A reinforced concrete beam has square cross section (h × h). There are 9 steel reinforcing...

A reinforced concrete beam has square cross section (h × h). There are 9 steel reinforcing bars (each of diameter ds), 3 evenly spaced towards the top, 3 along the neutral axis, and 3 evenly spaced towards the bottom. The vertical distance from the centre of the bar to top (or bottom) edge of the section is called the cover, and is denoted as e. It should be taken that ρsteel = 7850 kg/m3, ρconcrete = 2350 kg/m3, Econcrete = 30000 MPa and Esteel = 195000 MPa, and that both materials exhibit linear elastic behaviour. The concrete cracks in tension at 4.5 MPa. The beam can be considered as a simply supported beam of length L where L is based on the given span to depth ratio of the beam. The beam also experiences an unknown vertical load Pat midspan.

a) What is the self weight per unit length of the beam?

b) What value of P (in conjunction with self weight) will induce cracking? Draw the stress and strain distributions for both the steel and the concrete on the critical cross-section when this occurs.

h=360mm ds=16mm e=40mm span/depth = 20

In: Civil Engineering

A slurry-phase treatment is applied to remove organic pollutants from contaminated soils. A pretreatment is first...

A slurry-phase treatment is applied to remove organic pollutants from contaminated soils. A pretreatment is first applied to screen out gravel and sand from the soil, and to clean these fractions with water. On the contrary, the remediation of silt and clay fractions of the soil requires an addition of surfactant prior to biological treatment. Please explain the rationale of the treatments. (around 400 words in details explanation)

In: Civil Engineering

do a comparative essay between Casa Mila and Casa Batllo of the architect Antoni Gaudi. In...

do a comparative essay between Casa Mila and Casa Batllo of the architect Antoni Gaudi. In this essay you are to look at the similarities and differences of design principles applied. You are to identify at least four principles and to justify the application of theory by the architect through the two buildings.

In: Civil Engineering

1. If you were a consulting engineer and were submitting Turnkey tender on behalf of a...

1. If you were a consulting engineer and were submitting Turnkey tender on behalf of a Turnkey Contractor, would you consider a conflict of interest between the role of a consulting engineer and contractor? Enlarge on the ethics of this subject.

2. It is clear to you that an Engineer engaged in a particular project (implement at the taxpayer’s account) is not maintaining professional standards, i.e. professional competence and integrity are lacking. What would be your reaction? Will you report the above incident to the Board of Engineers, Malaysia, or bring this to the attention of the client, or will you maintain silence and watch substandard work being completed?

3. “Professional Engineer should be allowed to practice as consultants and a contractor at the same time”. Do you agree with this statement? If so, give your reason objectively for supporting it; if not also give reasons for appeasing it.

The answer to each question shall be about 2000 words.

In: Civil Engineering

Copperas (Fe2SO4.7H2O) will be added to the liquid waste at a dose rate of 40 kg...

Copperas (Fe2SO4.7H2O) will be added to the liquid waste at a dose rate of 40 kg / 1000 m3 to increase the efficiency of the sedimentation tank. If it is assumed that wastewater contains enough alkalinity in the form of Ca (HCO3) 2, calculate:
a. How many kg of limestone in the form of CaO must be added to complete the reaction! b. The concentration of oxygen needed to oxidize the formed iron hydroxide! c. Mass of sludge produced per 1000 m3 of wastewater! d. The amount of alum needed to produce sludge is equal to (c) if it is assumed that the formed precipitate is Al (OH) 3!

In: Civil Engineering

You are required to design a watch tower. The watch tower is circular and has an...

