In: Operations Management
Complete a business leader profile using PowerPoint.
First, select a business leader that you know. Explain why you decided to focus on this person as a leader and make a post on this discussion board. The post should be at least one paragraph. This step is due by the end of week 4.
Second, Gather enough information that you are able to learn the traits that help them be a good leader and traits that undermine their leadership abilities, which leader power they use most frequently, which leadership theory most closely resembles their leadership style, how they drive change, and how they motivate their followers.
Third, compile your information and develop a PowerPoint presentation about your leader. Ensure that you cite references for the material you use in your presentation. You will receive 2 bonus points if you narrate your PowerPoint presentation.
Fourth, post your presentation as a post in the Module 7 discussion board. This step is due May 3rd in the module 7 discussion board.
I already have my leader chosen. I do not understand how to evaluate the second part. I just need to know what the different traits, leader powers and leadership theories there are and what it means to drive change and motivate followers.
Since a leader has already been chosen, as per the question (2nd part), it is needed to learn about the leader and his qualities. There are multiple traits, qualities, theories of leadership which is widely available. Post researching and knowing more about the leader, classify him/her according to the various traits there are. Some of the leadership traits that are required to be a good leader are Integrity, Confidence, Effective Communicator, Inspiration, Humility, Passionate, etc. Classify your leader into these so called traits and understand what all he has and what all he doesnt.
For understanding the leadership powers, we need to understand the various types of leadership powers. Some of them are Information power (leader possesses information), Legitimate power (traditional power like kings), Expert power (Gained through experience and knowledge), Referent power (Power from someone who the leader knows), Reward Power (Power to reward someone), etc. Based on the different classifications of leadership powers, classify your leader accordingly
Some of the leadership theories are Trait theories (born with leadership traits), Behavioral theories (how leaders behave in certain situation), Participative theory (leader takes feedback and encourages participation), etc. Again, classify your chosen leader into any of these groups.
All the above are widely available in all major management books/publications. It's an easy classification once you have sufficient information about the leader and how he uses these traits, theories and powers to motivate and drive followers