balcony

C. Maintain disciplined attention

D. Giving the work back to the people

35. A leader who is afraid to confront change in the organization and provide focus for followers is failing in which leader behavior?

A. Protect the voices from below

B. Getting on the Balcony

C. Maintain disciplined attention

D. Giving the work back to the people

36. When a leader gives a voice to the out-group members, they are following which leadership behavior?

A. Protecting Leadership voices from below

B. Regulating Distress

C. Identifying the Adaptive Challenge

D. Getting on the balcony

In: Psychology

According to Chapter 2, what is the difference between killing and non-killing religions? Which of these...

According to Chapter 2, what is the difference between killing and non-killing religions? Which of these is associated with modern-day terrorism? Explain within 100 -160 words.


In: Psychology

1)What is the nature of ethical thinking? 2) What is the nature of a child in...

1)What is the nature of ethical thinking?
2) What is the nature of a child in level one of moral development?
13) Does moral development depend on the age of a person? Give reason for your answer.

In: Psychology

An admitted call girl once said that prostitution is a profitable business if you market it...

An admitted call girl once said that prostitution is a profitable business if you market it correctly and properly screen your clients. The U.S. Department of Commerce claims that the underground economy (especially illegal gambling and prostitution) represents between 3 and 40 percent beyond the legal economy. Fifi defends the right to sell sex between consenting adults and argues that a person has the right to use his or her body in any way that maximizes income. “We allow people to box professionally. So why do we allow people to beat the heck out of each other for a living, but prohibit people from being nice to each other (via sexual acts)?” From the perspective of prostitutes, such as Fifi, “It’s not the government’s business. Should sex between consenting adults be a concern of the government at all? We allow prostitution in Nevada and in many other countries, so we’re inconsistent as well. You mean to tell me that all those places are immoral? We do the same thing that a legal massage parlor does, only we do it on different parts of the body.” However, many former prostitutes say that most were drug addicts and many were molested as children or as young girls or boys. “When I first did it, I felt a tremendous sense of power,” said Bula, “but that feeling quickly faded. Feelings of powerlessness, shame, and drug addiction ultimately followed, knowing that my prostitution was a continuing form of abuse, even though I made good money.”

• Evaluate the moral permissibility of Fifi’s decision to be a prostitute.

• Evaluate the moral permissibility of Bula’s decision to be a prostitute

In: Psychology

Objective: Demonstrate a working knowledge of repeat victimization and situational explanations. Repeat victimization is something that...

Objective: Demonstrate a working knowledge of repeat victimization and situational explanations.

Repeat victimization is something that is difficult to understand or even believe. The data in this area is simply frightening. What can we do about this major problem in our criminal justice system? Situational explanations such as social strain, stress, dependence, and social isolation are considered to be factors. This is not just a criminal justice issue, but a societal issue. The question is, how do we deal with it in our field?

  • Review Chapter 2 in your textbook.
  • Write a three page paper about the issues of repeat victimization and situational explanations of crime.
  • Identify what it means to be a repeat victim.
  • Explain how this information is gathered.
  • Discuss how this information can be used.
  • Identify the situational explanations of crime and explain them fully:
    • Stein theory
    • Stress

In: Psychology

Identify a topic that is or has trended widely on social media (#hashtag), while also reaching...

Identify a topic that is or has trended widely on social media (#hashtag), while also reaching the attention of the more traditional press. Social media sites include Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. Traditional press ranges from newspapers and television news, to magazines, to media aggregators like The Huffington Post.

Analyze the popularity of this #hashtag. What is it about? Who tends to use it? Why is it popular? Are there social messages involved, or does it represent a cultural phenomenon? Explain.

In: Psychology

Why is it important to wait for stability in the baseline phase? When is it appropriate...

Why is it important to wait for stability in the baseline phase? When is it appropriate to not conduct baseline phases or otherwise intervene immediately?

In: Psychology

Please answer each question in 1-2 sentences: 1). What is the beauty myth? 2). Give at...

Please answer each question in 1-2 sentences:

1). What is the beauty myth?

2). Give at least two examples of how the idea of beauty supports gender stratification.

3). Why do you think it has been especially difficult to convince men to share the housework?

In: Psychology