You are required to design a watch tower. The watch tower is circular and has an outer diameter of 1500mm. The tower is built of 2 skins of masonry brick work. The supplier data sheet says that the density of the brickwork is 1900 kg/m3 . The tower has a slab at the top and watchmen sit there. The tower is built on a square concrete slab 2m by 2m. the slab is 300mm thick. It has finishes of 50mm on it. The concrete slab sits on masonry walls that are 4m high above ground level. These walls are also double skin walls. The foundation is a strip footing. The geotechnical engineer has given you an allowable bearing pressure of 300 kPa at a depth of 1000mm below ground level. The height of the watch tower from the top of the concrete slab to the top of the tower is 10m. Determine the minimum width of the foundation. Also determine the factored loads in the foundation? Use factors 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL.

In: Civil Engineering

26.1 The Application of the compatibility condition in the analysis of statically indeterminate structures is: Necessary...

26.1 The Application of the compatibility condition in the analysis of statically indeterminate structures is:

  1. Necessary
  2. Sometimes necessary
  3. Approximated through the force deformation relation (d) Not related to the above.

26.2 The conditions required to be satisfied for the analysis of statically determinate structures are:

  1. Equilibrium only
  2. Equilibrium and compatibility
  3. Equilibrium, compatibility and force-deformation relation

26.3 The conditions required to be satisfied for the analysis of statically indeterminate structures are:

  1. Equilibrium and compatibility only
  2. compatibility and force-deformation only
  3. force-deformation and Equilibrium only
  4. None of the above set is complete

26.4 The unit load method of analysis of deflections in structures is based on:

  1. Force method concept
  2. Stiffness method concept
  3. Energy method
  4. Approximate method

26.5 The analysis of statically indeterminate structures by the unit load method is based on:

  1. Force method concept
  2. Stiffness method concept
  3. Both of the above
  4. None of the above

26.6 The analysis of statically indeterminate structures by the unit load method is based on:

  1. Consistent deformation
  2. Consistent force
  3. Stiffness
  4. None of the above

26.7 Minor variations in the lengths of members from the geometrically computed ones in a statically determinate structure causes --------------while assembling (Lack of fit):

  1. Secondary forces
  2. No forces at all
  3. Forces comparable with the lack of fit
  4. Strains

26.8 Minor variations in the lengths of members from the geometrically computed ones in a

statically indeterminate structure causes------while assembling (lack of fit): a) Internal forces only

  1. External reactions only
  2. No forces
  3. Internal and for external reactions

26.9 An unequal rise in the temperature of members in statically determinate structures causes:

  1. No forces
  2. Reactions
  3. Secondary forces
  4. Strains and stresses

26.10 An unequal rise in the temperature of members in a statically indeterminate structures causes: (a) No forces

  1. Strains only
  2. Forces in members
  3. Secondary reactions

26.11 Unequal settlements in the supports of a statically determinate structure develop:

  1. Reactions from supports
  2. Member forces
  3. No reactions
  4. Forces in a limited members.

26.12 Unequal settlements in the supports of a statically indeterminate structure develop:

  1. Reactions from supports
  2. No reactions
  3. Minor member forces
  4. Strains in some members only

26.13 The force method in structural analysis starts with:

  1. Equilibrium field
  2. Compatible deformations
  3. Equilibrium and compatibility conditions
  4. Force-deformation relation only

26.14 The force method in structural analysis always ensures:

  1. Compatibility of deformations
  2. Kinematically-admissible strains
  3. Equilibrium of forces
  4. safety

26.15 The flexibility method in structural analysis starts with:

  1. Compatible deformations
  2. Equilibrium of forces
  3. Force-deformation relation
  4. Kinematically-admissible deformations

26.16 The force method in structural analysis is also known as:

  1. Slope-deflection method
  2. Moment-distribution method
  3. Consistent-deformation method
  4. Stiffness method

26.17 The conjugate-beam method falls in the category of:

  1. Force method
  2. Stiffness method
  3. Displacement method (d) None of the above.

26.18 The method of column analogy in structural analysis falls in the category of:

  1. Displacement method
  2. Stiffness method
  3. Flexibility method (d) None of the above

26.19 The stiffness method of structural analysis always starts with:

  1. Force-deformation relation
  2. Equilibrium conditions
  3. Compatible deformations
  4. None of the above

26.20 The displacement method of structural analysis starts with:

  1. Kinematically-admissible deformations
  2. Equilibrium of forces
  3. Force-deformation relation
  4. None of the above

