7-2 Final Project: Business Plan Milestone Seven: Exit Strategy, Executive Summary, Reference List, & The Complete...

7-2 Final Project: Business Plan Milestone Seven: Exit Strategy, Executive Summary, Reference List, & The Complete Business Plan

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First, complete a brief succession plan. What are your long-term intentions for the business? How will investors get their money back?

Second, prepare your executive summary. The executive summary should be a one- to two-page overview of your entire plan. The executive summary should include an overview of your company information, the market opportunity that you've identified, and financial data such as financial forecasts, equity investment desired, and any long-term loans that will be needed.

Third, prepare a comprehensive reference page with all sources listed in APA format.

Last, compile all the milestones to put together a complete Business Plan. The final business plan will include all previous milestone elements, revised according to feedback received throughout this course. This milestone should be submitted by the end of Module Seven.

To complete this assignment, review the prompt and grading rubric in the Final Project Guidelines And Rubric document. When you have finished your work, submit the assignment here for grading and instructor feedback.

My business plan is a hair salon.

In: Operations Management

The use of automated machines and investment in technology to reduce the number of employees is...

The use of automated machines and investment in technology to reduce the number of employees is an attempt to ______ productivity.









In ______ scheduling, jobs are scheduled in the order in which they are received, while in ______, the job with the earliest promised delivery date is scheduled first.


shortest operating time; earliest due date


earliest due date; first come-first served


first come-first served; shortest operating time


first come-first served; earliest due date

Based on the tangibility of products, there are three product categories: ______.


make-to-order, make-to-stock, make-to-custom


tangible, intangible, mixed


make-to-order, make-to-stock, assemble-to-order


services, products, manufacturing

The notion that 20% of the reasons for out-of-control performance cause 80% of quality problems is called the ______.




strategic cloud


balanced scorecard


Pareto principle

If you reduce labor costs and improve outputs, you are going to have ______ productivity.









Answering questions such as “Which employees will make which products?” “When, how, and where will they be produced?” and “How many of each will be produced?” is part of ______.









All of the following are ways to increase productivity EXCEPT ______.


increase the value of the outputs but maintain the value of the inputs


increase the value of the outputs but decrease the value of the inputs


maintain the value of the outputs but decrease the value of the inputs


decrease the value of the outputs but maintain the value of the inputs

A cellular layout is best suited to which of the following industries?


on-site customer work


manufacturing industry




food prep/office work areas

Based on customer involvement, there are three product categories: ______.


tangible, intangible, mixed


make-to-order, make-to-stock, assemble-to-order


services, products, manufacturing


make-to-order, make-to-stock, make-to-custom

Operations is the function concerned with ______.


transforming resource inputs into product outputs


making sure that the organization stays within budget


collecting feedback from customers


advertising products

In: Operations Management

how does steve (owner of apple) made the decisions ? after that can you tell me...

how does steve (owner of apple) made the decisions ? after that can you tell me your own thoughts about it if you agree or not?
thank you

how does steve ;( owner of apple )makes the decisions in the company ?

In: Operations Management

One unit of A is made of three units of B, one unit of C, and...

One unit of A is made of three units of B, one unit of C, and two units of D. B is composed of two units of E and one unit of D. C is made of one unit of B and two units of E. E is made of one unit of F. Items B, C, E, and F have one-week lead times; A and D have lead times of two weeks. Assume that lot-for-lot (L4L) lot sizing is used for Items A, B, and F; lots of size 50, 50, and 200 are used for Items C, D, and E, respectively. Items C, E, and F have on- hand (beginning) inventories of 10, 50, and 150, respectively; all other items have zero beginning inventory. We are scheduled to receive 10 units of A in Week 2, 50 units of E in Week 1, and also 50 units of F in Week 1. There are no other scheduled receipts. If 30 units of A are required in Week 8. Find the necessary planned order releases for all components. You can use the attached Excel file for this question.

In: Operations Management

(a)     Suggest suitable measures of productivity for a law firm. (b)    Is it feasible to utilize...

