Informed by the forum and the assigned material, identify how oppositional cultural spaces around you are...

Informed by the forum and the assigned material, identify how oppositional cultural spaces around you are simultaneously separated and interconnected. Where is there evidence of borderlands? Of hybridity?

In: Civil Engineering

Problem 2: A rectangular concrete beam measures 350mm wide and has an effective depth of 425mm....

Problem 2: A rectangular concrete beam measures 350mm wide and has an effective depth of 425mm. Compression steel consisting of two # 25 is located 65mm from the compression face of the beam. If f ′ c=28MPa and fy = 420MPa, what is the design moment capacity of the beam, according to the ACI code, for the following alternative tensile steel area. (a) As = 3 # 32 bars in one layer, (b) As = 5 # 29 in two layers, (c) As = 6 # 32 bars in two layers? (Note: check for yielding of compression in each case.).

In: Civil Engineering

Problem 2: A rectangular concrete beam measures 350mm wide and has an effective depth of 425mm....

Problem 2: A rectangular concrete beam measures 350mm wide and has an effective depth of 425mm. Compression steel consisting of two # 25 is located 65mm from the compression face of the beam. If f ′ c=28MPa and fy = 420MPa, what is the design moment capacity of the beam, according to the ACI code, for the following alternative tensile steel area. (a) As = 3 # 32 bars in one layer, (b) As = 5 # 29 in two layers, (c) As = 6 # 32 bars in two layers? (Note: check for yielding of compression in each case.).

In: Civil Engineering

Based on research, list (3) specific considerations for use of steel, reinforced concrete (precast or site-cast),...

Based on research, list (3) specific considerations for use of steel, reinforced concrete (precast or site-cast), OR wood structural elements in design. In other words, list specific situations in which a particular material would be a good or bad choice.
Don’t simply list a characteristic of the material.
Be careful to describe in what specific situation, building type, or project type that particular characteristic would be beneficial or detrimental.
For example: When using precast concrete, you must have adequate laydown space to store components between the time they’re delivered to the site and lifted into place. Therefore, precast might not be a good option for very tight/cramped or sloping construction sites.

In: Civil Engineering

(1) Select the lightest, rectangular Douglas fir section for the cantilever beam of15- ft span that...

(1) Select the lightest, rectangular Douglas fir section for the cantilever beam of15- ft span that will carry a uniform load of 450 lb/ft. [Hint: V max = wL; Mmax = wL2/2]

In: Civil Engineering

•by drawing to explain what effective working width of bridge deck is •what is a steel...

•by drawing to explain what effective working width of bridge deck is
•what is a steel concrete beam bridge? list three kinds of connectors by drawing

In: Civil Engineering

City Q has an average water consumption of 22000 m3 / day. Jar tests have indicated...

City Q has an average water consumption of 22000 m3 / day. Jar tests have indicated that 33 mg / L of hydrated aluminum sulphate "alum" [Al2 (SO4) 3.14H2O] is the optimum dosage required to treat the water supply to this town. The additional alkalinity used is HCO3-. The natural alkalinity in the untreated water source is 57 mg / L as CaCO3. Use the coagulation reaction to:
a. Determine the amount of coagulant used per day (in kg / day)
b. Determine the amount of precipitant generated per day (in kg / day).
c. How much alkalinity is being consumed during the coagulation / flocculation process (in mg / L CaCO3)? Is the natural alkalinity level adequate?

In: Civil Engineering

correct statement about contaminant transport? Advection refers to contaminant transport with flowing water. Both diffusion and...

correct statement about contaminant transport?

  1. Advection refers to contaminant transport with flowing water.
  2. Both diffusion and mechanical disperion are associated with concentration gradient.
  3. Sorption refers to the process of contaminants sorbed to the solid phase.
  4. Sorption process follows a linear sorption isotherm in the range of high concentration of contaminant.

In: Civil Engineering

(e) Discuss how the systems approach could be used to carry out any task at that...

(e) Discuss how the systems approach could be used to carry out any task at that phase.

(f) What role do analytical tools play in the use of the systems approach to carry out that task?

          (g) What feedback does the engineer typically provide to engineers at the preceding phases?