26.21 The stiffness method in structural analysis is also known as:

  1. Consistant-deformation method
  2. Unit load method
  3. Force method
  4. Displacement method

26.22 The slope-deflection method in structural analysis falls in the category of:

  1. Force method
  2. Flexibility method
  3. Consistant-deformation method
  4. Stiffness method

In: Civil Engineering

Design for flexure a beam 12 ft in length, having a uniformly distributed dead load of...

Design for flexure a beam 12 ft in length, having a uniformly distributed dead load of 1 kip/ft, a uniformly distributed live load of 1 kip/ft, and a concentrated dead load of 8.4 kips a distance of 5 ft from one support Show all the steps. (LRFD) Fy = 50k/in2    E = 29,000k/in2

In: Civil Engineering

An engineer raises the possibility of building a clean energy source with high levels of safety....

An engineer raises the possibility of building a clean energy source with high levels of safety. The engineer understands "clean energy" as that which does not generate polluting waste, and "high levels of safety" the fact that it does not affect people's health.
Another engineer objects to these criteria, arguing that any source of energy generates polluting waste, and that the question to be discussed is the final destination of the waste; that is, if the waste goes to water, air, soil, or another medium. In addition, it asks you for data to support your statement about the contamination of energy sources. On the other hand, this engineer argues that security must be based on automated control of energy use.
Explain your point of view and compare it with the claims of these two engineers. Indicate whether the engineers' reasoning is inductive, deductive, or otherwise.

In: Civil Engineering

Derive the Toricelli’s theorem on the basis of Benoulli’s principle and a large reservoir with a...

Derive the Toricelli’s theorem on the basis of Benoulli’s principle and a large reservoir
with a small orifice at the bottom.

In: Civil Engineering

what is soft water?how to prevent from soft water corrosion in practical project?

what is soft water?how to prevent from soft water corrosion in practical project?

In: Civil Engineering

A new piece of equipment costs $25,000. The annual cost of using the equipment is projected...

A new piece of equipment costs $25,000. The annual cost of using the equipment is projected to be $1000. Annual maintenance costs are expected to be $400 the first year, increasing by $75/yr each year after that. The effective annual interest rate is 5%. Using correct equivalence notation, write out (but do not solve) the equation that would be used to find the equivalent annual cost of purchasing the equipment for its 20-year lifespan.

In: Civil Engineering

20. A 1-foot diameter plate load test is used to develop recommendations for a larger foundation...

20. A 1-foot diameter plate load test is used to develop recommendations for a larger foundation (3-ft by 3-ft). What is a limitation of that test and applying the results to developing design for the foundation?

In: Civil Engineering

A 900mm diameter conduit 3600m long is laid at a uniform slope of 1 in 1500...

A 900mm diameter conduit 3600m long is laid at a uniform slope of 1 in 1500 and connects two reservoirs. When the levels in the reservoirs are low the conduit runs partly full and it is found that a normal depth of 600mm gives a rate of flow of 0.322m^3/s.

The Chezy coefficient C is given by Km^n where K is constant,m is the hydraulic mean depth and n=1/6.Neglecting losses of head at entry and exit obtain

  1. the value of K,
  2. the discharge when the conduit is flowing full and the difference in level between the two reservoirs is 4.5m

answer: (a)67.6 (b)0.562m^3/s

In: Civil Engineering

14. Low plasticity clays are excellent material with which to line the base of a landfill...

14. Low plasticity clays are excellent material with which to line the base of a landfill cell. Consider the material described here: Might it be suitable landfill material?

Liquid Limit = 80%, Plastic Limit = 50%


Why / why not?

In: Civil Engineering