(a)     Suggest suitable measures of productivity for a law firm.

(b)    Is it feasible to utilize the measures indicated in (a) for assessing/improving the quality of services provided by the firm? Why?

(c)     Why is it difficult to measure productivity of a law firm?

(d)    Can single-factor productivity measures provide a better insight than a multi-factor productivity measure? Justify your argument.

(e)     Why an increase in production might not yield an increase in productivity?

(questions can be answered in forms of bullet points)

In: Operations Management

What should employees do and not do? What behavior is ethical and unethical? These questions refer...

What should employees do and not do? What behavior is ethical and unethical? These questions refer to measures of performance in the area of ______.









What is the level of contributions expected of employees? How many units should employees produce to earn their pay? These questions refer to measures of performance in the area of ______.









Preliminary, concurrent, rework, and damage controls are analogous to which of the following in that order?


inputs, outputs, transformation process, stakeholder satisfaction


inputs, outputs, stakeholder satisfaction, transformation process


inputs, transformation process, outputs, stakeholder satisfaction


transformation process, stakeholder satisfaction, inputs, outputs

The formula “performance = ability × motivation × resources” is part of ______.




management counselling




Employee Assistance Program

______ is the process of giving motivational feedback to maintain and improve performance, while ______ is the process of giving employees feedback so they realize that a problem is affecting their job performance.


Discipline; coaching


Discipline; management counseling


Coaching; discipline


Coaching; management counseling

You want to find out more about the assets and liabilities of a company. You should ask to see the ______.


operational budget


assets budget


balance sheet


income statement

______ is corrective action taken to get employees to meet standards, while ______ is the process of giving employees feedback so they realize that a problem is affecting their job performance.


Management counseling; discipline


Discipline; management counseling


Discipline; coaching


Coaching; discipline

You want to have an idea of the spending and revenue of a company. You should ask for the ______.


balance sheet


assets budget


income statement


operational budget

Before work starts, this type of control is used.


concurrent control


preliminary control


rework control


damage control

A ______ is a planned quantitative allocation of resources for specific activities.









In: Operations Management

COVID-19 has triggered multiple risks across global supply chains. Describe key supply chain risks caused/triggered by...

COVID-19 has triggered multiple risks across global supply chains. Describe key supply chain risks caused/triggered by COVID-19 and indicate relevant reactive risk mitigation strategies that can be adopted to minimize losses associated with this pandemic.

In: Operations Management

The role of the manager in a global enterprise includes the ability to adapt to the...

The role of the manager in a global enterprise includes the ability to adapt to the political, legal, and cultural nuances of a global environment. As the global enterprise environment continues to evolve, managers must be familiar with how to recognize impending changes in order to align the organization to meet global management and competitive challenges. Further, as obstacles arise, managers in the global integrated enterprise must be adept at creating viable, global organizational cultures that meet the needs of their company and workforce. In this assignment, you will consider the competencies, mindset, strategies, and obstacles to overcome for effective global management.

Discuss the relationship between competencies, mindset, and management strategies in relation to overcoming obstacles for effective management in the global integrated enterprise. Include the following in your paper:

  1. A discussion of competencies required for effective global management.
  2. A discussion of the management mindset required for effective global management.
  3. A discussion of the primary strategies utilized for effective global management.
  4. A discussion of the obstacles to overcome for effective global management.
  5. A discussion that synthesizes management competencies, mindset, and strategies in relation to overcoming obstacles for effective global management.

In: Operations Management

(a)     Is it viable for organizations to change their mission and/or strategy in order to mitigate...

(a)     Is it viable for organizations to change their mission and/or strategy in order to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 pandemic? Why?

(b)    What are the key challenges associated with devising a new mission/strategy?

(c)     If American University of Sharjah plans to offer online programs, will it require making changes to the mission and/or strategy of AUS? Recommend suitable changes.

In: Operations Management

(a) How could TQM (total quality management) tools be used for improving the service quality of...

