Two zones A and B are to be connected via a direct high speed route as...

Two zones A and B are to be connected via a direct high speed route as daily traffic movement between the residents of 02 zones are causing congestion to existing network.

  1. Suggest and justify the type of survey needed to be conducted between 02 zones.
  2. If all the movement is considered to be inter-zonal only i.e. from A to B & B to A only. What kind of traffic volume measuring technique is suitable? Reason your answer.
  3. Design a household survey for estimating the trip originating from A to B (Assume the missing data).
    1. What kind of household surveying technique should be used if demographics are almost the same in the zone?
    2. What kind of household surveying technique should be used if demographics can be further classified within the zone?

In: Civil Engineering

protection and repair of steel structures ?

protection and repair of steel structures ?

In: Civil Engineering

Assignment on an industry in which we have to discuss plant location primary factors secondary factors...

Assignment on an industry in which we have to discuss plant location primary factors secondary factors unit operation unit processes and block diagram...
Soap Industry

In: Civil Engineering

Comment on sources on uncertainty in culvert design and how would an engineer manage these uncertainties

Comment on sources on uncertainty in culvert design and how would an engineer manage these uncertainties

In: Civil Engineering

In an air conditioning system, the inside and outside conditions of air are 25 °C DBT...

In an air conditioning system, the inside and outside conditions of air are 25 °C DBT and 50%
RH, and 40 °C DBT and 27 °C WBT, respectively. The room sensible heat ratio is 0.8, while
50% of the room air is rejected to atmosphere and replaced with an equal quantity of fresh air
before entering the air conditioning apparatus. If the fresh air added is 100 m3
/min and the air
density is 1.2 kg/ m3 with zero air by-passing, determine: a) Room sensible and latent load, b)
Sensible and latent heat due to the fresh air, c) Apparatus due point, d) Humidity ratio and dry
bulb temperature of the air entering to the air conditioning apparatus. Ans. a) 53.96 kW,
14.04 kW; b) 30.67 kW, 39.73 kW; c) 11.8 °C; d) 0.0138 kg/ kg dry air, 32.5 °C

In: Civil Engineering

A large stream with a velocity of 0.85 m/s, saturated with oxygen, has a reoxygenation constant...

A large stream with a velocity of 0.85 m/s, saturated with oxygen, has a reoxygenation constant k2 = 0.4 day−1 and a temperature of T = 12oC, with an ultimate BOD = 13.6 mg/L and a flow rate Q = 2.2 m3 /s. Into this stream flows a wastewater stream with a flow rate of 0.5 m3/s, T = 26oC, L = 220 mg/L and oxygen level = 1.5 mg/L. Downstream the deoxygenation constant is k1 = 0.2 day−1 .

a) What is the dissolved oxygen 48.3 km downstream?

b) What will be the minimum dissolved oxygen? And at what distance from the outfall?

In: Civil Engineering

A concrete mix was designed for thin core walls in a tall building. A 28-day strength...

A concrete mix was designed for thin core walls in a tall building. A 28-day strength of 32 MPa is required. The exposure classification for durability purposes is for B2 and C. One hundred laboratory test results on the controlling mix show a standard deviation of 5.3 MPa (k=1.65). The density of uncrushed coarse aggregate is 2850 kg/m3 and its dry rodded density is 1600 kg/m3 and the maximum size to be used is 10 mm. The density of fine aggregate is 2750 kg/m3 and its fineness modulus is 3.0. The high early strength cement used has a density of 3150 kg/m3.

Find the weight (in kg) of cement, water, fine and coarse aggregate for this mix, required to make a 2.4 m high x 1.2 m wide x 120 mm thick concrete wall using the ACI Method.                                                                                            

In: Civil Engineering

Water flows at a rate of 6m^3 / s in a rectangular channel of 3m width...

Water flows at a rate of 6m^3 / s in a rectangular channel of 3m width and 60cm water depths . Check whether the hydraulic jump occurs or not . If it is occurred , then determine the total energy loss during the jump and the jump efficiency . What is the type of this jump ?

Question by hydraulic structures material Theme Hydraulic Jump

In: Civil Engineering

(ART 100) List the distinct characteristics of postmodern architecture and modern architecture to distinguish their stylistic...

(ART 100) List the distinct characteristics of postmodern architecture and modern architecture to distinguish their stylistic differences.

In: Civil Engineering

Prepare a summary of 150-250 words after watching video resources related to coordinate system, map projection...

  1. Prepare a summary of 150-250 words after watching video resources related to coordinate system, map projection and datum

Coordinate Map Projection-Video Resources

Note: For your ease and to avoid cumbersome downloading activity due to internet connectivity, I have chosen these video tutorials explaining different concepts. Please watch these as a part of your lecture notes.

Map Projections Explained - A Beginners Guide

Introducing Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

Map Projections

Everything you would want to know about Map Projections!

Different map projections

In: Civil Engineering

While designing the member of a steel structure building. Discuss the types of load that you...

While designing the member of a steel structure building.
Discuss the types of load that you will consider in the design?

Note:I need a lot of information on the question.
Thank you.

In: Civil Engineering

Performance of Reinforced Concrete Slab due to Reinforcement Corrosion

Performance of Reinforced Concrete Slab due to Reinforcement Corrosion

In: Civil Engineering

1) concepts of water flow in piping system? 2) concepts of energy equation Bernonlli equation? 3)...

1) concepts of water flow in piping system?
2) concepts of energy equation Bernonlli equation?
3) concepts of energy head losses?
4) concepts of energy equation momentum?

I hope not written in handwriting?

In: Civil Engineering

If a cylindrical steel pressure vessel has a 400-mm inner radius and 8-mm-thick walls. Find the...

If a cylindrical steel pressure vessel has a 400-mm inner radius and 8-mm-thick walls. Find the change (mm) in the inner radius when the vessel is pressurized to 1.2 MPa. Use E = 200 GPa and v = 0.3 for steel.

In: Civil Engineering

It is believed that the design of appurtenances in the stilling basin can reduce the basin...

It is believed that the design of appurtenances in the stilling basin can reduce the basin length by 70- 80%. Give comments on this statement.

In: Civil Engineering