Need a good explanationIf a new railroad embankment is to be constructed in an area...

If a new railroad embankment is to be constructed in an area that restricts how wide its base may be, name some of the design alternatives you would consider to limit the embankment width at its base.

In: Civil Engineering

1- How does the bandage contact area change with the axle load? Show it by drawing....

1- How does the bandage contact area change with the axle load? Show it by drawing.
2- Draw the stresses created by a tandem axle on the superstructure layers by drawing them.

In: Civil Engineering

A power plant, located close to the downtown of a developed city emits 1042 kg per...

A power plant, located close to the downtown of a developed city emits 1042 kg per hour of SO2 from stack with an effective height of 120 m. a) For a wind speed of 3 m/s (measured at the effective height) in an overcast winter morning, calculate the ground level SO2 concentration (in mg/m*) along the plume center line I km downwind. b) If the wind speed (3 m/s) had been measured at 20 m elevation instead of the effective height,what would the actual concentration of SO2 (in mg/m*) in the same location (in part a) at the night of the same day?

In: Civil Engineering

a. Calculate the approximate volume of the tall feature in cubic meters. The top of the...

a. Calculate the approximate volume of the tall feature in cubic meters. The top of the feature is at an elevation of 115’ and the bottom of the feature is at an elevation of 35’. The width of the feature is 1410’ and its length is 1245’. Show your work clearly.

b. Do you think this calculated volume is an overestimate or underestimate? Explain your reasoning

In: Civil Engineering

sketch a 9 bar parallel chord plane truss with rectangular panels, having 2 diagonal bars, 3...

sketch a 9 bar parallel chord plane truss with rectangular panels, having 2 diagonal bars, 3 vertical bars, and two bars in each chord(too and bottom). Each panel is 3ft high and 4ft wide and the two diagonal bars are parallel. the truss is supported with a roller and a hinge at the corners at the base. a vertical downward load of 60k is applied at the top middle joint. identify all zero force bats and show the reactions at the supports.

2) determine the magnitude and nature of all the other bar forces in the panel to the left or right in the above problem.

In: Civil Engineering

A solid steel bar with dimensions of 1 x 4 inches spans a 20 foot gap....

A solid steel bar with dimensions of




inches spans a 20 foot gap. The beam is loaded with a single 1000 lb load a


mid span.

Calculate the

deflection of the beam



foot along it

s length


(That is,


the deflecton

at x=0,

12,24, 36


inches) INCLUDE the weight of the beam. Plot the deflection, y, versus x

In: Civil Engineering

1. How would you apply the Cornell Method to a face-to-face Physics class? a. Be specific...

1. How would you apply the Cornell Method to a face-to-face Physics class?
a. Be specific – would all the tasks listed apply? List and explain which tasks might or might not apply. If you think all apply, explain and support your answer with details and examples.

2. How would you apply the Cornell Method to an English Literature online course?
a. Be specific – would all the tasks listed apply? List and explain which tasks might or might not apply. If you think all apply, explain and support your answer with details and examples.

In: Civil Engineering

a) Why does the shear strength of beams without stirrups increase when the aggregate size increases?...

a) Why does the shear strength of beams without stirrups increase when the aggregate size increases?

b) Describe a bond-splitting failure. Why do stirrups tend to prevent bond-splitting failures?

c) Why is the “side cover” and “back cover” important when designing hooks for rebars?

d) What is the kern of a footing?

In: Civil Engineering

The time area method is often used to estimate catchment runoff process. In this method, the...

The time area method is often used to estimate catchment runoff process. In this method, the catchment of concern is split into several sub-areas where runoff generated from each sub-area is thought to take the same amount of time to travel to the outlet of the catchment. Suppose a catchment can be split into M sub-areas. For the i-th sub-area (i=1,2,…, M), the size of the area is Ai km2 and it takes i-th hours for the runoff generated to reach the outlet. If the catchment is subjected to a net rain process lasting over N hours (N≥1) with a constant intensity of r mm/hour. Using the time area method derive the peak runoff at the outlet of this catchment in m3/s

In: Civil Engineering

Find an expression for the average velocity in a smooth pipe if it depends on the...

Find an expression for the average velocity in a smooth pipe if it depends on the viscosity, the diameter, and the pressure gradient dp/dx.

In: Civil Engineering

self compacting concrete Q1) Where we can use it? Q2) when we can use it ?...

self compacting concrete

Q1) Where we can use it?
Q2) when we can use it ?
Q3) How we can use it ?
Q4) What is advantages and disadvanages?

note: please type writing , do not write by hand.

In: Civil Engineering

A westbound section of freeway currently has three 12-ft wide lanes, a 6-ft right shoulder, and...

A westbound section of freeway currently has three 12-ft wide lanes, a 6-ft right shoulder, and no ramps within 3 miles upstream and downstream of the segment midpoint. It is on rolling terrain with 10% heavy vehicles and is operating at capacity with a peak-hour factor of 0.9. If the road is expanded to four 11-foot lanes with a 2-foot right shoulder, and traffic after the expansion is projected to increase by 10% with the same heavy vehicle percentage and peak-hour factor, what is the new LOS and estimated density?

In: Civil Engineering

On a late May afternoon in 1984, a fire broke out in the “Haunted Castle” attraction...

On a late May afternoon in 1984, a fire broke out in the “Haunted Castle” attraction at the Great Adventure Park in Jackson Township, New Jersey (Figure 4-1). Eight teenagers became trapped in the haunted house and subsequently died in the blaze. The maze-like “building” was actually a set of 17 interconnected truck trailers; guests walked from one trailer into the next. The dark walk-through haunted house included a variety of fright-provoking scenes, live actors, and a “strobe room.” Plastic polyurethane foam was used in decorations in various areas of the attraction. Plywood partitions were also present throughout. The structure did not have a fire alarm system or a fire sprinkler system. There were no specific regulations for “haunted houses” in the building and fire codes of New Jersey or the rest of the nation at the time of the fire. In the wake of this incident, action on the part of the state of New Jersey was swift. The state’s building and fire codes were changed to include fire alarm systems and sprinklers. These regulations were quickly adopted nationally. Today, these “special amusement” buildings require a fire alarm and detection system, full sprinkler protection, a public address system, low-level exit signs, and a Class A rating for all interior finishes. 1. Why does it often take a tragedy to change our building and fire codes? 2. What are some other fires in the past that have led to changes in our fire safety regulations?

In: Civil Engineering

List the stages of Cost Estimating and tell how the accuracy changes for these different stages?

List the stages of Cost Estimating and tell how the accuracy changes for these different stages?

In: Civil Engineering

Explain why electrical, mechanical, and plumbing rough-in usually begins before framing is complete.

Explain why electrical, mechanical, and plumbing rough-in usually begins before framing is complete.

In: Civil Engineering