(a) How could TQM (total quality management) tools be used for improving the service quality of an airline (provide specific examples illustrating the use of specific tools)? (b) Provide examples of internal and external failure costs relevant to an airline. (c) There are four categories of costs of quality. Which categories are captured in the quality loss function? Which category is relatively difficult to measure? Why?

(questions can be answered in bullet points)

In: Operations Management

Good day please assist with my business management assignment Project (60) marks Making reference to an...

Good day

please assist with my business management assignment

Project (60) marks

Making reference to an organisation that you are familiar with:

QUESTION 1 (20) marks

Provide a detailed explanation with examples of the market/task environment of the organisation you selected.

QUESTION 2 (20) marks

Identify and detail the activities and initiatives of the following functional areas of management in the organisation you chose.

 The Human Resources Function

 The Marketing Function

 Purchasing Function

 Operations function

QUESTION 3 (20) marks

Provide a detailed discussion of FIVE (5) management challenges faced by the selected organisation.

In: Operations Management

1. As manager in an organisation, explain the channel(s) you would use in communicating the following...

1. As manager in an organisation, explain the channel(s) you would use in communicating the following information: a. That an esteemed colleague has died overnight. b. That there will be a change to the weekly meeting time next week. c. That “some staff members” have been skipping their designated duties. d. That four staff members are to be retrenched over the following month. e. That the employer has granted all employees an immediate 15% pay rise. f. That a serious external issue threatens the existence of the organisation.

2. a. What do you consider to be your strengths as a communicator? b. What do you see as your main weaknesses as a communicator? c. What can you do to further develop your skills as a communicator?

In: Operations Management

Think of either a successful or failed communication in which you were involved as either the...

Think of either a successful or failed communication in which you were involved as either the sender or the receiver. Refer to the process model of communication and identify some of the factors that may have contributed to the successful communication or miscommunication. If it was a miscommunication, suggest how it may have been prevented.

In: Operations Management

1.ABC Bank is facing a financial crisis due to the simultaneous run of customers to the...

1.ABC Bank is facing a financial crisis due to the simultaneous run of customers to the bank to convert their deposits in cash. With this situation, explain in your own words the reasons that drove the depositors to act in such a way. Assume you’re a top manager at the bank; explain what are the options that the management has that will save them from being insolvent due to the massive withdrawals. And Financial institutions in Bahrain are highly regulated and monitored by the CBB. In your own words, explain how the CBB applies regulatory and monitoring authority in order to manage the financial institutions in the Kingdom. For your answer, refer to the current situation that is taking place; explain how does and will the CBB help protect the economy of the Kingdom. Furthermore, There are many situations that may contribute to the inflation of an economy where the volatility and uncertainty can lead to lower levels of investments. With regards to the current situation that is taking place around the world, many stores and businesses in the Kingdom of Bahrain and around the world were faced to close their doors to customers for at least two weeks. Explain in your own words, how these businesses and financial institutions will make up for the losses they are or may face. Will these businesses and financial institutions cause inflation within the economy? Explain. And Monopoly is a market structure characterized by a single seller, selling a unique product in the market. In a monopoly market, the seller faces no competition, as he is the sole seller of goods with no close substitute. Monopoly typically has an unfair advantage since they are either the only provider of a product or control most of the market share or customers for the product. Although monopolies might differ from industry-to-industry, they tend to share similar characteristics. Discuss at least three (3) of these characteristics in your own words. Moreover, Over the short term, the financial crisis of 2008 affected the banking sector by causing banks to lose money on mortgage defaults, interbank lending to freeze, and credit to consumers and businesses to dry up. For the much longer term, the financial crisis impacted banking by spawning new regulatory actions. Furthermore, some believe that commercial banks where more fragile during the crisis which made them at more risk of a bank run. In your opinion, discuss whether you agree or not and why.

CBB = central bank.

In: Operations Management

What is the difference between a valid and an invalid complaint? Give an example of each....

  1. What is the difference between a valid and an invalid complaint? Give an example of each.
  2. What is the difference in how these are treated from a customer service standpoint?

In: Operations Management