Water has total hardness of 155 mg/L as CaCO3 and contains 0.004 M HCO3- at pH...

Water has total hardness of 155 mg/L as CaCO3 and contains 0.004 M HCO3- at pH 7. What is the carbonate hardness and non-carbonate hardness in mg/L as CaCO3? Would you use lime softening or lime-soda softening for this water and why?

In: Civil Engineering

Describe the components of a regional ITS arthitecture. Describe Systems Engineering Review. What’s the relationship between...

Describe the components of a regional ITS arthitecture.
Describe Systems Engineering Review.
What’s the relationship between planning and systems engineering?
What are the main factors that determine trips generated?
What is the relationship between Income and Number of trips?

In: Civil Engineering

Air Pollution Define the following terms under Hazardous Air Pollutants: a. Area source b. Major source...

Air Pollution

  1. Define the following terms under Hazardous Air Pollutants:

a. Area source

b. Major source

c. New Source

  1. What are emission factors?
  2. What is nonattainment area?
  3. Under the Title IV, Acid Deposition control: Explain the following terms,

a. Affected sources

b. Allowance

c. Baseline

  1. Under the Title VI –Stratospheric Ozone Protection: Define the Class I and II substances and also give three examples for each category.

In: Civil Engineering

“The Valuer is a reflector of markets and not the maker of market” Critically discuss the...

“The Valuer is a reflector of markets and not the maker of market” Critically discuss the above statement.

In: Civil Engineering

Estimate the total cost for furnishing and installing floor joist and plywood sub-flooring given the following...

Estimate the total cost for furnishing and installing floor joist and plywood sub-flooring given the following information:

a. Size of the building: 32 feet long and 18 feet wide

b. Spacing of floor joists: 2 feet on center

c. Double joist on ends plus joist header and footer

d. Size of floor joists: 18 feet long of 2x8 lumber

e. Productivity Rate: Lumber - 20 crew-hrs/MBFM and Plywood - 12 crew-hrs/MSF

f. Crew’s Wage Rate: $27.50/wk-hr

g. Material Costs: Lumber - $550/MBFM and Plywood - $1,100/MSF








In: Civil Engineering

What are the potential upstream and downstream impacts of replacing the gravel parking lot with a...

What are the potential upstream and downstream impacts of replacing the gravel parking lot with a tru-grid system? Please explain in detail

In: Civil Engineering

Calculate the total foot board measure and calculate the total cost for furnishing and installing the...

Calculate the total foot board measure and calculate the total cost for furnishing and installing the following pieces of dimensional lumber:

a. 270 – 2 x 4 – 8’0” 550 – 2 x 6 – 16’0” 1,820 – 2 x 4 – 12’0” 500 – 2 x12 – 16’0”

b. Productivity Rate: Lumber - 15 crew-hrs/MBFM

c. Crew’s Wage Rate: $26.75/wk-hr

d. Material Costs: Lumber - $550/MBFM






In: Civil Engineering

Two large tanks are connected by two pipes of different size in parallel. Water temperature is...

Two large tanks are connected by two pipes of different size in parallel. Water temperature is 20°C.

The surface water elevation in the upstream reservoir (Reservoir I) is 175m. The length of each pipe is 1250 m, and other properties are specified in the following:
Pipe A: diameter 0.5m, and frictional factor 0.025;

Pipe B: diameter 0.25m, the frictional factor is not given, but relative roughness is 0.006 under the flow condition observed.
Flow velocity in Pipe A is 2m/s.

  1. a) (5 pts) Is the flow in pipe A laminar or turbulent? Support your answer with calculations

  2. b) (10 pts) Find the water surface elevation of the downstream reservoir (Reservoir II) Z2 based on flow in pipe A.

  3. c) (20 pts) Calculate the flow velocity in Pipe B.

  4. d) (5 pts) Find the total flow rate from reservoir I to reservoir II.

In: Civil Engineering

A load trucks is using a hoe equipped with a special 3½ cy light weight bucket....

A load trucks is using a hoe equipped with a special 3½ cy light weight bucket. Working efficiency is a 45 min-hr efficiency. The material is a sandy clay, 2,600 lb./lcy. The digging face will have an average height of 60% of max. digging depth and the angle of swing will always be less than 60º. The round-trip time of either truck, exclusive of load time, is 5 minutes Consider 2 truck sizes • 18 lcy and 26 lcy. • Operated the 18 LCY truck costs $55.62/hr • Operated the 26 LCY truck costs $73.18/hr • Operated the hoe costs $65.50/hr a. 10 pts.

a.Which haul fleet is cheaper?

b. 20 pts. You can increase your productivity with a better hoe operator, this new operation is reflecting an improvement of 5% of the loading cycle time. However, the Operated cost will increase from $65.50/hr to $68.05/hr. Does it make sense to improve the operation? (from a cost estimation point of view). What would you decide to do and why?

In: Civil Engineering

How calculation of moment of inertia will influence the bending stress value of a rectangular section?...

How calculation of moment of inertia will influence the bending stress value of a rectangular section?
Also find the bending stress for a rectangular section of size 3500 mm X 650 cm in which the bending
moment will be taken as 300x103 Nmm.

In: Civil Engineering

A wooden beam is fabricated from one 2 × 12 and two 2 × 12 dimension...

A wooden beam is fabricated from one 2 × 12 and two 2 × 12 dimension lumber boards to form the double-tee cross section shown. The beam flange is fastened to the stem with nails. Each nail can safely transmit a force of 160 lb in direct shear. The allowable shear stress of the wood is 84 psi. Assume b1 = 12 in., b2 = 2 in., d1 = 2 in., d2 = 12 in.
(a) If the nails are uniformly spaced at an interval of s = 2.4 in. along the span, what is the maximum internal shear force V that can be supported by the double-tee cross section?
(b) What nail spacing s would be necessary to develop the full strength of the double-tee shape in shear? (Full strength means that the maximum horizontal shear stress in the double-tee shape equals the allowable shear stress of the wood.)

In: Civil Engineering

Using the Sud and Arthur dimensions for evaluating requirements management tools, conduct an assessment of five...

Using the Sud and Arthur dimensions for evaluating requirements management tools, conduct an assessment of five different commercial or open-source tools using publicly available information.

In: Civil Engineering

what pressure allows fine beach sand to have good bearing capacity at low tide on flat...

what pressure allows fine beach sand to have good bearing capacity at low tide on flat area near water?

In: Civil Engineering

How do internal wind pressures affect the lateral loads resisted by shear walls?

How do internal wind pressures affect the lateral loads resisted by shear walls?

In: Civil Engineering

A DOT is performing a benefit-cost analysis of a new highway using an analysis period of...

A DOT is performing a benefit-cost analysis of a new highway using an analysis period of 40 years as part the required environmental impact assessment of the project. The section of highway is estimated to have a construction cost $220 million dollars. The public benefit in reduced travel time and economic development around the highway is estimated to be $17 million per year for the first 5 years, then decrease by 3% per year for the remainder of the 40 year analysis period as congestion grows and economic development slows. The public disbenefit is estimated to be $2 million dollars in year 0 due to additional congestion and pollution during construction, then average $160,000 per year over the 40-year project life in environmental costs due to increased runoff and vehicle emissions. Using an interest rate of 4%, determine the benefit-cost ratio for this project using public/government version of the B/C ratio. Express your answer to two decimal places.

In: Civil Engineering