
In: Psychology

Piaget was one that felt that children are active learners and he gained recognition for contributions...

Piaget was one that felt that children are active learners and he gained recognition for contributions to studying children and their physical world as well as their social world. However, even if we support one theory over another we do need to consider that we are unique and individuals.

For example, I have eight brothers and sisters. We all have the same biological parents and were raised together. In spite of this we each have different memories of events that occurred in the family and have interpreted them differently. This shows our differences in perspective despite or genetic similarities.

If we take Piaget’s theory of children as active learners how would we explain why children raised together respond differently to their environments?


Expert Solution

To understand how children raised up together respond differently to their environment we can look at the the development theory suggested by piaget and understand that what are the different cognitive stages that a child goes through and how that might contribute towards individual differences-

  1. Sensorimotor stage of cognitive development- This stage is very crucial for the development of correlation of sensorimotor responses. This stage is also important in terms of language development because the child learns the initial methods to communicate with the environment.
  2. Preoperational stage of cognitive development- This is a crucial age when Syntax and grammar for an individual develops and helps them in developing concepts such as imagination and intuition which are very subjective in nature and can help in defining one's personality distinguishable from others.
  3. concrete operational- in this stage of development helps the individual in identifying time and space and how these can apply to the real world not as independent concepts in nature But interdependent of each other.
  4. formal operational- this is the most higher order cognitive development that happens in a child's development which helps them in developing theoretical, hypothetical and counterfactual thinking which can help in critical thinking and analysis while having Abstract for process which again is a contributing factor in individuality of a person.

Hope this helps; please like for efforts.

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