In: Civil Engineering

Select the incorrect statements about the flexible wall permeameter. Principle stresses are controlled. Sidewall leakage is...

Select the incorrect statements about the flexible wall permeameter.

  1. Principle stresses are controlled.
  2. Sidewall leakage is avoided.
  3. Chemical reaction may take place between membrane and liquid in soil samples.
  4. All of above.
  1. Select the correct statement about mechanisms responsible for stress cracking in geomembrane (GM).
  1. Development of friction forces along the side slope.
  2. Hydration process in liner system
  3. Localized subsidence induced by poorly compacted solid waste
  4. Generation of wrinkles due to poorly installation and thermal expansion.

In: Civil Engineering

Consider a 400-MW, 32 percent efficient coal-fired power plant that uses cooling water withdrawn from a...

Consider a 400-MW, 32 percent efficient coal-fired power plant that uses cooling water withdrawn from a nearby river (with an upstream flow of 10-m3/s and temperature 20 °C) to take care of waste heat. The heat content of the coal is 8,000 Btu/lb, the carbon content is 60% by mass, and the sulfur content is 2% by mass.

  1. How much electricity (in kWh/yr) would the plant produce each year?
  2. How many pounds per hour of coal would need to be burned at the plant?
  3. Estimate the annual carbon emissions from the plant (in metric tons C/year).
  4. Convert the carbon emissions to g C/kJ of energy produced. Compare your answer to that in Problem 2.7 of Homework 3 for petroleum combustion, and Example 2-3 for methane combustion. Comment on why coal is considered the “dirtiest” fossil fuel!
  5. If the cooling water is only allowed to rise in temperature by 10 °C, what flow rate (in m3/s) from the stream would be required? Is this sustainable? What would you recommend?
  6. What would be the river temperature if all the waste heat was transferred to the river water assuming no heat losses during transfer? Would that be a problem? Why or why not.
  7. Estimate the hourly SO2 emissions (in kg/h) from the plant assuming that all the sulfur is oxidized to SO2during combustion.
  8. What would be the problem in releasing SO2 to the atmosphere? Is sulfur dioxide a regulated priority pollutant? If yes, report the NAAQS?
  9. How would you propose to remove sulfur dioxide at the power plant?
  10. Report on the required efficiency (in removal %) of the SO2 scrubber, if the plant is only allowed to emit the legal limit of 0.6 lb SO2 per million Btu of heat input.
  11. How much particulate matter could be released (in kg/year particulates) if the plant met New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) that limit particulate emissions to 0.03 lb per 106 Btu heat?
  12. Comment on the sources of particulates in the plant emissions? We have seen a dramatic decrease in particulate emissions since the 1970 Clean Air Act. How are particulate emissions controlled at stationary sources?

In: Civil Engineering

A trapezoidal channel has a base of 25 ft and side-slopes of 1v:3h. It has a...

A trapezoidal channel has a base of 25 ft and side-slopes of 1v:3h. It has a manning n = 0.022 and α = 1.22. The slope of the channel is 0.323%.   What are the nominal and critical depths if the flow is 500 cfs? What type of profile will the channel have if the depth of flow entering the channel is 1.2ft?

In: Civil Engineering

1_How economic development can impact trip generation? Sketch the relationship between them (write between 100-150 words)   ...

1_How economic development can impact trip generation? Sketch the relationship between them (write between 100-150 words)                            [10 marks]

2_What are the major elements in calculating the future trips and why it’s important to have the number of trips (write between 50-100 words)

In: Civil Engineering

A trapezoidal channel has a base of 25 ft and side-slopes of 1v:3h. It has a...

A trapezoidal channel has a base of 25 ft and side-slopes of 1v:3h. It has a manning n = 0.022 and α = 1.22. The slope of the channel is 0.323%.   What are the nominal and critical depths if the flow is 500 cfs? What type of profile will the channel have if the depth of flow entering the channel is 1.2ft?

In: Civil Engineering

how can u partner in a 2 storey construction project as a general contractor? describe the...

how can u partner in a 2 storey construction project as a general contractor? describe the extent to which any other person or group maybe partnering on project. what are challenges and benefits to any partnering that is occuring? what is preventing any further partnering?

In: Civil Engineering