Company Name: Emaar Properties UAE Firstly, identify your workplace and department 1)    We assume that your organization...

Company Name: Emaar Properties UAE

Firstly, identify your workplace and department

1)    We assume that your organization has the best Business Ethics if so explain how your organization is satisfying all the external and internal stake holders like products, operations, markets, industry, and outcomes, Customers, Investors, Employees, Suppliers, Government agencies, Communities, Media, trade associations, and special interest groups

2)    Please Explain the extent to which your Organizational businesses ethics strategically meet their economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic social responsibilities

Note : Plagiarism is prohibited please do not copy from internet answer approximatly 700 word

In: Operations Management

Sam, one of your senior professionals, has resigned unexpectedly to join one of your competitors. He...

Sam, one of your senior professionals, has resigned unexpectedly to join one of your competitors. He was responsible for transaction with Magnolia Corporation, where he has a close relationship with the CEO, J.W. Crawford. You know there is a good chance that Magnolia might go with Sam, if you do not put a n experienced and knowledgeable person on the account. This is your largest account and you do not want to lose it. In the past both the company and Sam have made a lot of money from various deals with Magnolia.

Your know from Sam’s client notes and from your previous visits to Magnolia, that J.W. belongs to the ‘old school’ and is most comfortable to do business with “one of the boys”. Last year when Sam was visiting Magnolia, he went on a hunting trip with J.W. The final night of the trip J.W. surprised them with a “special treat”. He invited a stripper to entertain them after a long dinner and plenty of drinks. On another occasion when Sam was there with Elaine Jones, who is a senior person at your firm, J.W. paid little attention to what she had to say and kept referring to her as “honey”. ON her way out of his office, J.W. gave her a pat on her behind.

Elaine is really the only person who knows J.W.’s business and has the expertise an seniority to takes Sam’s place. Ordinarily there would be no question of her taking over the account, because of her experience and her track record. Elaine is not known to turn down lucrative deals. However, knowing what you know about J.W., you wonder if she’s the person for the job.

Answer the questions below in short, one paragraph or bullet point style answers.


1. What is the ethical dilemma or what are the conflicting values at stake?
2. Who are the -immediate and indirect- stakeholders?
3. Analyze the ethical dilemma from the perspective of each of the following decision-making approaches:

a. Consequentialist

b. Deontological

c. Virtue Ethics

4. What would you do? Justify your answer based on your analysis in Question 2.

In: Operations Management

Susan runs a store that sells furniture. One day, Brittney, a customer, walks in the store....

Susan runs a store that sells furniture. One day, Brittney, a customer, walks in the store. After looking around the store, Brittney approaches Susan to buy an expensive wooden chair for $1,200. Susan gives Brittney a written contract for the purchase of the chair, which Brittney reads.

While Brittney is reading the contract, Susan tells Brittney, “If you sign now, we can also deliver to you a free luxury wooden table to go with the chair.”

Brittney tells Sarah, “Oh that would be perfect,” and signs the written contract for the purchase of the chair.

A week later, Brittney receives the chair by delivery, but not the table.

Upset, Brittney goes back to the store to confront Susan. Susan tells Brittney that, “Sorry, we ran out of luxury tables. And our written contract only mentions the luxury chair which we have delivered, and the $1,200 which you have paid.”

Susan refuses to give Brittney the luxury table.

Advise Brittney if she can enforce Susan’s oral promise to give Brittney the luxury table. Please only use the material in Contracts 2 to answer the question. Do NOT discuss terms and representations and/or conditions or warranties in your answer.

Please also note: a written contract, has been formed.   


In: Operations Management

Knowledge can be thought of as the combined result of a person’s experiences and the information...

Knowledge can be thought of as the combined result of a person’s experiences and the information they processes

discuss the benefits and the types of applications relating to knowledge management

list and provide a brief description of knowledge management applications

In: Operations Management

What if you forecasted a demand, but it was incorrect (then what)?

What if you forecasted a demand, but it was incorrect (then what)?

In: Operations Management

Describe the various sources of political risk. Provide an example of each form. Answer: We can...

Describe the various sources of political risk. Provide an example of each form. Answer: We can classify political risk according to the actions or events that cause it to arise, including:

In: Operations Management

In POLS Public Policy class : what theory best explains what many people call a "failed...

In POLS Public Policy class :
what theory best explains what many people call a "failed drug war" policy for 40 years?

In: Operations Management

What is YOUR leadership legacy today? What do you want your leadership legacy to be 10...

What is YOUR leadership legacy today? What do you want your leadership legacy to be 10 years – 20 years – 30 years from now? How can you orchestrate your leadership experiences to help you achieve your leadership legacy? As you ponder this question, consider developing your own A to Z chart.

In: Operations Management

UPS and FedEx Case Study Success for a company comes in many different forms. It could...

UPS and FedEx Case Study

Success for a company comes in many different forms. It could be the bottom line, expanding market share, or pushing the boundaries of sustainability. Using the FedEx and UPS Documentary case study video and your own research, analyze the effect that either UPS or FedEx has had on the modern economy. When you are finished with your research, list and explain at least two effects that the company has had on the economy. Focusing on the company you chose to analyze, do you think it is positioned to remain an industry leader, or will it become stagnant? Explain your reasoning.

You can count this as 2 questions. Please make sure you write at least 500 words but not more than 550.

In: Operations Management

How does operations enhance a small company’s competitiveness. Discuss the nature of the operations process for...

How does operations enhance a small company’s competitiveness.

Discuss the nature of the operations process for both products and services.

Discuss how quality affects a business that sells products as well as a business that sells services. What type of service do you expect from a company that sells a product?

In: Operations Management

You have developed a HIT implementation strategy, determined a way to quantify and communicate your strategy,...

You have developed a HIT implementation strategy, determined a way to quantify and communicate your strategy, found a way to implement your strategy, and identified ways to improve upon the strategy you implemented all focused on optimal:

  • Patient care
  • HIT user satisfaction
  • HIT use efficiency and effectiveness

In: Operations Management

What is the leadership lesson from the story of Shackleton and the Endurance – is this...

What is the leadership lesson from the story of Shackleton and the Endurance – is this a story of success or failure? As you ponder this question, reflect on other situations where the primary goals was not achieved, but given the situation (and the use of the “yes, and” concept) ad-hoc goals and objectives were required. What can we learn from Shackleton that we cannot learn from those who were successful in achieving their primary goals?

In: Operations Management

please by deatiels ! : Describe the following depend on HR course - Describe how  job analysis...

please by deatiels ! : Describe the following depend on HR course

- Describe how  job analysis is different from job analysis document

- main differences between public and private agencies

- differences between achievement tests and work samples

In: Operations Management

Which of the following considerations is a factor in deciding which forecasting model a firm should...

Which of the following considerations is a factor in deciding which forecasting model a firm should choose? Question 3 options: Accuracy required All of the above Analyst availability Data availability Time horizon to forecast

In: Operations Management

You are a manager and are hiring a specialized member of a close-knit toothpaste sales team...

You are a manager and are hiring a specialized member of a close-knit toothpaste sales team that is mostly made up of white Midwesterners. The person you are currently interviewing seems like she was born in a foreign country, and you’re a little worried she won’t fit in with the team. Legally, can you ask her whether she is American (2 points)? Why or why not would this be legally restricted (4 points)? What could you ask instead that would address your concerns (6 points)? If you hired this person, what benefits do you think this might bring to the group (at least two, 10 points)? Explain at least two tactics you would use to effectively manage the diversity this would introduce so the team can realize these benefits (at least two, 8 points).

In: Operations Management